kivanger Posted March 10, 2012 Posted March 10, 2012 I Am Not Admin Program is a private online investment firm working with you to help you find the best financial approach to make your desires come true, with robust advice on a wide range of issues, money management and investment management, in the most efficient way to set up your investment and future. Our mission is to promote the online investments for those of you new in this business or have been investing online for a long time not with such a success that you desire... Make a Deposit: Select a plan: 103% AFTER 1 HOUR (INSTANT PAYMENT) Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%) Plan 1 $1 - $49 103.00 105% AFTER 1 HOUR (INSTANT PAYMENT) Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%) Plan 1 $50 - $99 105.00 108% AFTER 1 HOUR (INSTANT PAYMENT) Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%) Plan 1 $100 - $249 108.00 110% AFTER 1 HOUR (INSTANT PAYMENT) 30% BONUS IN THIS PLAN Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%) Plan 1 $250 and more 110.00 MONITOR PLANE 1% DAILY Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $5 - $1,000 1.00 JOIN NOW
dkarev Posted March 17, 2012 Posted March 17, 2012 Another hourly program that would see the light of day before the vanish with investors money.though have been trying to check up with the program anyway, but funny enough i seems to open the program, i dont know maybe it from my area but i guess maybe they are gone already.
antthenait Posted March 18, 2012 Posted March 18, 2012 Very ordinary looking site with out pixel header. I really doubt about their stability because they just stay here to take some collection of fund from some greedy fool. First of all they just took .info domain mean most cheap, next just made their site title as hourly profit - which mean no way to get pay. Finally they have junk RoI plan because no one can afford these high end profit. Only we can use their monitor plan as it has 1% daily RoI.
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