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How to make money with share of buxhovis.org


With Buxhovis.org. price of 1 share = 5$


Everyday you need click 3 ads for received money your share


With 1 share, you will get 0.55$ daily


1 share live in 10 days and after 10 days, share will close.


After 10 days, you get bonus 0.5$/share


That total you got:

(0.55x10)+0.5 = 6$


Ex: you buy 10 shares, after 10 days you can have: (5.5x10)+5 = 60$


Minimum payout $0.5,$2,$10

Pioneer membership is still available!

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that's really great you have got paid by them but i want to that how many you have spent on this site to earn such good income because the ptc ads are only 4 and we can earn only 2 cents daily.is there any other way available in this site from which we can good just like you.

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