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Fish Farm Fund Ltd welcomes you on the official website. Here one can find all the necessary information about the industrial rearing of sturgeons and the possibility of gaining profits from this activity.


In recent years great attention is paid to the industrial as well as home rearing of sturgeons due to the reduction of quotas for fishing them. That’s why it is not so far when this way of farming sturgeons will be the main source of caviar supply on the world market.


Rearing sturgeons and paddlefish today is the most promising and cost-effective way of gaining profits. It allows using water and land resources systematically and producing high quality and fast-growing sturgeon fish as soon as possible. It is also important that one can rear sturgeons in the immediate vicinity of cities, i.e. places of fish delicacies consumption. In addition to industrial production, rearing of sturgeons at home becomes increasingly popular.


Rearing sturgeons in ponds (sturgeon, bester, and sterlet) enables everyone to control completely the process, so one can make it as effective as possible. Also one has no need for industrial processing of the catch (freezing or canning, for instance) and transport costs are minimized as well. Your consumers can buy live fish almost all year round. It is clear that live fish is much healthier and tastier than the processed one. The above mentioned advantages allow getting high returns on the invested money on a tight schedule. We offer you 2% deposit rate daily for 15 days. At the end of this period deposit becomes available to investors: it can be received or reinvested. The minimum deposit is $ 10. We pay you 7%, the deposit partner.


Investment Plan:

Plan 1 "FFF-15" from $ 10 2.0% daily for 15 days. Interest received on the free balance sheet, return the contribution to the end of the period.

Plan 2 "FFF-30" from $ 10 2.2% daily for 30 days. The deposit at the end of the term.

Plan 3 "FFF-90" from $ 10 2.5% daily for 90 days. The deposit at the end of the term.

Plan 4 "FFF-180" from $ 10 2.8% daily for 180 days. The deposit at the end of the term.

Plan 5 "FFF-365" from $ 10 3.0% daily for 365 days. The deposit at the end of the term.


Payment Option: LibertyReserve, Perfect Money


Link: http://fishfarmfund.biz/


when we visited this site, we need to input what kind interface we want to see here, i think that is unique one in GS monitors their status still paying, but i don't see the payment proof of this program yet, but still they have some news that we can see:


April 30, 2012

Dear Investors!

Due to recent developments in the work site (change of the domain and the restoration of the consequences of hacking), and based on numerous requests from the team, the management of the investment fund Fish Farm Fund Ltd is a meeting to all participants, not had time to create your own deposit and extends until May 15, 2012 !

In addition, we equating the minimum threshold for a deposit. In all the plans he now makes $ 10.

On the issue of recovery of charges remind you that the process goes round the clock, handling logins are in alphabetical order, we have increased the speed of processing up to 108,000 pieces per day or 4500 per hour charges (75 charges per minute). Understand 70,000 accounts are not a contribution, and many more and left without debt charges reached 8 days. Approximate number of charges for treatment are:

70000 (accounts) x 3 (input to the average) x 8 (days) = 1680000.

Now that you understand how much work we need to do to fully restore all accounts. At the time of writing news logins are handled with the letter «r». 2-3 days to be completed processing the remaining eight letters. Logins prescribed national letters processed at the end.

On the issue of restoring the site on the domain «com» ​​negotiations are not finished, we publish the final response to host:


We keep getting spam reports from your site. This is a violation of our terms of use.

Double opt-in

email marketing is allowed. Spamming is not.

Kindest Regards, Administrator "

Apparently, our notification letters to you are regarded as aggressive spam.

Given the above calculations on the number of charges it's really a huge amount for them.

We promise to do everything possible to strengthen the stability of our work together!


Just wondering what does "FFF" means in here. Our investment will be locked out in here because it can be withdrawn after the plan term end. But the ROI is very attractive in here and profitable.


Just wondering what does "FFF" means in here. Our investment will be locked out in here because it can be withdrawn after the plan term end. But the ROI is very attractive in here and profitable.


are you sure ? if that is right , i will not join this site . this site is new so may be the admin planning to continue for some time online but for me i cant invest here although the attractive roi .

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