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i'm not admin


"Hello, friends. My name is Dave Cannard


..and I am the admin of this Project! I and my team (sorry, but this time without Martin Pavion) created such Projects as 12by12daily.net ( MMG / TG ) and 13dailypro ( MMG / TG ) in distant 2006-2007. And they brought them into industry leaders promise high ROI 12-13% daily 11-12 days ... And we paid! After going 17-20 cycles of 10-12 days for payments to everyone - we really, really tried ...


Each project lasted at least 7 months (including such high promise of 144% in 12 days) .. Many people have multiplied many times their capital in the Projects summary data trusting us. But all such Projects end sooner or later .. But life goes on .. I was not participate in any online project for 6 years and would not still be ... but met a few people from the past and they have convinced me to go back and create the 8th in my online life, the greatest Architectural project (hopefully) with a monthly maximum 330% ROI.

In details I have studied the trends of recent years in this industry - I saw that everything is so bad .. Zero confidence ... and all with similar ROI Projects are 100% scam lives a very short period of time.


But I have principles, reputation, name and purpose. And it consists of the following:


- no huge referral commissions with investors' money. To a maximum of 2%.

- no excessive feeding monitors, the expensive listings and banners of the same investors money. But the best monitor - you, our customers.

- the minimum duration of the Projects will be no less than 7 months! If we can be more and demand - we will be working to a record time in the industry.

- the target is from $ 20,000,000 to $ 100,000,000 of deposits attracted by REAL for the entire period of the project.

- independence from growth in investments. Based on the proposed plan - 4% ROI per day for the withdrawal of the project to breakeven - enough! And such a rate today I can do without Ponzi schemes! And I'll prove it to you in time!

- no hand-written script, paid up votes and displays a lot of money to start. To pay its investors every day - and there is a better indicator of the quality of Projects!

- every two or three days will be posted on the site news, changes and answers to the most discussional questions in the forums and letters.

- And the important thing! 50% return deposit for the users did not receive profits from this Projects at the end.


We will return confidence in the high ROI, Honesty and long life! Let's start visitors .."


Dave Cannard


Plans :


110% Daily After 3 days

119% Daily After 5 days

128% Daily After 7 days

155% Daily After 12 days

210% Daily After 20 days

330% Daily After 30 days


Accept: Liberty Reserve,Perfect Money


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