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Investment plans:


128% After 1 day

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $2 - $100 108.00

Plan 2 $101 - $1,000 118.00

Plan 3 $1,001 and more 128.00

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240% After 5 Days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $100 - $101 220.00

Plan 2 $101 - $100,000 240.00

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500% After 10 Days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $250 - $100,000 10.00

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800% After 15 Days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $500 - $1,000,000 800.00

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Payment processor: LR or PM


To Link: http://total-liberation.com/


Total-Liberation admin claims that the site is online since 59 days but i don't think its possible,no monitor is showing its 59 days old.I feel it is just to attract newbies who ll convince to trust this site but investors like us should stay away from liars.

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