kivanger Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 I Am Not Admin Funding Supply is a group of independent professional investor and financial advisers. after years of professional investing we have joined our skills, knowledge and talents in the effort to bring a new reliable investment opportunity.Funding Supply a reliable short-term investment project, that offers great returns along with professional approach and security.We don't promise huge percentages and profits since it is impossible, but we guarantee stable everyday income. This income will directly depend on the invested sum. You'll get the percentage to your E-currency account by demand at our website. We are neither the biggest nor the most powerful corporation in the world and nor do we intend to be. our goal is to make online investment simple and easier for people who are unfamiliar with the online investment market and protect these people from financial risks and material losses. Investment plans: 115% After One Day Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $100 105.00 Plan 2 $101 - $1,000 110.00 Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 115.00 Calculate your profit >> 132% After 3 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $100 120.00 Plan 2 $101 - $1,000 128.00 Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 132.00 Calculate your profit >> 482% After 7 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $100 250.00 Plan 2 $101 - $1,000 350.00 Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 412.00 Plan 4 $5,001 - $10,000 482.00 Calculate your profit >> 1021% After 15 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $10 - $100 760.00 Plan 2 $101 - $1,000 870.00 Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 940.00 Plan 4 $5,001 - $10,000 1021.00 Calculate your profit >> JOIN NOW
Guest Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 I think this program is not trusted, since there is no monitor on their site though it has been running for five days so far, I have also noticed that this site doesn't contain ratings page, even there is no monitor found listing this one, though they mention instant withdrawal feature, it doesn't look active anymore.
pinay Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Despite running for multiple days already, no monitors on-site nor is there even a ratings page. With this in mind, and combined with missing SSL and DDOS protection, this program is not very inviting for investors. Also their plans have quite high ROI, thus making it most likely very unsustainable on the long run. I wouldn't go as far as recommending this site with all the shortcomings they currently have on their site/program.
chardyme Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 This has some high ROI, earning 15% per day is really a huge amount to be earned, somehow it was hard to trust such kind of program
omar-winner Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 I do not have any objection about the plans in this site , but I just see that it is not 100%100 safe in spite of being online for only 6 days . there are no any protections and the script of the site is very poor .
pepy Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 the profit of this site is high and risky also unsustainable, i am not advice to do investment here but if you dare you can do that, and i see today i cannot access the site well, i hope this is not a sign of this site will be scam sooner or have intention of it, and for HYIP monitors i see this program still listed as waiting program
Mehr03 Posted March 15, 2012 Posted March 15, 2012 The ROI is way too high for the HYIP to be sustainable in the future.. Has anyone been paid yet? I cannot access the site.
antthenait Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 Really very good site but their design is very ordinary as low numbers of traffic can get attract here. They need to change their design by which all members should like them. We can use only best secure payment processors like LR and PM. All plans are risky for us because total RoI is too high, only we can take their basic short term plan for just $10 of LR, possible we can get 5% daily. But we never try to stay here over 5 days.
macky110 Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 After 8 days this site has no popular monitors and no paying status on the monitors listed so i believe admin will run away soon or may be he already did.Payments are stopped and no records found anywhere.Stay away from such low class site.
Guest Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 At this stage of eight days, the statistics of the program show that this one could collect around 32 K bucks in deposits to the program so far, of which around 17 K $ is what mentioned as paid out in profits, we can't find any proof of payment though, I think this is a fake stats of this program.
dkarev Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 guess all the programs that was launch today are just same, they are lots of scam programs around today,i had reach true and the number of programs i found today, are all just same with the same script and almost same scam plan.
Guest Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 Monitors listing this program for five days now have given status of closed for this program as there was no payment from the program so far, I don't think we should keep waiting for payments from this program forever, instead we should consider this one as a scam that is online for fresh deposits only.
antthenait Posted March 19, 2012 Posted March 19, 2012 @archu7, I can not understand that hos did you found monitor status because I can not find any necessary items like server update or any rating section. So still we are looking for some tools, by which our assignment can be complete soon. If they are paying then we expect some strong evidence like daily proof, monitors report or any real time posts. Only hope that their overall status is shown there so we need to believe upon that record.
Guest Posted March 20, 2012 Posted March 20, 2012 i don't think this is active hyip, one thing is it's life time, which is already eleven days old, and it's unsustainable plans, that offer higher ROI in short term like 5% daily, in case if this program is really paying, it will allow it's clients to know that, showing the transaction records having a paid out page, it's a clear scam in my view.
omar-winner Posted March 20, 2012 Posted March 20, 2012 After 8 days this site has no popular monitors and no paying status on the monitors listed so i believe admin will run away soon or may be he already did.Payments are stopped and no records found anywhere.Stay away from such low class site. do not wait for populer monitors . because the admin of this hyip site may be does not have much fund . if you want to invest here you should not deposit more than $10 ( the minimum deposit ) but my advice to you is to avoid investments here .
antthenait Posted March 25, 2012 Posted March 25, 2012 This site just completed 2 successful weeks and their server record still growing. Now we can see that they just overtook $57K and paid over $31K. Good news is they just maintain 50% share combination. But still we can not get any real time proof like payout screen or active monitors. I would like to say you all again that if anybody already got paid then please help us to give your king proof. Else we may move this program into suspect list.
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