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  • Plan A - Daily return is 1%. Matures in 30 business days. Minimum deposit is $10, max deposit is $100.00
  • Plan B - Daily return is 1.1%. Matures in 35 business days. Minimum deposit is $101.00, max deposit is $500.00
  • Plan C - Daily return is 1.2%. Matures in 45 business days. Minimum deposit is $501.00, max deposit is $1,000.00
  • Plan D - Daily return is 1.3%. Matures in 60 business days. Minimum deposit is $1,001.00, max deposit is $2,500.00
  • Plan E - Daily return is 1.4%. Matures in 80 business days. Minimum deposit is $2,501.00, max deposit is $10,000.00
  • Plan F - Daily return is 1.5%. Matures in 105 business days. Minimum deposit is $10,001.00, max deposit is $50,000.00
  • Plan G - Daily return is 1.6%. Matures in 135 business days. Minimum deposit is $50,001.00, max deposit is $250,000.00
  • Plan H - Daily return is 1.7%. Matures in 150 business days. Minimum deposit is $250,001.00, max deposit is $500,000.00
  • Plan K - Daily return is 1.8%. Matures in 180 business days. Minimum deposit is $500,001.00, no max limit.

Join here: http://www.primexcash.com/?ref=U9488280



This is really profitable if you can afford to invest 100 dollars yet seems sustainable, it doesn't seem as my example is just too high so let's lower it to 10 dollars our profit after the end of plan term is three dollars.. In 30 days just three dollars, sustainable right?


Hmm for me i dont think am going to risk a 10 dollar amount for 30 days only to receive 3dollar profit. For sure they programs looks legit and can last very long but the percentage is too low and i dont think it will attract much investors


Hmm for me i dont think am going to risk a 10 dollar amount for 30 days only to receive 3dollar profit. For sure they programs looks legit and can last very long but the percentage is too low and i dont think it will attract much investors

Well that's true, risk 10$ and waiting for just 3$ seems very risky, but it could be very profitable for a very large invest like 100$ if you don't care if you lose them :P


well, this site is one of the promising site that i ever seen from the plan they looks low but stable enough to pay members, and so far i don't see monitors yet, but i am sure they will stay longer with the script and design they have now, also i see they have SSL encryption here, which make me more believe with them


is this program having medium term plans like 1% daily for 30 days ? I see the banner in above the thread , this banner seems strange and I cant understand it , if you can explain it to me please do

  • 2 weeks later...

a paying program for 45 days :D, that is a good thing for many investors which want to invest in this program, i don't have any doubt since the plan and also many thing they have like script and design is quite good one :D, and i see they already passed first round here, so it means good sign for this site


with nice and professional looking design, no doubt if this site now become one of the good hyip that raising and still gaining more popularity from the other investors, i find out the latest payment proof is yesterday and that is a proof if this program still paying and today they reached 48 days :D, nice job admin !


In goldpoll this site is running for 49 days now and has good and paying status until now. Does it means its really pay that much in here? Its a good thing that this site is paying good in here right now. But I'm wondering what will going to happen if I invest now. Will I still going to earn money in here? Or will I going to loss money in here? I feel that the risk is much higher right now.


This is very good and interesting website. So people should come by seeing their impressive design. We can follow their ssl with dedicated server. This program has all abilities by which they should become an elite. All plans are good and staying below 2%. But we need to invest with 1% daily plan and we get monthly basis income. this program is also very good for any senior investor because those who can spend over $100 or $500 must able to gain more profit.

  • 4 weeks later...

This site is paying for 75 days. Its really a good site until now. I'm surprise that theirs no poster in here at all for three weeks. Because this site is really paying good right now. Does it mean that hyip right now is not that popular as it was before? I know hyip site is really hard to check and see if its paying. I'm happy that its paying this long already.


what a good performance that they have here, until now this program still paying since the first time they launched to the public and i see a lot of hyip monitors that monitoring this program and also still have "paying" status for them, and about the payment proof i still can see it in some hyip forums that i visited today

  • 2 weeks later...

Still they are online now. So we have to wait for some real time payout proofs. Hopefully some seniors already got paid from them. This is very bad that we can not see any support from the authority. Because there is no monitor, forum. So the only way left user's proof. After see any payout proof we can get start again.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have seen alot of payment proofs in the thread of payment proofs for this site here and according to these payment proofs which I have seen here I can say that this medium term program is promising , not to mention that the daily interest here is really reasonable , it is just 1% for 30 days .

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