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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut felis felis, aliquet a vestibulum eu, viverra eget orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam mauris quam, placerat sit amet viverra in, varius id augue. Duis vehicula, mi fermentum pulvinar rutrum, nisi ante dictum ligula, at fringilla lectus mi ac purus. Vestibulum venenatis vulputate quam sed aliquet. Pellentesque a tortor magna, ut fermentum justo. Vestibulum tempor urna molestie ligula scelerisque in tempor ligula rhoncus. Mauris sem orci, interdum egestas varius id, venenatis a odio. Donec felis diam, pretium volutpat lobortis nec, ornare et justo. Nam id justo ante, sagittis ultrices arcu. Phasellus vitae arcu sed metus vehicula elementum egestas ac risus. Maecenas interdum metus vitae neque volutpat a lacinia neque viverra. Nam eget rhoncus mauris. Fusce tempor, odio vitae blandit gravida.


PLAN Classic Package:

Minimum Invest 10

Cashout Term Hourly

Percentage 8.00%

Duration 13 Hours


PLAN Silver Package:

Minimum Invest 10

Cashout Term Daily

Percentage 6.00%

Duration 1 Days


PLAN Plantinum Package:

Minimum Invest 100

Cashout Term Daily

Percentage 8.00%

Duration 5 Days


PLAN VIP Package:

Minimum Invest 100

Cashout Term Daily

Percentage 10.00%

Duration 10 Days




I visited this site. I must admit that i was impressed. Really. The site looks good. About their plans, well i do not really know what to say, One thing that I am sure, the hourly plan is not advisable. The other plans, i just don't know if the posted ROI there is fixed or it will vary on the amount that you will invest. For now i will just try to get to know more about this site.


I don't see any hyip monitors or rating page. Not sure what is also the statistics only I see testimonials. And I guess it is hourly hyip but then with high investment of 10 dollars which is somewhat not good for me to invest as of this moment.


I wonder why there is not a single monitor listing this one, when I checked on AllHyipMonitors, I have noticed this thing, also there is no monitor seen added on the program as well, testimonials is what show as the program is active, but we can't decide the real status of this hourly program, by just testimonials.


Though their commitment is perfect because they have good security with powerful server. But they are running though a mid level scam model. Because hourly profit is impossible to afford for any authority, as well as their daily RoI also little bit high i.e. 6% net. But I can't understand that why did they made such dis-balanced project as their ref. commission is too low. But any monitor holder can try with them for $10 only and if they will pay then let me know us.


The Classic Package Plan showed here is actually not good, because it is offering the Hourly Paying RoI HYIP. As we know, it will not sustain too long.. Better not to invest here


The first and best thing we can talk about this program is its script it is really innovative and looking really very good . and coming to the ROI it is also fine and good and we will be inprofit if we invest but i cant able to see the monitors of the site may be it is a new program ill wait for some days before investing here./ and the referral comision is also low here .


I just followed their news, they wrote that they have paid over $57,000+. We never believe that because no monitors have added yet so how can we detect their quality. I think all information is made by the admin for make us confuse.

paid over $ 57,788

Good news for all investors liveusd'' Our investors are growing increasingly large, one month we've paid over $ 57,788 without any of our members are not paid. we pay tribute for all the investors who partner with us. we hope the pleasure you can prosper together Liveusd. We will go ahead with a brilliant vision and mission. Best Regards Team suport Liveusd.com

We only can use this site for make networking by gaining 2% commission on each deposit of our downline.


i must admit that my first glance here is good, since this site have SSL protection and also the used good design for their program, but after look at their ROI plan rate, it is hourly HYIP and also unstable and i don't see any HYIP monitors that listed this program into their listing.


The monitors listing this program have various status for this program, one has given closed status for it and other, active status with last paid details as 8th March that is few hours ago, hopefully, this program is not doing selective payments, we can't trust hourly plan programs like this as they are risky at any stage.

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