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SafeTrade Invest Ltd. is a registered financiar trading and investing company. It was establish by Robert Pederson in early 2008 as a private trading company. Over the last 3 years the company has known a great success especially in trading forex and stock market, but also in other markets.


In 2011 the company made one of its biggest and important decissions. Due to the success as a private investing company, the CEO decided it is time to open the gates for smaller investors and HYIP market.


PLAN Alpha


Plan : 1.50% Daily

Period : 15 Business Days

Mininum Deposit : $5.00

Deposit Returned : Yes

Compounding : No




Plan : 2.50% Daily

Period : 25 Business Days

Mininum Deposit : $5.00

Deposit Returned : Yes

Compounding : No


PLAN Gamma


Plan : 180.00% After

Period : 30 Business Days

Mininum Deposit : $5.00

Deposit Returned : No

Compounding : No


PLAN Delta


Plan : 210.00% After

Period : 40 Business Days

Mininum Deposit : $5.00

Deposit Returned : No

Compounding : No


TO LINK: https://safetradeinvest.com/


Among the 4 investment plans i think Alpha and Beta are the best ones because in this plans we get paid daily which is more beneficial for us if the site turns out to be scam early.We ll at least have some funds return.Minimum spend is just 5$ so many investors won't be afraid to test this site out.


A huge expectable site has found after some worse matter. I personally like those types of investment model where we can use 7 to 30 days for maturity and the base amount will $5 to $10 with daily profit of 1%-2%. Where their policy is almost the same because $5 of minimum investment with secure RoI of 1.5% per day. We also can use their compound feature by which our daily profit will be invested automatically and we'll get best profit after 15 days at-least.


Unfortunately, this program is no longer active, though the ROI offered in their plans is sustainable, this one has been proven to be a fast scam type of program, even the lower ROI sometimes lead the investors in loss, that is how unstable current hyips are.

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