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I'm not admin.


Its so easy just join and place an ad for anything you want then get paid on that AD and a % of ALL other ads placed. (No need for an ad to make money and No sponsoring required to be paid)


The more traffic Admin and members bring in the more high profile sites want to runs ads.

* Did you know that big companies will spend from $25,000.00 to $500,000.00 for ADS on high traffic sites!

We then take the funds from those high profile sites and split it up with members.

Once we get our Massive AD campaign rolling big companies will place ads on our site.

Be a part a huge profit machine before we go public in a few months then watch US make YOU A FORTUNE!

With over 12 years of marketing experience under our belt and a HUGE budget for advertising our AD site we can promise you years of profits and a chance to become one of the FOUNDING members of a Internet GIANT!

Finally a program you can be proud to show your family and friends and if you do we pay you 15% down 3 levels.


Plan :



Join now: http://www.bampaid.com


i think it is a three tire policy earning site where we should invest and make others join this site am i correct friends . but i think it is some thing different than other hyip sites so please if possible provide me some more details about this hyip and it is not show the statics when the site have launched and withdraws etc .

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