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10 days 20% daily

Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $1 - $100 16.00

Plan 2 $101 - $7,000 20.00


20 days 13% daily

Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $1 - $100 10.00

Plan 2 $101 - $7,000 13.00


30 days 12% daily

Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $1 - $100 9.00

Plan 2 $101 - $7,000 12.00


50 days 9% daily

Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $1 - $100 6.00

Plan 2 $101 - $7,000 9.00


Payaments: Payza and Libertyreserve

Instant Payaments

Referral:Level 1- 7% and Level 2-3%

Manual Payment for Payza!


Join now: http://ultracash.org


I think this owner may changing their model and theme because we may see an error on home page of this program. Expect a quick come back by them after a short time. But we may not get any good profit or never expect any capital return from them because their old plans ware simple risky for any. Though anyone can get start with $1 of base but never expect such profit rate of 16%.


I think this owner may changing their model and theme because we may see an error on home page of this program. Expect a quick come back by them after a short time. But we may not get any good profit or never expect any capital return from them because their old plans ware simple risky for any. Though anyone can get start with $1 of base but never expect such profit rate of 16%.

i don't know about that things, but i will wait for this program about one day to see if this site already dead or not, it will be good if admin only change their site script. the plan they offered here is quite nice, 10% per day still make a sense and i think about one or two rounds they will pay.

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