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Link : http://fxmoneyinc.com


FxMoneyInc is fully brandable investment site we are moved by the most skilled specialists in the field of foreign exchange trading. Our well-disciplined management, which is one of the most sought out and highly recommended one around the world, boosts our level of expertise to a whole new level, which is far beyond what the other investment businesses possess. Years of research and experience in the field of financial business solutions have led us to this point where we are now able to offer our financial services to the online community.



128% after 1 day

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $3 - $150 105.00

Plan 2 $151 - $300 115.00

Plan 3 $301 - $500 120.00

Plan 4 $501 - $1,000 125.00

Plan 5 $1,001 and more 128.00

Calculate your profit >>



220 after 3 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $5 and more 115.00

Plan 2 $5 and more 130.00

Plan 3 $10 and more 150.00

Plan 4 $20 and more 176.00

Plan 5 $100 and more 200.00

Plan 6 $200 and more 220.00

Calculate your profit >>



670 after 7 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $50 and more 300.00

Plan 2 $101 and more 500.00

Plan 3 $1,001 and more 670.00

Calculate your profit >>



10% Daily for 15 Days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $5 and more 10.00

Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 3.40


Accept : LR, PM


Link : http://fxmoneyinc.com


the script looks familiar but the design/template looks well and i must admit that things, and in this area admin did well. as well as the plan that looks profitable for about 1 or 2 rounds, i think you can gain about 8%(minus LR fee) profit if you invest as early bird members here, even they put banner to MNO review but i don't see anything about them there lol

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