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Welcome to Genius Trust INC


As you can afford to save each month and stick to it. We can help you sort things out and make the appropriate decisions to meet your goals in a timely fashion. Genius Trust launched an investment program of the worldwide independent financial groups with a single objective to invest in the futures market.




103 - 130% Daily for 1 days MIN: $10 MAX: $400,000

108 - 200% Daily for 3 days MIN: $10 MAX: $400,000

114 - 275% Daily for 5 days MIN: $10 MAX: $400,000

124 - 370% Daily for 7 days MIN: $10 MAX: $400,000

148 - 700% Daily for 15 days MIN: $10 MAX: $400,000

200 - 1500% Daily for 30 days MIN: $10 MAX: $400,000


Accept: LR, PM


Join here: https://geniustrust.net/?ref=zozo278


The only ROI i think would be sustainable inhere is the one for the minimum deposit while others would be totally unsustainable.guys to me the best thing to do inhere would majorly be to skip the program because their ship days is numbered.


I don't think that your advice is good and truth because I see that this site have script very good and it too have approved in almost monitors now, very many monitors approved for this site with "Paying" status and I too see that have had very many investors received payment here, if as with your idea, they will lose chances to invest when site still is paying and sure that they will be stupid as you, it is really funny for your posts.


I see that it is same in many forums and many threads, I think that you should note again with your posts, it will be not good for approving payment by mods!


@Xetang:i think that vogal word you used is for you.so what you are saying is that 200% after 3days would be sustainable.For your information i have been into investment for the past 2 years and i dont try to mislead guys just because of my selfish gain.you said the site is good then where are they presently since the site is currently unavailable and what i saw is this:

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in header.tpl line 3]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'var' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 553) in /home/geniustr/public_html/inc/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1102"

You better learn to use better words when addressing people even though i know you ain't matured.guys please stay away.

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