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Xtremerichness - Xtremerichness.com


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Link : http://www.xtremerichness.com


XtremeRichness will soon be one of the top best advertising companys useing a new online advertising innovation , where you advertise your existing programs to make more money towards to Xtreme Richness.If you don't have programs to advertise. You can also be an active member and earn percentage on the amount of slots you have with us without doing anything more.



Position : XtremeRichness Three

One Position Cost : $200

Daily Percent : 7%

Expiration Terms : 21 days


Position : XtremeRichness Two

One Position Cost : $100

Daily Percent : 5%

Expiration Terms : 30 days


Position : XtremeRichness One

One Position Cost : $10

Daily Percent : 3%

Expiration Terms : 50 days

Re-Purchase / Compound Strategy : 10/90


Accept : LR, STP, Egopay


Link : http://www.xtremerichness.com

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  • 4 months later...

Recently XtremeRichness has finished successfully it's fourth month online, I think their 70/30 repurchase rule has been proven to be a successful strategy that this program has been around for such a long time, minimum allowed is normal set at $10, within the reach of small investor.

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