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Sincerely to me the decrease in post rate isn't because the admin doesn't have funds to pay or have we forgotten that the forum is been supported by GT.i think post rate decrease is as a result of decrease in post quality.


Date: 2012-19-07 16:06:24

Batch: 103904219

From Account: U3943563

Amount: $3.09

Memo: GoldenTalk's payment for your 103 posts. Thank you for being the part of our community.

Thank you.


Good to see some members still getting 3 cents or more post rate from the forum since it suddenly appeared that the post rate seems to be declining. Its still a bit hard know the exact cause that is resulting in a lower post rate from members post but I suppose that as we see a couple more we can know more.


but i see a member's posts in other forum said that he get low amount in here and said that quality is not one of aspect here, i don't know if this thing is true but i already stopped to post here since 3 days ago, it seems i only need to wait to be get paid by them.


I always have good time posting here all the time. It is one of my best place to be as far as online forums are concerned. The mods here are friendly as they are patient enough with members over issues most of the time.


but i see a member's posts in other forum said that he get low amount in here and said that quality is not one of aspect here, i don't know if this thing is true but i already stopped to post here since 3 days ago, it seems i only need to wait to be get paid by them.

I guess the fact that you already have a pending payment from the forum is good since all that you need to wait for is to receive payment from the forum. This way you can be able to prove for yourself if there has been any decreases or not.

This is my latest payment with this site, it is nice when I have earned $3 for 100 posts here, as below is payment proof


Date: 2012-19-07 16:03:50

Batch: 103903865

From Account: U3943563

Amount: $3.00

Memo: GoldenTalk's payment for your 100 posts. Thank you for being the part of our community


Thanks Admin


I am seeing more of payment requests with members earning 3 cents per post from their 100 posts.This is still good considering that some members did mention that the post rate on the forum seems to be deterriorating as they apparently received lower post rates. This is really encouraging.


Yes, many members are getting three cents rate in here, and there were just actually few members who are getting a four cents in here, well, just stay consistent with your posting activity in here, and just try to post more on the HYIP Discussion in here to get more good rates.


As long as we got payments I will be satisfied here. Pretty sure that others will be more active here when they got paid as other forums do have problem in funds and we know that this forum is one of those remain stable for years already.


Well the end of the month is already near to come and I am still not halfway from reaching 100 posts from this forum, I guess I need to be more active in this forum daily now.


I will be joining you in here soon because I still have 40 posts in here myself. Just three days of posting 20 posts per day will get me to reaching the 100 posts and I can see for myself how much rate I get for my posts. That will determine whether I am going to remain active in here or not moving forward.


Yes, that's for sure after they got paid in here then they will be active again in here, well, I think I will only be able to have two payments from GOLDENTALK this month of July as I was so busy, but at least I can still do some posting in here.


Still did not able to make new payment in the forum. Although, I still have some time to try to have payout as we have 5 more days and we will be glad if we can make it before the end of the month. I think its better also if we will going to decide to be more active here.


it is okay that if you are posting slow lately. sometimes it is better not to be so active so that the mod would not be strict on you. as i think sometimes they would be so strict on some members for some reasons even if they have not done anything against the rules.


Well, it depend how good poster you are as we know that they are really strict but so far, I don't have problem with their implementation of the forum rules and I just have here still 20 posts but I don't know if I can still make for my payout.


I really slow down posting in here now. hyip and ptc section just don't have enough posters and in payment processor section the only discussion in their is when mod do post in their also. I don't think its worth it to post in here daily as you will going to get ban for spamming since your the only one who is actively posting in here. I don't like to post regularly in here but I'm hoping to maintain 100 post a month in here minimum.


I am suprised that there are low activities in PTP and in the HYIP sections because these are the section that I would assume receive the best of activities from members. I havent posted in here in a while myself and keep on getting demotivated everytime I read feedback about the forum.


I'm not surprised at all that there's low activity on the site for now. So I think that we should not focus much here and not expect that we can make a lot of post daily here since only there are only few times in a week that the activity is low


@indieover i've seen your account getting banned in here. Actually, i've seen newly banned members in here, I can say that they are really so strict. rexway is getting banned also. His posts were being deleted by the moderator and moderator reason was , it indicates post chasing. Do you mind if i ask you what's the reason in your case? Your post is just enough for me.


Sincerely atimes it is difficult to predict the reason for bans at GT and that's the major reason people usually say they are too strict.i have been banned likewise and i was accused of post chasing.


i understand now why most of the users say they are strict. Anyways, the forum especially the ptp section is having a slow activity today that's why those users posting consecutively would get caught the moderators attention. They would think i am post chasing because they could only see my username as the last person replying. The user's activity would not be considered as post chasing if only the forum is active, posters would reply immediately .


I rarely have enough motivation to post on GT and as soon as I feel motivated something happens to demotivate me. I am not even halfway on the forum even today as much as I had wanted to make some posts at the least. More members are saying the post rate has declined which is less than the rate they used to get before.


@tirus if you could only visit the site now especially the ptp section ,you would really feel that mostly of the members in here are having lack of interest to make a post. Imagine , i still see my username as the last who replied at some of the ptp threads. i made those post yesterday and until now no one responded..tsktsk


I have joined this forum and it seems to be working alright for me so far, the pay per post rates are quite good and the minimum payout is also not high. Well i will try to work their and to be active their these days.

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