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Our program is intended for people willing to achieve their financial freedom but unable to do so because they're not financial experts.

Woman Gold is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.




110% after a hour

Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)

110% $1 - $100 110.00



Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)

150% $10 - $1,000 6.25

200% $1,001 - $10,000 8.33


250% AFTER 1 DAY

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

250% $100 - $10,000 250.00



Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

MONITOR $1 - $100,000 1.50


Accept: Liberty Reserve,Perfect Money


Link >>> http://www.woman-gold.com


hot looking girl in their header :D, but totally the script look so bad, i don't see any look like professional thing here, they also don't have SSL and DDOS for protection, also the profit they have here is too high, that make this site unstable so i will be not invested here but still monitoring them


Very cheap script, and very ugly site in general. No professionalism and seriousness due to lack of SSL cert and DDOS protection in this program. This all topped with very unsustainable rates, it really makes me wonder have they really gotten over $13k in just two days in investments? If they really have, and the statistics are not bogus, then there are a lot of very greed blinded people out there.


This hyip has no security feature. The plan term is unsustainable but the minimum amount to invest is quite affordable. Based on the name of this Hyip 'Woman Gold' that's why the header is a picture of a woman.


Firstly i want to tell that the script of the site is really not so attractive and it is very bad looking i mean to say ugly looking but the site is good in adding many monitors soon as it is only 2nd day of the site running online . and nice to see that the minimum deposit is only $1 and they will be not much loss we the site turn scam also . Just Hit and run away :P


This program is very doubtful for us because we can see some unknown monitor who telling that they are paying. I can not trust any program like hourly profit. Starting with tiny $1 and 10% profit after single mean simple junk. I hardly believe that they may not able to clear our payout requests. So need to keep in safe distance from these types of site.


Any investor in his or her rigit senses wouldn't be falling for such an unrealistic program that only greedy investors would be falling for.I just hope guys dont fall into their trap because it is glaring the program wouldn't be lasting.


the best thing here is the low minimum deposit as I think , because the site does not worth any invests at all due to the poor script and the simple designs , everything here are not good for the large investments .


@syrine: i agree with you but if we see the reality of this site now they are still paid the members maybe because since this one is new but let see for some days after and i think they will not survive for a long time maybe about 3 or 4 days is the long time for them to survive here


The moment i have seen the name of this hyip i quickly made an assumption that this can't be a good hyip and as soon as i visited the URL i found unstable investment plans and a cheap script.I would just say stay away from such scammers.


Very bad script and not professional looking hyip. So it is really cheap and we should stay away with this kind of script. Even the SIGNUP word became SINGUP lol. And also difficult to navigate those pages or tabs of this hyip. Although, we have seen many hyip monitors invested and got paid already only the script is not acceptable.


The monitor on the site with paying status is not a link but static image of the monitor, but this program has paying status everywhere, we can check it on AllHyipMonitors that the program, Woman Gold has been listed on over fifteen monitors where last payout is done on 4th April that is yesterday.


archu7, what do you mean it is a static image. You mean it is not actually monitored by a site? So basically it is just a image that the site itself put up there to make potential investor believe that it is paying?


archu7, what do you mean it is a static image. You mean it is not actually monitored by a site? So basically it is just a image that the site itself put up there to make potential investor believe that it is paying?

Monitors are there, but the site need not show an image of a monitor with paying status which is not a link, but just image, if there is images of monitors but not original links, then that will be a clear indication of hiding the original status, which usually scam programs do to show fake status.

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