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Link : http://marshyipmonitor.com


This program is a real investment,12% daily for 12 days It is your invested money that will bring you the big returns. We do not depend on the influx of new funds from investors.


marshyipmonitor.com is focused on quality investments and emphasizes risk management and diversification through asset allocation. Our portfolio managers are aggressive, well trained and consist of a global network of gold traders in various time zones for maximum efficiency.





12% daily for 12 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

Total return 144% $12 - $120,000 12.00

Calculate your profit >>


Accept : LR


Link : http://marshyipmonitor.com


this is a new short term hyip site started recently and the plan of 12% daily for 12 days seems to be interesting , but the site is very simple , no high protections and add to that that it has 2 days online now so the risk is high


this site is funny for me because i think they are HYIP monitors but they are HYIP site which is short term one, with the plan they have i am not quite sure they can survive here, also with the bad script they have and also lack of DDOS and SSL. one of the most important thing is they only listed in 3 hyip monitors at the moment, so be careful.


What is the matter with number 12, this is the 3rd site offering a 12% ROI :P

I think that website will not exceed a mouth due to bad script and irreasonable ROI offer like the 2 website I saw.


Running days is two and a total of 12 dollars deposited as of now. Well, i also wonder with the name of this hyip because it's clearly the name tells it is an hyip monitors.


This is also ridiculous to see that they made to have a name for hyip with the name of the hyip monitor. Although, no one interest to invest here after they have been in 3 days already. Still see only 12 dollars here. Also, it just created an hyip with cheap hyip script. Only one hyip monitor.

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