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I still continue my activities to make a post in ptp section, no matter even a little activity, as long as all is going well,

anyways we can also make a post in another section, right?


You have received a payment to your account u7434597:

Date: 2011-09-06 13:40:00

Batch: 62961790

From Account: U3943563

Amount: $4.96

Memo: GoldenTalk's payment for your 124 posts. Thank you for being the part of our community.

Thank you.


You have received a payment to your account U5945397:


Date: 2011-06-06 13:08:17

Batch: 62717689

From Account: U3943563

Amount: $3.03

Memo: GoldenTalk's payment for your 101 posts. Thank you for being the part of our community.


Thank you


I will be more active to post in here because I got 4 cents per post again in my last payment request in here.

I am happy because the rate in here is good enough now.


Today I can't log in here. I don't know whether I am experiencing this problem or you all. It is good that they are paying again. But it is HYIP forum .Many users are concentrating only in HYIP sections. I find it difficult to post yesterday. I am planning to leave the forum

  • 2 weeks later...

I have no problem log-ing in. But its sometimes has problem and its almost every month. I suggest that you clean your cache or try to type it www.goldentalk.com don't do copy and paste. I don't know what is the connection but sometimes if I do copy and paste it does not work. But if I type it only its works. lols.


I don't experience any kind of problem at all when I try to log in. and I didn't experience any kind of loading problems lately or invalid thread link error at all . So everything is going smoothly in here


After few days later today i again here in GT and forum loading is very fine and not experience any problem . anyway its really bad that now there is no credit for payment proof posting but instead that still there is great opportunity to earn from this forum.


You have received a payment to your account u7434597:


Date: 2011-23-06 08:48:27

Batch: 63966919

From Account: U3943563

Amount: $4.14

Memo: GoldenTalk's payment for your 138 posts. Thank you for being the part of our community.


Thank you.


Mostly members will get 3-4 cents per post in this forum but I got only 3 cents per post in last request.

It's good to make consistent post in this forum because GoldenTalk will pay us for sure and GT always paid

us right on time.


I got 5 cents per post for 5 straight cashout. I'm happy and I don't mind that I did slow down posting in here. Since what I earn is almost the same a week. Always 5 dollars. lols. I'm planning to increase a little my post and see how much I can push the limits of 5 cents per post rate.



Wow, that was good if you could get payment 5 cents per post from Goldentalk. I could only get at most 4 cents per post so far.

I think I must improve my quality of post, by the way what is your trick to get 5 cents per post in here? If I could get 4 cents per post

in each time I asked payment, that was good enough for me.


we can't be sure with the post rates at GT, it sometimes goes higher and sometimes makes us disappointed paying low rates,

I think it's not just the post quality, that decides our post rates,

cause many times, when the quality was good, I got low rates, and there is also situation when I got huge rates but for low quality posting.


Well you just need to post some quality posts my friend and just be stable with it so that you will at least get some high posting rates so you don't need to worry if you are going to recieve low posting rates here or not.


I ever got only 3 cents per post or 4 cents per post. I never got higher than 4 cents and I never got lower than 3 cents.

It is still good enough PTP forum and I still enjoyed to make posts in here.


most of the GT members make posts here not for earnings but to share information or help their fellow members,

those are I think admins of hyips or mods of forums etc,

it's because, GT is so senior and popular forum, with thousands of members and followers,

I think programs' admins will follow GT forum and try to promote their programs.


I think GT is the first paying ptp that is still paying until now. I really don't know why other ptp sites turn to scam or close down. But GT is still strong and paying until now and has good rate. I guess they have some loyal advertisers also.


Paid once again by GT. Thanks admin!


07/20/2011 09:38 65890395 U3943563 (GoldenTalk) + $4.00 $0.04

Merchant Reference: Memo: GoldenTalk's payment for your 100 posts. Thank you for being the part of our community.


I think GT is the first paying ptp that is still paying until now. I really don't know why other ptp sites turn to scam or close down. But GT is still strong and paying until now and has good rate. I guess they have some loyal advertisers also.

I have noticed one thing in the PTP world so far,

as a senior member of various forums, I can say that the forums that have their own monitor, lived strong paying for a long time,

also GT has their own monitor GP, just like myhyip forum which also have their own monitor,

seems they can pay through the earnings they get from their monitors.



Yes, GoldPoll is the only one sponsor which supported GoldenTalk for long time and also GoldPoll is the owner of GoldenTalk too.

I don't know why GoldenTalk didn't allow another ads to put adveritisements in their forum like what has been done by many other

PTP forums.




I think that because goldpoll want to be the main advertiser here like I can see in some old forums that also sponsored by hyip program, but since the hyip program dead so the forums too. But I don't think it will happen here cause goldpoll is a strong hyip monitor and they earn a lot money everyday.


many members of hyip world follow GP monitor to have the updated status of programs,

thus they also join those programs, using their link,

I have noticed that the monitor GP won't offer any kind of RCB,

thus that referral earnings might be used in managing the forum, GT, I think so.


GP monitor is already known to many people because it has been long established. And through it monitors GP GT forum is visited by many people and became famous quickly. GT fast growing rapidly because many loyal members who come from GP monitor. In addition, some income from GP monitor is used to support continuation of this GT forums.




definitely, GT is sponsored by GP monitor, we can see that on the forum,

in the place of advertising banners, there will be a single link of GP monitor on the forum,

since from years, there has been only GP monitor that's getting advertised on GT,

none other than that have been sponsors of GT ever.



Yes, I knew if GoldPoll is great HYIP monitor site because the site could run its business for more than 5 years and there is no problem

during that period of time, but I think it will be better if there is additional advertisements in the forum although it won't sponsor GT forever

like GP. With supporting of other ads, GT could hold contest that can attract members to become more active.

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