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Mini-invest.com is an investment platform specially created for those who need to make a reliable and profitable source of real net income. We are a group of the skilled financial professionals having a high level of knowledge and long-term practice in the investment field. We invest in capital market, gold, also we use a lot of other market instruments in order to increase capital. We are able to offer a real and risk free investment plans with fixed interest rate.



Invest 10$ - 200$

0.5% Daily



Invest 201$ - 500$

0.7% Daily



Invest 501$ - 1000$

1.0% Daily


TO LINK: http://mini-invest.com/


hmmm, what a good script that they have :D, i like it also the design look so well,but the rate that they offer so low, i mean that is too low even it paid the member daily, i see also Ref commision which is low, about this i feel fine with it, but so far i don't see this program listed in any HYIP monitors yet


Are these plans do not have a fix term? I visited the site and I cant find how long these plans are so maybe this plans are for lifetime or at least until the time that you would want to withdraw your principal amount. I wonder how many days that we could reach BEP here. Anyone who knows? Please enlighten me. They have a very good set of plans and I think it is all sustainable but a little too low ROI.


Yeah the ROI is bit little but the program seems to be a nice one because it has a good design but i also dont understand how the plans are is it for lifetime or there is a fix time? but i will be glad if the plans are for life time.


It looks like offering plans for life time, so the principal will be locked forever, and if the program pays for at least 200 days then we can manage to raech BEP with such a low ROI of 0.5% daily, I have noticed there is no ratings page or monitor added in the program, though it is running for more than two weeks now.


0.5% daily RoI is very low on the Roi, it will take a longer time to get the BEP back here. So, we have to think before making investment here about how long we will reach the BEP


I cannot access the site at this moment, even the monitors declared it's status to problem, it's just been two days old, I think, as per the information acquired from monitors, strange that long term programs also having issues in the early stage, let's wait and watch for some more time, before declare it scam.



Even i cannot access the site,i just wonder what really happened to this site, it wasnt paying high ROI to go scam so early.My guess is this site has been attacked by DDOS and admin couldnt handle it and decided to drop the idea of HYIP.



Even i cannot access the site,i just wonder what really happened to this site, it wasnt paying high ROI to go scam so early.My guess is this site has been attacked by DDOS and admin couldnt handle it and decided to drop the idea of HYIP.


I have the same problem since 4 march . I do not know why this site became NOT AVAILABLE . I am afraid if the problem here is in the SSL connection , if that is right I can tell you guys that this site will close .


I think we have waited enough for the site to return fixing the server issues or any technical issues with the site that it is unavailable so far, but it looks like this program has gone for good, I think it's time to move on and the thread will be moved to scam or closed programs section now.

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