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New Hyip: AmanInv


Our main project is AmanInv.com for people willing to achieve their financial freedom and earn stable days income but unable to do because they are not financial experts. Here we are for you. We know our business inside out. The strategy of our professionals is based on monitoring and analyzing historical and statistical data, research of currency rate fluctuations and risk management of FOREX.


Your investment are managed by a highly qualified and experienced team of investment professionals, committed to providing superior investment returns. Having all the right tools is the main reason why we can provide and maintain a respectable amount of satisfaction.


AmanInv.com is an secure investment project, designed specifically for people want to get reliable and profitable source of real net income. You do not have to incur various hidden fees in order to benefit from investing your funds with us.

Started Mar 26, 2012


Investments Plans


Aman Starter : Up to 129% After 1 Day

Level 1 $10 - $500 - 105% after 1 day

Level 2 $501 - $2000 - 106% after 1 day

Level 3 $2001 - $5000 - 107% after 1 day

Level 4 $5001 - $10000 - 115% after 1 day

Level 5 $10001 - $50000 - 129% after 1 day



Aman Earner : Up to 230% After 3 Days

Level 1 $10 - $500 - 116% after 3 days

Level 2 $501 - $2000 - 119% after 3 days

Level 3 $2001 - $5000 - 123% after 3 days

Level 4 $5001 - $10000 - 130% after 3 days

Level 5 $10001 - $50000 - 230% after 3 days



Aman Wealth : Up to 630% After 7 Days

Level 1 $50 - $500 - 142% after 7 days

Level 2 $501 - $2000 - 149% after 7 days

Level 3 $2001 - $5000 - 156% after 7 days

Level 4 $5001 - $10000 - 163% after 7 days

Level 5 $10001 - $50000 - 630% after 7 days



Aman Professional : Up to 1111% After 15 Days

Level 1 $100 - $500 - 200% after 15 days

Level 2 $501 - $2000 - 220% after 15 days

Level 3 $2001 - $5000 - 260% after 15 days

Level 4 $5001 - $10000 - 400% after 15 days

Level 5 $10001 - $50000 - 1111% after 15 days



Aman Expert : Up to 2555% After 30 Days

Level 1 $150 - $500 - 350% after 30 days

Level 2 $501 - $2000 - 400% after 30 days

Level 3 $2001 - $5000 - 550% after 30 days

Level 4 $5001 - $10000 - 1200% after 30 days

Level 5 $10001 - $50000 - 2555% after 30 days




-We accept: Liberty Reserve / Perfect Money

-Dedicated DDoS protected Server

-SSL Secured - COMODO Group, Inc.

-Referral commission: 5%

-Fast Withdrawals



Check GoldCoders' HYIP Manager License

amaninv.com - Licensed





brand new hyip site using powerful script and high SSL protection , these features surly will make the site very attractive to all investors . the short term plans here are profitable with reasonable ROI like 105% after 1 day with suitable minimum deposit $10


Not many monitors are monitoring this new hyip but i am sure admin will look for expansion, investors will trust the site upon seeing features and consistent payouts but its on admin that how long he wants to run it.I also observed that we are getting good rcb offers for investing here which can be a source for a quick profit.


Not many monitors are monitoring this new hyip but i am sure admin will look for expansion, investors will trust the site upon seeing features and consistent payouts but its on admin that how long he wants to run it.I also observed that we are getting good rcb offers for investing here which can be a source for a quick profit.

Check out the ratings page once again and you will find eleven popular monitors listing this one for last few hours also offer nice attractive RCB for short term earners, it's also sticky listed on HyipScope monitor as well, this program looks good for few days at least.


Professional looking site with valid SSL cert and strong DDOS protection and already multiple monitors on-site with investments in make this program something that should be kept eye on. While they've just launched the program today, their minimum investment requirement of $10 with nice ROI in short term plans could be utilized for few rounds I reckon.


Unbelievable offers of plans. The ROI was simply too high on this one, and I don't think that this program may sustain everything and might not even survive long.


Unbelievable offers of plans. The ROI was simply too high on this one, and I don't think that this program may sustain everything and might not even survive long.


I disagree with you , the ROI of 105% after 1 day is the most popular plan now , because alot of new hyips already started by this ROI . but I agree with you that these kinds of hyips are turns to scam within short time .


well, AmanInv has got it's status updated to paying, we can have the latest payment proofs available around of 27th March, so this program that has been living for one day now is an active hyip with profitable plans offered, referral commission of 5% is also attractive.


amaninv, haha aman in my language means safe, but i don't think this program is one of the safe program around, actually this site just launched and it seems they listed in many big hyip monitors, the rate here for me still normal since they are short terms, and with first shoot i think members can get some of thier bucks here


Amaninv has got paying status on all the monitors listed on Rating status so i believe this site is going good but investment plans are short and unsustainable and this kind of sites have bad record so users must not invest big amount, or else Loss is 100% sure.


I think this program will stay for some days because the site has being launched just 1 days back but have you seen in the monitors page many number of monitors have being added very fast and all of them are showing the status as paying . and i have seen the Return on investment it is really a very good returns i think .


2 days online and the admin already added alot of monitors in order to attract more investors , actually I see that this site still safe until the moment although its high ROI short term plans .


You may wonder why amaninv has ssl. Check this ssl

-SSL Secured - COMODO Group, Inc.
Its great but do you know that it can come free also? With right package in hosting / server site you can get this for free. And don't forget to check the plan always. Look at this plan.
Aman Expert : Up to 2555% After 30 Days
I don't think its going to last long and I believe its not going to last at all. Unless admin of this site suddenly become crazy and pay that high.

@budado: haha yeah fall unless you can invest here about $10001 , and can you invest that big amount? :D, well until now this program still paying, and it is about their 4 days since they launched , today i see some payment proof shared by investors and their status in HYIP monitors also paid :D


Another good looking program is here where we can get ssl security on site location with site lock. The design quality of the site is quite good for us because we can imagine with a corporate model. But this site also following a scam model. We can see their further plan i.e. like 2500%+ or 1000%+. We only can use their short term plan for just any invest of $10 of LR - then our daily profit will be 5%. We also can take their 5% of referral commission.

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