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goldendollarsbux - goldendollarsbux.com

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this site have a lot of sister site, i am afraid if admin cannot manage this site well, actually i don't like this kind of site which offered low click rate while give high minimum payout for us here especially for new members, i think that is why many people still don't get paid here.

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I guess its foolish to join this site. Just look at the site minimum 5 dollars and just look at the site rate .1 cents or 1/10th of a cent. That means you need to click 10 ads just to earn 1 cent in here and you need to click 5000 ads just to earn 5 dollars in here. Just imagine 5000 ads. In a one cent per click ptc site 5,000 ads click is already worth 50 dollars!

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The site have not even a single payment maid till now so i think it is really wast yo join this site and more over the admin of the site have kept all privacy and only the registered members can view the ads availability so i think some thing is wrong with this program and our members said the minimum payout is $5 so i think it wont make sense working here .

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Just want to update the stats.

743 Members | 8 Members Online | $0 Paid | 1 Refs for Rent

So far theirs still no payments in here until now this site has 700 plus members already and until now theirs still no payments in here. I'm wondering if this site will going to be a paying ptc site. Anyway I see that theirs only 1 rented referrals available. I'm wondering why. Is its because all free rented referrals has been rented already? or its because those 700 plus members is not real.

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