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Dividend Service is an investment trust that was established by combining the capital of several business partners with extensive experience in this field. Founders of the company pursued the goal of creating a fully independent investment organization that would implement high-yielding projects in the sphere of stocks, asset management, at the highest professional level.


Over quite a long period of company active presence in the market, our specialists have implemented a number of highly profitable projects in the sphere of consolidating large stocks of shares, selling stocks and asset management. The company has obtained all the licenses of a professional securities market operator, under which Dividends Service has the right to carry out brokerage activities, as well as provide asset management services.


1.4% daily for 15 days

1.7% daily for 30 days

2.0% daily for 70 days

2.3% daily for 100 days


TO LINK: http://dividendservice.com/


The site is not accessible as for now so i cant really take a look at what it looks like. The plans you have posted looks very stable for a long term HYIP and i guess this site is a promising one.


Yeah you're totally right but sincerely i think the site can't turn scam that soon so maybe it's undergoing some sorts of maintenance but really going by the ROI on offer there is every possibility of the program lasting for long.



You are right, the roi is reasonable and the term holds our principal for specific days which keeps the program alive but we cannot really assume it will last long or not, recently many sites gone scam and disappointed investors.Anyway the admin has added hyip explorer today so now it can be popular.


Need to worry anymore as the website is up already. Anyway, this website does seem good to me because of the low ROI amounts they are offering for investors. But of course we must remain caution as recently many HYIP websites have collapsed.


The minimum term of the plans offered here is fifteen days, currently, this program is nine days old and still active, which is a good thing to know about this program, hopefully, the investors will be able to complete their first round successfully.


Very attractive feature with all best plan. But we expect some more safety from them like popular monitor with paying stamp, hyip proof forum with regular update as well as some community connectivity. Finally we need better profit. So they are the best on the same because 1.4% daily for 15 days plans is the popular plan among us all. Because 15 days is the time which is not so long for wait - and best time for gaining better profit.


i see they have a good script and also so far this program still paid the investors also in some HYIP monitors and as i expected their status in some of HYIP monitors is paid :D, i see they listed in HYIP banker and also in Goldpoll. but i don't see any SSL here, i only find out that they have DDOS protection by KODDOS


I got a news of admin that they might though about some promotion like limited time fixed commission of downline value and some bonus amount for deposit upon our $500+ deposit. Though they are very legit looking site but we can not see any good monitor with forum. We expect some quick response from the admin. Another matter is they please try to add AP insists of STP because STP has high processing fees.


The site does not open for me, but since there has apparently been some news from the admin (post above), I guess they're still actually active, and the issue is with my internet connection.

But with such reasonable and sustainable rates I can very well see why they could be active. The ROI could be a bit too low for some investors, but for others it should provide stable income for their mid to long term plans. I guess I'll take a look at this one later to see if their site would work for me then.


? active? i hope it come true, but what i see is same this site is cannot accessible and it give me error like this:





If you feel you have reached this page in error, please contact the web site owner:


It may be possible to restore access to this site by following these instructions for clearing your dns cache.


If you are the web site owner, it is possible you have reached this page because:

  • The IP address has changed.
  • There has been a server misconfiguration.
  • The site may have been moved to a different server.

If you are the owner of this website and were not expecting to see this page, please contact your hosting provider.



i don't know what admin think but i see they have low percentage to back and about the news i never see any news anymore today since this site is not accessible, maybe the news come to his email, if he joined this program LOL


The site is unaccessable from here so i dont know if anyone is facing such problems likewise but sincerely the major concern of investors inhere would be getting to BEP which to me would take like 12 day.Sincerely investing inhere wouldn't be good since the ROI is moderate and reasonable and above all the minimum deposit is set at just $


The site is accessible from my end, it's been paying for eighteen days and still continues to be online, good to know that the first round with the first plan, of 15 days term has been successful for early investors so far, there is so many popular monitors listing this program and even the minimum is affordable set at $5.


Even i observed that there are couple of monitors are monitoring this site including MNO, I am sure this site is good and paying on time from the beginning but 18 days is not enough to convince me, after getting scammed many times, i rely only on sites older than at least a month.


Along with the usual payment methods, LR & PM, here STP is also allowed as an additional payment processor which is a rare thing in hyip programs, I am not sure if small investors prefer to use that option due to higher fees in STP payment processor, but having more options to deal with a program via, can be an asset for the program.

  • 3 weeks later...

Latest news update from the program, as on 6th April, regarding the shift of the site to more powerful server, with DDOS protection, from BlockDos !


Dear investors!

We have moved to a new, more powerful and faster server, with Ddos protection from Blockdos. At the moment, https protocol is not yet configured, but this issue will get fixed in the nearest future. Those of you who are having difficulties entering the site after this transfer, please contact our support service. We would also like to inform you about voting results for the translation of our website into other languages: Russian version has won. We will try to translate the site into Russian in the shortest possible time.


Issue with the E-mail server has been fixed and here is the recent news update from the admin on this !


E-mail changing

Because of the moving to the new server we have some difficulties with our e-mail server. Notice that our e-mail support address has changed to dividendservicemail@gmail.com. Please, send your questions and claims to this e-mail. We apologize for inconvenience.


It's good thing that they sent a news update regarding their change in E-main ID, or else people would think some spam arrived to their mail inbox, due to server shift, the old mail address seems to have issues that finally they solved it creating a new ID and informing their clients regarding the new contact ID to receive support.


I think the SSL invalid at this site , but I think this site is still paying according to the monitors which rating it . this site has more than 1 month online and that is good to see it still online with reasonable short term plans .


this program still paying until now, just like we saw before i am no doubt with this program and also they have long term investment plan whicih make them stay longer and it seems no members complain and in many hyip monitors their status still okay and i think still profitable too. and it seems they will have russian website too


Russian version of the website.

Project website has acquired its Russian version, and our partners can check it out right now. At the moment, we are testing a French version which will be available for you in the nearest future.

Project administration is constantly striving to broaden its functionality. Follow our updates and news.


Nice layout of the site. It looks good. This is a pretty attractive one. Because of the short term plan and the rates are not ridiculous either. This would be a good one for anyone looking to get some quick money from a short term one. because this has a higher chance of receiving profit.


this program is offering a great ROI for mid and long term invest also two language english and russian in addition a contact support by phone or email

About 20 hyip monitors mention that it's paying so It's a good program to invest 'cause they are really serious


@MrAAKK wow there are 20 hyip monitors monitoring this site? lol that is a hell lot of police patrolling this site. If there are so many monitoring, how come the hyip site doesn't show any of them? It should list them up to show to other members and ensure them that this is a paying hyip.


@MrAAKK wow there are 20 hyip monitors monitoring this site? lol that is a hell lot of police patrolling this site. If there are so many monitoring, how come the hyip site doesn't show any of them? It should list them up to show to other members and ensure them that this is a paying hyip.

yeah there are a lot of monitors, but i think that is good for us too at least we can make them as our reference, and i check this site status today and find out they are still paying,i also check the payment proof in MMG and DTM , they have payment proof, so i don't have any doubt with this site now


wow! having 20 monitors is much,i guess that means the program is really do well and investors are enjoying they investment here,only that only one plan is reachable for investors in this program.

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