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Our program is intended for people willing to achieve their financial freedom but unable to do so because they're not financial experts.

highcapitol.com is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.





Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

SILVER $5 - $25,000 1.80

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Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

GOLD $40 - $50,000 2.15

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Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

PLATINUM $200 - $50,000 2.45

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Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

EXTRA PLATINUM $300 - $50,000 2.80





The site is utilizing a very simple script and not much professional. And with the plans the best will be the first one, needing only an initial spend of $5 which could be afforded by most investors. And with all the plans it is not clearly indicated whether there is an expiry or not, so profit may be reached after many days staying with them


For me returns promised by the plans are attractive and reasonable and can be sustained for longer period.

Minimum of 5$ being affordable adds to the attraction of this program.

No monitors added yet in rate-us page and site design is not looking good nor the script is impressive.


As per site plans



Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)

SILVER $5 - $25,000 1.80


As per the information stated in the home page of the hyip

All payments are made to your account Daily.

Minimum spend is US$10 and there is no maximum.


Based on the plans the minimum investment is $5 but the script states its $10 looks like the Admin has copied the script from other sites and never bothered to recheck it. Which shows the lower level interest the Admin has in this site


This one looks quite interesting program

and such are its plans 1.8-2.8% daily roi which is attractive as well as sustainable for longer term.

Minimum of 5$ make it affordable for everyone, payment proofs around the forums adds to the attraction.


As per the site home page


All transactions are handled via e-gold. If you don't have an e-gold account, you need to get one.


As per FAQ


Which e-currencies do you accept?

We accept Libertyreserve e-currency.


Looks like the Admin has copied the site script and never bothers to cross check it

  • 2 weeks later...

good one to do some investment in long term...with 1.8% daily I think they will not scam soon..

They have got many funds support from new members everyday and I also see many payments proof here and in other hyip forum


The interest rate is quite decent although there are others that have more than 2% daily but this one is worth investing for sure. The minimum deposit is also only 5$ which is quite affordable. I think I'll get along with this site.


The plans are well structured with the daily ROI of 1.8-2.8% seems reasonably good

Further the minimum investment of $5 seems fairly low when compared with many other hyips which has a minimum investment of $10


little bit high daily interest rate but still reasonable daily interest rate. offer affordable minimum invest and there is payment proof post here, in payment proof section. its very good and moreover, has been get paying status from hyip monitor site.


Hey today iam having problems in opening this site as its not available and has gone offline

I hope the site is having only some short time maintenance problem and awaiting for the site to come back soon


The site is offline at the moment and iam not able to access it and i keep getting the message stating "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to highcapitol.com" when ever i attempt to open it


A very short lived hyip. I never like investing in a hyip that opens in the month of december. And mostly in long term program.


At this early stage,it has start showing not paying status on monitor,this site looks poor,compared to other hyips,it think it should go for better,after did any invest in there?


Well the name of this hyip looks abnormal.HighcapitOL,well since admin brought out this hyip for the xmas period of which is over,he decide that the game is over.Then he hop in the wagon of scam,with investors money and wave goodbye.

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