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Link : http://shingato.com


Founded in 2009 and a public company since 2011, ShinGato is the diversified financial services holding company with subsidiaries focused and engaged primarily in Forex trading. Company is capitalizing on daily currency pairs price movements using its proprietary robotic software for technical analysis, as well as on global events driven long term projections. ShinGato company is serving private and institutional investors, as well as a number of pension funds. Company has over 2 billion in combined assets under management and it is best known for its strategic growth investments using proprietary micro-hedging technology.




1.0% - 2.3% Daily For 180 Days (Principal Return At End)

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $3,000 1.00

Plan 2 $3,001 - $5,000 1.50

Plan 3 $5,001 - $100,000 2.30


Accept : LR


Link : http://shingato.com

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