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Forex Price Action – Why did one Price Action Pin work and not the other.



Forex trading pair: EUR CAD , AUD CAD

Many traders asked me, why do you look at so many forex pairs.

This post will be a good reply towards the question.

In the forex chart above, AUD CAD and EUR CAD.

Both pairs have the same denominator pair – CAD.

Therefore, both pairs should be co-related in one way or the other.

In this scenario, both pairs formed a pin bar as highlighted (blue box) on the 150 moving average (orange line).

But what we can see on the end result is that – the Eur Cad price action pin turned out to be a good one with profits taken and the aud cad had no result.

Forex Price Action – Why did one Price Action Pin work and not the other


When trades of co-related pair happens, i would only choose the best one of out the 2 in this example.

And we would have chosen the EUR CAD.


Lets look a little deeper for further analysis.

1) When the aud cad formed the pin bar – there is impending HIGH impact news on the AUD pair. As shown in the top left hand corner of our Asia Forex Mentor news indicator.

2) When we compare both the price action pin bars. The Eur Cad was a better one.

With the opening and closing at the top of the pin bar. And the closed was above the 150 moving average.

The aud cad forex pin bar however looked more like a neutral bar than a pin bar – with its opening and closing in the middle.

3) The Eur Cad had tested the 150 moving average recently before and it held well.

With this 3 factors alone, we would have taken the EUR CAD instead of the AUD CAD. And would have taken profits already as marked in the chart.

So my answer to the question on why do i look at so many forex charts?

- Had we not have the eur cad on our chart and only the aud cad. We would have taken the aud cad and missed out on the Eur Cad.

- The more charts we look at, the more charts we can compare – To choose only the BEST ones.

Thats the reason for our high winning probabilities.

- Our system works on all pairs, which is why we have so many opportunities in the market.

This is just one of the ways on how trade,


Ezekiel Chew

Asia's #1 Forex Mentor

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