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The internet project GlobEx-Invest is managed and powered by the staff of the GlobEx Group Co., Ltd. - the real company, registered under the UK jurisdiction. The GlobEx Group Co., Ltd. is not very big, but fastly growth investment company, founded in 2007. During this period turnover increase from $250,000 in 2009 to $1,500,000 in 2010 (growth more than in 6 times). In the first half of 2011 turnover on financial operations was near $2,000,000. It was next approximately turnover structure:


40% - forex market;

35% - financial futures and options;

20% - marginal shares;

5% - other financial tools.


We are working with large and famous brokerage houses based in New-York, Chicago and London. Our professional and experience staff gets very good and stability result in money management activity. That is why we decide to open our service for small investors and begin providing this internet project. We have long term business plan and reserve for it purposes in our trading accounts funds in amount of $25,000.


Joining with us you get opportunity to earn a lot of money in the international financial markets and take part of our incomes, and we receive the ability to increase our turnover and profits.


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another hyip site started with good offer , $15 bonus on your deposit , I think this offer will attract alot of investors . but take care guys , you should to make deposit n order to get the bonus , without deposit no bonus .


@pinay: can we use the sign up bonus in this site as the investment, i mean we can earn from that sign up bonus?, for me the rate is fine since i see this program as the middle term investment program. but i don't see they listed in any HYIP monitors for now. but i find something about refund here? maybe it refer to our principal.


@pinay: can we use the sign up bonus in this site as the investment, i mean we can earn from that sign up bonus?, for me the rate is fine since i see this program as the middle term investment program. but i don't see they listed in any HYIP monitors for now. but i find something about refund here? maybe it refer to our principal.


You get the $15 a account balance, and (at least currently) you're unable to reinvest from account balance - you'll just get message stating that it's not currently available.


I joined to this via Twickerz PTSU, so I've gotten all I bargained for already :)


It seems not just a hyip, since I could not find a monitor listing this program yet, on AllHyipMonitors, this program is not listed, their deposit bonus and sign up bonus offers look attractive, even the 50% bonus on every referral deposit makes this program unique, good to see some positive comments from investors.


When I first saw this program I quikly Remember one of the program which scam me some days ago that is Endless Funds.com,because their script and design look the same,but I will love to speak my mind out here as I dont like any program that Bring in bunos when one Deposite with them ,this kind of money splash wont keep the program long online.So we should invest with care.


It is very important to check for proofs around to know if this program is active, that much research is necessary before investing in this one, for the attractive bonus offers, I could not check out it's current status on monitors, as this program have no monitor listed them so far.

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