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Link : http://takefunds.biz


is a financial investment company. We understand what our investors want today and needs tomorrow. After serious analyzes of investment markets, we decided to make a special program. We decided to start investing money in IT industry, which is fast-growing and high-profitable, so it is impossible for us, to be a bankrupt. We didn't invent something completely new on market, we are just using current market situation.




130% After 1 Day

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $1,000 104.00

Plan 2 $1,001 - $2,000 108.00

Plan 3 $2,001 - $3,000 115.00

Plan 4 $3,001 - $10,000 130.00

Calculate your profit >>



220% After 3 Days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $50 - $1,000 118.00

Plan 2 $1,001 - $2,000 160.00

Plan 3 $2,001 - $10,000 220.00

Calculate your profit >>



410% After 7 Days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $100 - $1,000 180.00

Plan 2 $1,001 - $2,000 270.00

Plan 3 $2,001 - $10,000 410.00

Calculate your profit >>



810% after 10 Days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $100 - $1,000 250.00

Plan 2 $1,001 - $2,000 450.00

Plan 3 $2,001 - $10,000 810.00

Calculate your profit >>



Accept : LR


Link : http://takefunds.biz



Greetings to you all, members of this forum.

My name is John Albert Wesley, a systems Engineer. I have been investing money online for more than 5 years.

I'm here to reveal to you 3 very genuine investment companies that actually pays its members a percentage of their investments

every trading day.

I very well know that most people are scared of doing online investment because of their past

losses & experiences i e when the owners ran away with the money after some months.

I agree with you that one needs to be very wise since online investments are very risky.

I will only remind you that there is risk everywhere, even in your bedroom. There is no free money online and people

want to make money online. Whoever is not ready to take risk cannot succeed online. You need to understand that not all

online investment companies are scams, some are genuine, honest and really paying returns every trading day.


This is my advice for those ready to do online investments:

Don't be greedy.

Start with a small capital & after you received some real payments, you can then increase your capital.

Also avoid short term investments like 10days,30days etc because they usually fold up within a short period of time.

Long term investment companies usually stay for a long time before closing e g 180days. Another advice is that- run away

from companies that promise very high returns on investments like 100% or 200% after 1week.

Any investment company that promises over 3% returns daily on investment is fake and should be avoided.


The companies I want to reveal to you are 3 in number and very honest, genuine and paying returns every trading day.

But I need to inform you that the information will not be revealed for free. You have to pay some money to know about it.

The fee I place on these 3 secrets is just $30. I mean $30 for all the 3 secrets.

Due to the poor economic conditions all over the world, nowadays no valuable thing can be gotten for free.

Every good thing costs money to enjoy, so also is valuable information on money matters or investing.

I charge $30 because you and I know very well that information is power and power is money.


Yes knowledge is money...


I guarantee that you will make a lot of money at the companies. In fact you will make money there because I'm actually

earning money at the companies based on my capital invested. The fee speaks for its uniqueness.

You may even earn more money than me if you invest more money than me. Thats the main reason why I'm charging that fee.

Unserious people are not welcomed, its strictly for very serious people only.

When the information is eventually revealled to you, you will thank me many times.



You don't believe it, you loose out because its very real & I'll give it out only when you pay my fee.


Interested people should pay the fee of $30 to my liberty reserve account which is U6035813.


Again my liberty reserve account number is- U6035813.


After making the payment, notify me through my email address- zempella @ gmail .com with the e-currency account you used to pay.

After confirmation of your payment, I will immediately send the 3 secret company details to your email address.


I wish you a very good luck in your online businesses.


another short term hyip program that still online and just launched today, maybe some hours ago, and so far no withdrawal made , that is normal since this site is new and also i think we can see the result of this site tomorrow, apart from that thing, this site have quite good script and also good looking design


another short term hyip program that still online and just launched today, maybe some hours ago, and so far no withdrawal made , that is normal since this site is new and also i think we can see the result of this site tomorrow, apart from that thing, this site have quite good script and also good looking design

Well now it only pay 50$ with is very low comparing the total deposited which is 1400$

Maybe there's not an instant payment or the admin do selective payouts


so far this program is paying based on some hyip monitors, but the bad thing here is i cannot find the proof of payment, is this true or there are something happen with them, but after some searching i find out it seems they do selective payment now, there are hyip monitors that not paid by them ,http://shumonitor.com/?a=details&lid=3120


If I'm not wrong then this site should become a scam or never pay any. Because we can see a fake items at their home page. As we know that registration certificate is a valuable items so no one should want to show it in public. Where they already displayed their fake certificate for shown a legit. Second and vital matter is they are running through a scam model. So no one can get any single amount. Because they never able to give us such impossible profit of 410% or 810%.


I guess its expected that this site will not going to last at all. A hyip site with this kind of plan usually turn to scam before its reach its first week. But some do last even for two weeks or more but its because its has a short term plan but has low ROI.

But in takefunds case I we can't say the site is a scam site unless we invest and did not get paid. Lets not judge the site plan as basis to say its already a scam site even if hyip monitoring sites says waiting.


I guess its expected that this site will not going to last at all. A hyip site with this kind of plan usually turn to scam before its reach its first week. But some do last even for two weeks or more but its because its has a short term plan but has low ROI.

But in takefunds case I we can't say the site is a scam site unless we invest and did not get paid. Lets not judge the site plan as basis to say its already a scam site even if hyip monitoring sites says waiting.

You want to know about some active matters to tell them. But I think 2 or 3 matters can make anyone scam. First of all if they follow any scam model like junk plan then they should become scam after keeping their short term plan. But somewhere we found a different - a scam modelling site staying over a month and paying on-time to all short projectors. Where this program just stay here because their hosting invoice yet not expired and admin didn't removed their script (as left this program). But it's sure that after expire of their hosting plan this site will become down. You are right that all monitors already given scam badge and their scam warnings are still there because admin didn't followed it as left this program.


I guess its expected that this site will not going to last at all. A hyip site with this kind of plan usually turn to scam before its reach its first week. But some do last even for two weeks or more but its because its has a short term plan but has low ROI.

But in takefunds case I we can't say the site is a scam site unless we invest and did not get paid. Lets not judge the site plan as basis to say its already a scam site even if hyip monitoring sites says waiting.


I advice you to go away from this site , do not deposit any cent , I heard that this site is no longer pay , so you should to take care and avoid any investments until seeing if the site will back or it is gone



I advice you to go away from this site , do not deposit any cent , I heard that this site is no longer pay , so you should to take care and avoid any investments until seeing if the site will back or it is gone

I can not support your idea completely because still we can see their latest payouts whose are made on today. Though we can tell then 90% scam but never say fully scam. We only can assign any off site be a scam. But it is true that they are going to close their program - so have to take care of our fund and try to get back our deposit money by make a complain at hyip authority.

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