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Information about FIRST RESTART! EVERYTHING goes well.



Posted Aug 3rd, 2012


Let's go directly to business. Did you miss this line? We bet you did! Also, we apologize for not being able to send a newsletter this past week, but we have been very busy concentrating on making both the switch and the restart as painless as possible.


The greatest news is that we have completed the switch! When you log into your account, all money earned during the restart and all your existing Tokens will have been converted into an all-new Mint o'Clock Token.


That's right, we only have one Token for now, and it comes with an awesome twist -- everything starts again, today! In other words, even if you have earned in the past, this is day ONE! A fresh start! A lot more money can be made this way; it is not the 300% ROI cap and over, but is instead based on Memberships.


Let us explain more:


Mint o'Clock is an investment token; that is to say, you may invest as much money as you'd like, it won't come in bulks like $50. It is affordable at any amount! To purchase the Token, everyone needs to own either a Buddy, Dragonfly or Premier Membership. Here's the twist:

The Memberships are, from now on, one-time payments! No monthly fees anymore, you choose the outcome. The Memberships are now pure 2x2 Matrices that earn for every 6 Members joined. No monthly fee; whenever you cycle, you enter a new Matrix.


Mint o'Clock is now a 100%; in other words, it is now a profit share. Buddy Holders will earn 50% of every purchase made. To make this clear: whatever money comes into the system on Token sales or Text-and-Banner sales, 50% is divided between every Buddy/Mint o'Clock account holder.

The Token will pay until you've reached 150% of the deposit value. There is no guarantee on how much money you make per day; the system divides actual money into the Mint system.


Dragonfly Holders will earn 65% on every sale made in the system. They will also receive money until 200% ROI is reached.


Premier Members will receive 85% on every sale made in the Mint system. Again, this is regardless if a Token was purchased or an advertisement spot sold. They will keep earning 330% ROI is reached.


Of course, you still need to rate-surf daily in order to earn! Earnings will appear on the account daily at 11:55 PM server time. Nothing has been changed on this point.


Mint wouldn't be as awesome if we didn't offer something special; therefore, every purchase made during the entire month of August will be rewarded with a 10% Bonus Top Up!


Now, something even cooler! Not only can you earn an impressive amount of extra money on the Matrices, but you will be earning until 500% ROI is reached when you decide to own all three Memberships! Remember: no more monthly fees, this is a one-time deal.





1) Only one Token

2) One-time Membership Fee, no more monthly costs

3) Everything is given a new, fresh start

4) Flow Returns of real profits, posted daily at 11:55 PM to your account

5) You are awesome

6) Mint is awesome


Mint up your life!



Best regards! If you have a questions please write!

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