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Nano Income


NanoIncome.Com Introduction!


Our representatives operate all over the globe thus providing us with a big picture view on the world of finance. As of now we have over 150 qualified employees worldwide.


We invest the funds we receive from our investors. The funds are invested into high growth securities on all major stock markets of the world. We also trade actively on the Forex market. We do not limit our operations only to online trading, we are also involved in a number of offline investment sources that even though are not as profitable as securities and currency trading, are worth investing in. Our program is a short term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.


Investment Plans:


108% after 1 day

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $1 - $10,000 108.00



120% after 2 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 2 $20 - $10,000 120.00



134% after 3 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 3 $30 - $10,000 134.00



146% after 4 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 4 $50 - $10,000 146.00



Accepts: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, Payza


Up to 5% ref. commission


Link: http://nanoincome.com/

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the site has the d dos protection which proves that our money is really safe here and no one is able to stole money from the site.they have got very low funds from the investors which is the sign that the site will not go scam till that time when the investment amount reaches to its peak.

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i am not quite sure with this site since they have high rate just like many hyip site with short term plan offered, i think about 5 days already good enough if they still pay members until that time. about hyip monitors i only see one hyip monitor(Goldpoll) that monitoring them for now, and for the first or second round i am sure they will pay us

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Usually godpoll is the first monitor to find out these sites. So don't be surprised that GP is the only monitor listed at the moment. I am sure there will be many more later. To be honest, this one is not particularly high in terms of the rate. It is only 8 percent profit. Most short term do about 10%. So this one could be safer for a few more days compared to a 10% profit one.

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the site has the d dos protection which proves that our money is really safe here and no one is able to stole money from the site.they have got very low funds from the investors which is the sign that the site will not go scam till that time when the investment amount reaches to its peak.

I check and I can't find ddos protection in here. Can you support your claim that this site has ddos protection? Because when I check I can't find SSL and I can't find ddos protection also and I don't think this site needed this two since this site will just going to turn to scam after few days running so theirs really no use of having ddos in the first place.

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I don't think you can verify by yourself whether the site has DDOS protection. The site may state that it is protected, but you never know. They can just be fake logos are something like that. Even with sites that are protected, they sometimes get attacked seriously. All I would say is that don't be bothered by this. Since this is a short term hyip, it would not be worth paying extra for protection if I were to be the admin.

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Well this site seems like it uses Payza for payments and deposits which i doubt is risky since Payza was supposed to be not involved in such HYIP program's. Though even with such high interests and ROI offers the site does have a paying status in many popular HYIP's so i guess its safe for the time being to apply the hit and run strategy,

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Even now it is more risky to invest first time. Lately the short term hyip are scamming sooner an sooner. Therefore free my round ends tomorrow I don't think I will go back I'm just to be on the safe side. A lot of money is still being deposited in here though.

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