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I'm not the admin of https://trading-star.biz


Trading Star is a professional team of traders that deal mainly with the foreign exchange market for more than 10 years. Our team of experts as well as software robots track the market 24 hours a day which allows us to increase cash flow and achieve high returns.


Our main goal is to provide you with an investment opportunity that is as much safe as possible. We diminish the risks normally associated with these types of investments by pooling your money and spreading the investments across a diverse range of global opportunities such as bonds, IPOs, finance & property, private equity funds, forex, co-investing in direct investments and private placement investment funds etc.


You can access from a minimum investment of $10 and withdraw your returns daily, we accept several methods of deposit such as Liberty Reserve and PerfectMoney. Let us be in your investment portfolio and create a good relationship as partners.


Investment plans:




130% after 1 day

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $500 105.00

Plan 2 $501 - $1,000 106.00

Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 107.00

Plan 4 $5,001 - $10,000 115.00

Plan 5 $10,001 - $50,000 130.00


219% after 3 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $500 116.00

Plan 2 $501 - $1,000 118.00

Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 125.00

Plan 4 $5,001 - $10,000 150.00

Plan 5 $5,001 - $50,000 219.00


600% after 7 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $500 142.00

Plan 2 $501 - $1,000 150.00

Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 165.00

Plan 4 $5,001 - $10,000 185.00

Plan 5 $10,001 - $50,000 600.00


1075% after 15 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $500 200.00

Plan 2 $501 - $1,000 220.00

Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 270.00

Plan 4 $5,001 - $10,000 350.00

Plan 5 $10,001 - $50,000 1075.00


2550% after 30 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $100 330.00

Plan 2 $101 - $1,000 350.00

Plan 3 $1,001 - $5,000 450.00

Plan 4 $5,001 - $10,000 700.00

Plan 5 $10,001 - $50,000 2550.00


8890% after 60 days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $100 700.00

Plan 2 $101 - $500 1000.00

Plan 3 $501 - $1,000 1500.00

Plan 4 $1,001 - $5,000 2200.00

Plan 5 $5,001 - $10,000 3000.00

Plan 6 $10,001 - $50,000 8890.00


* Accept Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money

* Fast withdrawal

* Referral program 2%

* SSL and DDoS protection

* Dedicated Server

* Licensed Script

* Unique Design



Link to view and register ==>>



My deposit:


03/13/2012 10:38 88148949 U9570188 (tradingstar) - $100.00


This is just another short term hyip and like everytime i feel like it will be good only in the beginning.It is difficult to rely on the site in the beginning but in this competitive hyip world, 1st round is safe all the time.We lose money rarely if we choose to invest on 1st day.


this site became unsafe to invest now because it has 2 days online and as we know that the AFTER 1 DAY programs becomes scam after 2 or 3 days from opening . we should to take care and do not invest much money here .


There is lot many monitors listing this short term program, current status is given waiting, many popular monitors have been listing this program for two days now and they have paying status updated for this program, good to know this one could collect around $3 K in just one day online and active.


Monitors are reporting this one wither paying or waiting, and with the only two days they've been online this is a nice accomplishment. However their plans have very high ROI, and given that their daily plans have already had time to cycle twice, from now on investing might not be very safe anymore. Their starting investment of $10 might be a bit too much anymore after this point.


This type of websites will never survive for long. The maximum ROI they offer is nearly 9000% ! That is so incredible and I think if earnings can be made so easily, no one needs to work in real life anymore, just invest in websites and cashout everyday for 24 hours !


This is a paying site and we may use their project. Only a good matter is we can see on top that the poster has made a $100 deposit, so we expect that the poster should leave a payout screen after get payment - by which we can get better mental support. Need to start with them for just $10 of base then we can get 5% of daily net profit. Hope that everybody should get return of their deposit value with little bit profit.


I have seen that the minimum deposit is only $10 here for all the deposit plans and that is really nice and the Return on investment is really good and 130% after 1 day is sustainable for me , i have seen in the ratings page that the program is a paying status . hope it will be online for some more day .


good SSL protection, and it seems that it will be make them become one of the attractive HYIP that exist now, but i see the ROI plan for $10 investment is little high and it seems this program already online for 5 days, which for me is too old for this kind of short term investment program


This is another good short term program which has been living for six days and active so far, last payment was on 18th March, that's today, good to see this short term program unlike other hyips didn't go scam after one day, hopefully, this one will stay active for few more weeks.



Well there was a time when all short term hyips used to survive at least for a week or two but now 90% sites go scam just within a week.Trading star completed 1 week online so it might be a better site to invest, but never know what admin is aiming, he is already in 10k profit.


They just completed a week and their running status is quite natural. Though they have too much risky plans but their basic short term plan can be possible. We can find many payout proofs at proof section and their last was made on today. I hope that every people should get better profit like all monitors. Their last payout was made for HyipSCOPE.org, mean one of the best monitor has been paid by the program.


Latest payment proof of twelve hours ago can be found around, meaning which this program has been paying for now for more than a week, that is for eight days to be exact, I wonder this program could not make more collection of deposits though it's enough popular for more than a week, it is just $14 K deposited in total to it.


This may pay at all short term projectors because we can see many small payout records at their payout list. Many days spent, but still the admin is paying mean they just reached their optimum goal, so now and then they may close their site without any notification. I wish that people who already invested here should need to get back their deposit amount because they might got enough profit from the site.


it is very good to see this hyip site still online for 13 days . and paying according to its monitors , although the plans are short term with high ROI which means that the site should to be scam after few days , but for this one I think it is one of the best AFTER 1 DAY programs until now .


Good to see Trading Star with active status for such a long time that is for two weeks now, I am sure that is a great thing to stay active for a short term program with plans offering unsustainable ROI, like 5% daily, early investors might have been over 70% BEP by now.


As per their last update we can see many monitors with popular ones. This site is monitored over 18 days mean just running their 3rd week. We hope that this site should become an elite site in future by which we can get some long term fixed income. We expect some bonus from the admin so we may get better profit with our associates. Any us member can use their local contact, because I thin this is from USA. Still looking for any green zone site lock.


I followed their total server record and followed that they have paid out lots of payment requests. As per their current status they have totally 1200+ active members, so they might able to collect the amount of over $100+ of investments. I found many payout records inside their payment list - mean they are maintaining their regular payment policy. Hope that they should pay us totally 50% of their total deposit.


Online for twenty four days and has been paying so far, this short term program has definitely been a very profitable for early investors, investors who predicted this one to stay active this longer might have been in great profits in these three weeks like double on investment, that means might have reached 100% BEP


I followed their total server record and followed that they have paid out lots of payment requests. As per their current status they have totally 1200+ active members, so they might able to collect the amount of over $100+ of investments. I found many payout records inside their payment list - mean they are maintaining their regular payment policy. Hope that they should pay us totally 50% of their total deposit.

some of my friend who is investor in this site nearly reach BEP from this site and i see some hyip monitors also already in profit and nearly double their investment here so i think this site is worthy for now, but as we can see they active about 25 days until now, and if you want to search you can find some payment proof.


@Trickster, you told us that some friends of you already made some investment in this program then hopefully they already got paid by them. So please try to bring some proof from them and give it here, by which we can get better mental support. Hope that you should try your best. As most of the monitors already returned their total investment amount and running on profit so we move it to stable program.

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