uncle gober Posted July 6, 2017 Posted July 6, 2017 Really, in addition to using a demo account as a place to practice and learn, we can also use it to be able to arrange the trading plan that we have in order to become better. And can be more confident again when running trading activities by using a real account. Quote
gaban Posted July 6, 2017 Posted July 6, 2017 Really, in addition to using a demo account as a place to practice and learn, we can also use it to be able to arrange the trading plan that we have in order to become better. And can be more confident again when running trading activities by using a real account. Because with a lot of learning and training, then gradually will lead to understanding and pengatahuan that can help us to run trading in a real account well, and can also haunt us in getting profits easily achieved Quote
pepy Posted July 8, 2017 Posted July 8, 2017 Real account is a place to get money and demo account is the place to get experience or to do training or trial. Basically demo account is the most suitable place for new traders, but real account is the place where people can get money and the most favourite account but a risky place for traders. Quote
myregister Posted July 9, 2017 Posted July 9, 2017 Real account is a place to get money and demo account is the place to get experience or to do training or trial. Basically demo account is the most suitable place for new traders, but real account is the place where people can get money and the most favourite account but a risky place for traders. In reality, demo account actually made for something like that. Real account is the place for trader to get the real money, just like the name of the account, REAL account. To be honest in both of account you can hone the skill you have, however when you hone your strategy in real account you may lose your money(the real money) as the process of honing the skill. Quote
Sininfinity Posted July 11, 2017 Posted July 11, 2017 True, the demo trading it will be good means of this exercise can maximize our trading skills and maximize our profit potential later in the real account. Also make sure to know all the risks in this forex. So for forex trading on the run try to understand in a way to understand forex to run it With demo account we can also learn about how to maintain our risk. We can use the amount we intend to use on a live account and there we can use proper risk management and see how much growth we can do to that demo account. It will show how potentially our capital will work on a live account. Quote
myregister Posted July 11, 2017 Posted July 11, 2017 With demo account we can also learn about how to maintain our risk. We can use the amount we intend to use on a live account and there we can use proper risk management and see how much growth we can do to that demo account. It will show how potentially our capital will work on a live account. Just like its purpose when first time created, demo account is a good place for that and also for anyone who tend to make a careless mistake. When mistake happened in real account, all the losses are real makes it not really suitable for newcomers who usually make that kind of mistake. But in the end it's real account the ultimate purpose for all traders. Quote
gaban Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 Just like its purpose when first time created, demo account is a good place for that and also for anyone who tend to make a careless mistake. When mistake happened in real account, all the losses are real makes it not really suitable for newcomers who usually make that kind of mistake. But in the end it's real account the ultimate purpose for all traders. Demo trading is one of the benefits for us to run trading with learning, demo account makes us able to understand for how to work properly and properly. The success of a forex trading that we run must be more dependent on the skill of trading ability owned by each trader respectively Quote
uncle gober Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 I really agree with that. Traders should be able to take advantage of demo accounts with the best possible in order to better to be able to improve the ability of better trading. Therefore I use Tickmill demo account because it can give good support to the trader Quote
Sininfinity Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Just like its purpose when first time created, demo account is a good place for that and also for anyone who tend to make a careless mistake. When mistake happened in real account, all the losses are real makes it not really suitable for newcomers who usually make that kind of mistake. But in the end it's real account the ultimate purpose for all traders. When a mistake is made on a real account then trader suffers loss. But on a demo trader does not but also because of that reason trader becomes careless. Though they should not be. The main purpose of trading on a demo is to learn things which will give profit on a real account. Quote
uncle gober Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Really, traders should be able to take advantage of demo accounts with the best possible, this is done so that traders can for better in improving trading skills, virtual funds used in demo accounts should be able to make traders become more focused to practice without thinking about the risks Is in forex. Quote
Dion Ebrahim Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 That’s correct Gober, it is just not possible to maintain success IF we are not good enough as traders. So, it is vital to have sufficient knowledge and experience in order to make money and to do it consistently. I find it fairly easily under broker like OctaFX who have superb setup including having demo contests like cTrader and Champion through which we can gain quite a lot and also able to win prizes, so that enables one to work very nicely. Quote
gaban Posted July 19, 2017 Posted July 19, 2017 Because forex business that has a high risk, so traders are difficult to be directly maximal in running the trading. For that need with the process that we run as in a demo account in the learning phase well to better know forex to run with profitable in his real account Quote
pepy Posted July 20, 2017 Posted July 20, 2017 Because forex business that has a high risk, so traders are difficult to be directly maximal in running the trading. For that need with the process that we run as in a demo account in the learning phase well to better know forex to run with profitable in his real account I agree with you and demo account is the most suitable place for that purpose since learning require trial and error. Actually honing the skill is the same in real and demo acccount since inside both of the account we can trade, but demo account has better properties rather than real account whic make it as the 1st place for trader to train. Quote
myregister Posted July 22, 2017 Posted July 22, 2017 I agree with you and demo account is the most suitable place for that purpose since learning require trial and error. Actually honing the skill is the same in real and demo acccount since inside both of the account we can trade, but demo account has better properties rather than real account whic make it as the 1st place for trader to train. Yes, demo account is the most suitable place for the newbie to train their analytical skills and improve their risk management, for experts this place is a very good place to do experiment or testbed. For someone who loves to test expert advisor, they can use this account to make a more accurate view how this robot works and their implication in real trading. Quote
pepy Posted August 25, 2017 Posted August 25, 2017 In demo account, we can hone our strategy and skills or even put the experimental automated strategy into the platform without worry to lose our capital, but in real account the loss is real so it is better to be wise for us when want to hone our skill there. I prefer to make money there but we cannot deny the fact at the same time I hone my skill there. Quote
cokodot Posted August 25, 2017 Posted August 25, 2017 Technical and fundamental analysis, should take advantage of our trading ability, so that the target can be achieved and profit results do not disappoint. Trade forex with a demo trading account online and test your trading strategies under real market conditions. Open a demo account and access trading platforms. Quote
Morning star Posted August 30, 2017 Posted August 30, 2017 I've been watching the market for a long time and now I understand something. As for me, I want to trade, using an affiliate program. At the moment I'm dealing with lightforex, Will see what they got to offer. Quote
gaban Posted September 1, 2017 Posted September 1, 2017 To hone the skill of trading ability is important for every trader, because more profit to maximal skill trading has. With that, traders will always have to run the exercise if possible want to be able to profit consistently Quote
cokodot Posted September 4, 2017 Posted September 4, 2017 Good psychology will indeed help us to be able to trade well. therefore we need to have good psychology . Practise trading risk free under real market conditions with a free practice stock trading account. Open a practice account to develop and test your trading strategies. Quote
uncle gober Posted September 12, 2017 Posted September 12, 2017 that's right, I totally agree with it. traders should be able to have a good and true psychological state in order to better and more leverage in managing trading activities in the real Tickmill account well, and can generate maximum profit and as expected. Quote
gaban Posted September 13, 2017 Posted September 13, 2017 that's right, I totally agree with it. traders should be able to have a good and true psychological state in order to better and more leverage in managing trading activities in the real account well, and can generate maximum profit and as expected. Psychology is very important role, because we already have a good psychology, would be able to run this trading smoothly. And for traders try to step by step to do trading by learning in we understand for this forex well and properly to run in a profitable Quote
uncle gober Posted September 18, 2017 Posted September 18, 2017 I really agree with that. the psychological state of a trader should always be in a good and right, this is necessary so that traders can become better and maximal again in managing funds and risks that exist in the forex with Tickmill dnegan maximum. Quote
gaban Posted September 29, 2017 Posted September 29, 2017 Good skill and psychology can be owned by the trader if the trader continues to learn and practice in understanding the forex market. The more we understand the forex market we will know the behavior of the market and we can respond to it better. And to learn the demo account the role is important for us to practice running the trade well, where that later applied in real trading can we easily on the run Quote
HiskiaTG Posted September 29, 2017 Posted September 29, 2017 Good skill and psychology can be owned by the trader if the trader continues to learn and practice in understanding the forex market. The more we understand the forex market we will know the behavior of the market and we can respond to it better. And to learn the demo account the role is important for us to practice running the trade well, where that later applied in real trading can we easily on the run demo accounts can help prepare and shape a good mentality to become a professional trader. Remember that something done over and over will become a habit. The habit will be the character and character that will be the lifestyle. This demo begins with a demo on the demo. The risk becomes greater if trying to build a good trading character by trading directly in a real account Quote
Sininfinity Posted February 27, 2018 Posted February 27, 2018 In demo account, we can hone our strategy and skills or even put the experimental automated strategy into the platform without worry to lose our capital, but in real account the loss is real so it is better to be wise for us when want to hone our skill there. I prefer to make money there but we cannot deny the fact at the same time I hone my skill there. Demo is an ideal account for many things and we should take advantage of every bit of it. Traders who understand this will continue to do experiments on demo account before going live. Quote
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