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greenproject-co - greenproject-co.com

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Investing with Green Project Co is easy, it can be done using your home computer and it is fully automatic. If you already have funded digital currency payment processor account accepted by our program, all you need to do is to create your personal Green Project Co account and you are ready to start.




This one is a simple no from me. 10% in referral comission....no way it can hold out. The certificate dont mean anything and there is no explanation who they are.

The plans is giving to much money for 150 days. Meaning for me its impossible they planned to stay online so long time....

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i dont think that this site is good to invest, coz the site for me is looks suspicious, and i dont seen any payment proof yet, so for now ill better checked it first before i might consider to join and have a venture here

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  • 4 weeks later...

I feel the site has stopped paying its investors

since even though only two monitors are listed both of them have rated the site as not paying and as a scam

It could be seen the last payout was made only ion the 22nd November its almost 20 days now and so far no payouts are released by the admin till now

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Despite nice site and attractive plans with reasonable roi,

This one turned scam - within quite short time of the program launch

Which was not expected at least looking at reasonable and long term plans.

Admin was intentionally scammer - so he took any deposits made in the first week and did not pay anyone.

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Though there are many program that turn scam in very short period of few days but such program has very high returns so high risk,

This program though had reasonable returns but turned scam in such a short period,

This make it difficult to believe a new program relying on roi any more until a program proves by paying for longer period.

Joining in early stage is not remained a move for nice profit any more.

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