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UIA is the world’s leading mobile money company and the issuer of Earth’s default one world currency with circulation in 204 countries worldwide. As part of UIA’s global strategy to distribute its one world currency to the human population, it has activated five billion connected mobile phones with a UIA account each that has a start up capital of $500,000 per for the user to invest, trade or spend without having to repay it.


Anyone can start using one world currency by simply initiating a mobile money transfer of any sum to any mobile number. To initiate a transfer, you will have to type the text message “Transfer $100 to 61488116688” for example with you deciding on the amount and mobile number in international format. Then send the text message to UIA on +381640880767. As soon as that happens, you will receive a text message confirming your transfer with a transaction ID showing your account balance. The recipient of the money will also receive a text message confirming receipt of funds.


To validate ownership of your one world currency, you must complete a free registration process online at UIA and provide your referral’s mobile number which is 015203846928. As a registered agent, you will also have access to additional benefits such as the ability to make money, send money requests, borrow money and obtain unlimited finance for land purchases.


UIA is providing support, updates and general informations for members in its own support forum on Linkedln: one world currency | LinkedIn


Visit us: UIA


I'm not sure if I understand this program at all. How can I be sure that this program is real. In this world where there is so many people lying to us everyday, I hardly believe this. If it is true, then how and when are we going to gwt paid or withdraw the moey and which payment processor?


I'm not sure if I understand this program at all. How can I be sure that this program is real. In this world where there is so many people lying to us everyday, I hardly believe this. If it is true, then how and when are we going to gwt paid or withdraw the moey and which payment processor?


I also don't understand this one - it doesn't really look like hyip to me. And what that "$500,000 per user"? Doesn't really look legit at all. Also no SMS-based services use that sort of "coding" in their systems, they just make it as short as possible, leaving out any "to" and "$" or any other likewise character.


i don't know too much about this program, i visit the site and seems confusing with what that all means, and i don't see this hyip program don't monitoring by any hyip monitors, and we don't know about the latest status of this program which make me confuse more about this program


Is this an Hyip site i dont think so ... its an personal individual blog of you i think you are advertising here in this session and its not the right thing to advertise in this session and i think it is an currency trading account i am not at all understand that site and if any one know please tell me .


I have the same comment as of the above comments. I don't understand how this system works and I have read that they are having free capital amounts so does anybody in here knows how to avail this? If we could avail free capital in this site, i think this is worth a try as we have nothing to loose. I just need a little more clarifications from the number one post.


it seems this program just like creditprogram bank which have loaning system where member can borrow the money here and also we need to be investors in here to see the investment that they have, and it will be better if TS shared the investment plan and how this site works, so we can discuss about that, but until now i don't see any hyip monitors


I want a simplified plan terms as i don't believe such introduction that's why i don't bother reading that. Perhaps some members have a clearer view about this program. Somehow the domain is a paid one which is ( .net.au 2 Years $29.95 ).

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