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i am not admin


Link : http://www.imfinvestment.com


Since 2004, IMF Investment has evolved as a attractive financial advisory firm specializing in serving our home country and international clients. Offering a broad range of investment plans and services, IPO TRADING maintains a focused profile as we selectively expand our services and partners. With specialized groups focused on catering to individuals and institutions, we are able to offer a broad spectrum of financial services that meet the needs of a diverse group of clients.




Plan1/$1-$1000 23% daily

Plan2/$1001-$5000 24% daily

Plan3/More Than $5000 25% daily


Accept : LR, AP

Ref : 5%


Link : http://www.imfinvestment.com


this program listed in Gold Poll, but with waiting status, so far i like with this program, with the low minimum deposit they have about $1 and i think many investor could reach that amount, but the plan rate here is too high and also we get our investment back too so it is about 215% for 5 days :D


Isn't 215% after 5 days too much to offer by an investment site? But, site looks great to mean, though i was wondering why it still has Waiting statue on GP monitore even after been monitored for 2 days which the site has been running. I like the plans too, which seems sustainable if the Admin really aim to pay for a very long time.


Isn't 215% after 5 days too much to offer by an investment site? But, site looks great to mean, though i was wondering why it still has Waiting statue on GP monitore even after been monitored for 2 days which the site has been running. I like the plans too, which seems sustainable if the Admin really aim to pay for a very long time.

i don't know about that too dude, but it seems they just passed the first round with paying status!!!, and i see they still paying as there are payment proof shared in some hyip forums and from all hyip monitors that put this site in the list are paying too, but in HYIP banker they are not monitored even their banner is there too


i don't know about that too dude, but it seems they just passed the first round with paying status!!!, and i see they still paying as there are payment proof shared in some hyip forums and from all hyip monitors that put this site in the list are paying too, but in HYIP banker they are not monitored even their banner is there too


may be because the admin of the site did not paid to these monitors which has WAITING status while he paying to the other monitors so you see PAYING status at them . that is just guessing no more .


The minimum deposit is low enough for small investors to do test invest in this hyip.

Though the ROI seems high, but it doesn't stated here how long is the investment period.


The design quality of the site is quite simple that they need to improve it as soon as possible for get better traffic. We need to use this project for the first because their low minimum deposit value is so tiny that anyone can affords this load. They have 23% daily for 5 days project mean 3% of net profit per day because 20% will deduct as principle value. Expect some profit from them.


AP will be a better option to deal with these kind of short term plans, and here the minimum allowed is set at as low as $1 but the minimum withdrawal to AP is $1 so we should consider that we can't be able to withdraw until the expiry of the principal in case if we chose AP to invest and risk only small funds in here.



may be because the admin of the site did not paid to these monitors which has WAITING status while he paying to the other monitors so you see PAYING status at them . that is just guessing no more .

better you should do some searching rather than guessing about something that is bad for you, actually the monitors that have "waiting" status and one of them is http://shorttermhyip.com/?a=details&lid=829, not make any investment in that program. well today i find in Goldpoll, this site status still "paying". and i see payment proof of this site shared by some hyip monitors



may be because the admin of the site did not paid to these monitors which has WAITING status while he paying to the other monitors so you see PAYING status at them . that is just guessing no more .

If they did not get paid then its not waiting at all but not paid or scam status. the reason why its still waiting status because they only monitor the site on that day or before that day and they are just waiting for their first payment to come or mature.

If the a monitoring site did not get paid as expected that's the time they change it to problematic or scam or not paying. But usually waiting status only mean that its waiting.


If they did not get paid then its not waiting at all but not paid or scam status. the reason why its still waiting status because they only monitor the site on that day or before that day and they are just waiting for their first payment to come or mature.

If the a monitoring site did not get paid as expected that's the time they change it to problematic or scam or not paying. But usually waiting status only mean that its waiting.

I completely agreed with you because still we can not see any good monitor or any rating section. Only a single monitor available which might be their associates. This is very doubtful about their current status. So we need to think about our future security with this program. This program can be close at anytime. So we need to take care and try to play a safe game.


2 round already over in this site and the day after tomorrow this program will reach their 3rd round, well i must admit with them, so far they somehow could pay the members and without many complain from the investor who already invest here, from what i see GP just reached more than 250% of their investment here :D


2 round already over in this site and the day after tomorrow this program will reach their 3rd round, well i must admit with them, so far they somehow could pay the members and without many complain from the investor who already invest here, from what i see GP just reached more than 250% of their investment here :D

I do not understand that what did you wanted to tell us by 2nd round. Did you got any new letter from the admin. Because I can not see such info where admin notice that they already passed 2nd round and going to cross another round. You just commit for their way, can you send any proof for support your comment like monitor, forums or any other. Because still there is no rating section except their home page.


i am not admin


Link : http://www.imfinvestment.com






Plan1/$1-$1000 23% daily

Plan2/$1001-$5000 24% daily

Plan3/More Than $5000 25% daily


Accept : LR, AP

Ref : 5%


Link : http://www.imfinvestment.com


I seeing this site and see that seem it is good site when it have been running since 2004, it is a bit long time for HYIP site but I too checked in this forum, don't see any payment proof for to now with this site. It is correct, this is site still paying for everyone? I need more info before decide to invest with it. I see that investment limit is very good, I can join with $1 but hope that this is still paying site, I want to see more payment proof here. Anyone have it?


the best thing here is the low minimum deposit which is just 1 dollar . only $1 to make deposit here , the plans are short term with reasonable roi . but there is only goldpoll rating the site and that is not good at all .

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