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MillionDoLarHYIP is intended for people willing to achieve their financial freedom but unable to do so because they're not financial experts.


MillionDoLarHYIP.com is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by automated artificial inteligence FOREX market trading. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.


MDH goal is to be: (1) Sustainable, (2) Reliable, (3) Always backed up by real FOREX trading.

MillionDoLarHYIP is a game without any guarantee of payouts and returns. We will do our best to gain your trust and become most reliable HYIP online.


Make a Deposit:


Select a plan:

0.1% daily

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

MDH #FOREX $10 - $100,000 0.10

Calculate your profit >>



110% after 1 day

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

MDH #Ponzi $0 - $1 110.00

Calculate your profit >>




Simple odd and immature RoI has been announced by the admin. Because 0.10% daily mean simple time loss. Though we can understand that they may stay here for long time but their interest ratio is so little that almost nothing will gain. Their design is very simple as they used classic template and basic script. They need to improve their overall quality to get more popular. Expect some more monitors with paid stamp - by which we can assign their quality level. Hope that every senior should get fixed income.


I think this site is not real. First of all, their first plan offers a very low ROI. I don;t think investors will put their money in here because it will take so much time before you can see your money grow in here with 0.1% daily. I think it is very low ROI. I also could not understand the second plan. The maximum investment is $1? How could that be possible. What profit will you get here? This is insane!


I agree with the fact that the plans are unrealistic in here, having only two plans, that too one of them is very attractive with highly unsustainable ROI like 10% daily and the first one with 0.1% daily, investors might feel that returns is almost negligible, since it can take forever to reach BEP with such a daily ROI.


Uselessly low ROI and another plan (with nice ROI) is named Ponzi? Haha, that doesn't really make anyone want to invest in it. Also the maximum investment in the second plan is weird, so I guess this site is not run by someone who knows the business basically at all, and instead just a scammer who wanted to make some fast money by failed in that miserably.


this program is now three days old and there is some $118 in total deposits that this program could collect so far, I think in their plan features, there is some script bug due to which the minimum and maximum investment range is wrong, but in the details below to the plan table, the amount range allowed is quite clear.


very poor script , I think you agree with me guys that this site does not worth any investments , it seems old and there are no any features to make you invest here although the low ROI plan which is 0.1% daily .


Today I have talking with admin

Request change something, about pass, PIN... support something...

Admin suppor very fast and friendly

Plan of program its not high, and instant payment, I think will not scam soon


I have seen this program advertiseing but i deside not to join because the interest rate was to low for me and in this game its best to risk my money for something rather than nothing, my range is from 2-4% daily some people will say 4% daily is too high and risk but with good strategy you will make it. Its 4 days now and the activite is not looking good for this program, but give admin tine to prove him self.


As they have low RoI so their growing level is very low but their longevity is high for us. Because the admin never loss any fund. So if we need some secure and long term investment policy then should need to get engage here. They just running over a week and their transaction history is also very expectable for the admin. Good to see their active online support system.


The status of this program on monitors is both positive and negative, I think they are doing selective payments, like paying for investors in the first plan with 0.1% daily ROI and scamming people that invested in short term plan like 10% after one day., anyway majority of the monitors have paying status for it with last paid date as on 16th March !


@archu: yeah, even some proof they have already shared by some investors but in some HYIP monitors their status is waiting, paid, and even no paid, that is very confused and i take decision not to invest here even the rate is very low, but it seems that, this program will turn into scam site sooner


so in this one how long will the plan last, i dont think i see the duration of the plan in here, though i haven't been to the site and i dont intend to because i see the are some information about the program that is not clear, so i guess they are hiding something then.


There is all attractive features mentioned on their program, like monitored by 54+ monitoring websites, referral commission of $50 per referral, links to famous forums like TG where this program is getting discussed, I wonder to see latest payment proofs of date 17th on TG forum.


One of the best looking site is it, because their upcoming future is very good because their total record is awesome, only $500+ stock. Is it a good joke, you are right because I would like to say you all that this site can not be stay here for long time because their fund management quality is not so good. Probably their server record has some technical error because we can found many proof at different forums.


This program has live chat support service which is currently online, I also have noticed from the above discussion that the support service is efficient, good to see this program paying for more than ten days, it seems it will stay active for long enough as it's becoming quite popular now.


This hyip is really ridiculous. You named it as milliondollar but then the investments or deposit made as of this moment was just 600 dollars.. For sure, many hyip monitors will not like. Well, I don't believe that they will have stability or lets say will pay for long time for having a very low roi here.


Theirs one hyip monitoring site that invested 1 dollar only but offers 3200% rcb. Its really weird. Because as far as I know the minimum to invest is 10 dollars in here. Or in this case I think this hyip monitoring site invest in ponzi plan. I don't recommend this site at all.


so in this one how long will the plan last,i sont think i see the duration of the plan in her,though i haven't been to this site and i dont intend to because i see the are some information about the program that is not clear,so i guess they are hidding something then.

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