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Top Of 7 - topof7.com

Plans: 4.79% hourly for 24 hours, 9% daily for 7 days


Bank 57 - bank57.com

Plans: 19% - 21.5% daily for 10 Days, 28% - 32% daily for 5 Days, 38.3% - 44% daily for 3 Days


Perfect Earn - perfect-earn.com

Plans: 105.5% - 124% After 1 Day, 118% - 179% After 3 Days, 135% - 295% After 5 Days


Raise Inv - raiseinv.com

Plans: 18% - 21% - 25% - 30% daily for 6 Days, 112% - 138% - 170% -200% After 6 Days


Racing Inv - racinginv.com

Plans: 1% daily for 30 - 60 - 90 days


Tri Profit - triprofit.com

Plans: 105% - 135% after 1 day, 120% - 215% in 3 days, 135% - 300% after 5 Days


Effective Earnings - effectiveearnings.com

Plans: 108% - 130% after 1 day, 122% - 200% after 3 days, 136% - 200% after 5 days


Easy Fx Income - easyfxincome.com

Plans: 105% - 120% After 1 Day, 116% - 170% After 3 Days, 138% - 450% After 7 Days


Maco Prime - macoprime.com

Plans: 110%-125% after 1 day, 135%-165% after 3 days,


Win Profit - win-profit.com


Ubc Empire - ubcempire.com

Plans: 3.48%-3.52% Hourly for 1 day, 37.4%-38% Daily for 3 days, 21%-22% Daily for 6 days


Just Been Paid Hourly - justbeenpaidhourly.info

Plans: 103% - 115% - 135% after 1 hours, 1% daily forever


Inv Smart - invsmart.com

Plans: 105% - 125% After 1 Day, 130% - 180% After 3 Days, 210% - 450% After 10 Days


Mac Funds - macfunds.com

Plans: 26% - 31% daily for 5 days, 158% after 5 days


Dob Funds - dobfunds.com

Plans: 21.5% - 23% - 25% - 29% daily for 6 days


Forex Trade Income - forextradeincome.net

Plans: 6.5% Daily For 21 Days, 195% AFTER 28 Days, 10.5% Daily For 21 Days


Fast Income Payment - fastincomepayment.com

Plans: 5% daily for 30 days, 105% after 1 day, 120% after 3 days


Pay Income - pay-income.net

Plans: 2% daily for 75 days, 5% daily for 20 days, 125% after 10 days


Star Income - starincome.net

Plans: 7% hourly for 16 hour, 9% hourly for 12 hours, 13.5% hourly for 8 hours


Richer Trend - richertrend.com

Plans: 28% - 30% - 33% daily for 4 days


Gerax Trade - geraxtrade.com

Plans: 18% - 20% - 24% Daily for 6 Days, 1.8% - 2% - 2.4% Daily for 100 Days, 4% - 5% - 6% Daily for 60 Days


Thanks all for choose my service

Admin RecordsHYIP.com

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  • RecordsHYIP





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Online Magic - online-magic.com


Australian Business Group - australianbusinessgroup.com

Plans: 1% - 1.4% - 1.8% - 2.2% daily for 15 - 30 - 55 - 80 business days


Thrive Finance - thrivefinance.com

Plans: 7% daily for 30 days


Invest 2 Cash - invest2cash.com


Junior Invest - junior-invest.com

Plans: 20% - 25% - 30% Daily For 7 Days, 150% - 200% - 250% After 7 Days, 200% After 1 Day


10 Daily Ads - 10dailyads.com

Plans: 120% After 10 Days, 135% After 15 Days, 120% After 12 Days


Multi Profit Share - multiprofitshare.com

Plans: 2% daily for 60 days, 2.5% daily for 50 days


PFX Pro - pfxpro.com

Plans: 110% after 1 day, 132% after 7 days, 5% daily for 30 days


Elite Forex Earn - eliteforexearn.com

Plans: 40% - 100% - 350% daily for 7 days, 120% - 140% - 190% daily for 3 days, 105% - 110% - 120% after 1 day


E Money Poker - emoneypoker.com

Plans: 130% After 1 day, 200% After 3 days, 275% After 5 days


Cash Earth - cashearth.com

Plans: 105% After 1 Days, 116% After 3 Days, 142% After 7 Days


Built Profits - builtprofits.com

Plans: 11% - 12% - 13% - 14% daily for 10 days


Hot Invest - hot-invest.org

Plans: 104% - 110% after 1 day, 110% - 130% after 2 days, 125% - 200% after 4 days


Paid Progress - paidprogress.com

Plans: 125% After 1 Day, 200% After 5 Days, 700% After 15


Invest Paymilo - InvestPaymilo.com

Plans: 7% - 10% - 13% daily for 20 days


Premier League Income - premierleague-income.com

Plans: 5% daily for 365 days, 250% after 2 days, 750% after 5 days


Pay Flower - pay-flower.com


Earth Profit - earth-profit.com

Plans: 104%-140% After 1 day, 122%-320% After 5 days, 170%-1500% After 15 days


Gains Venture - gainsventure.com

Plans: 5 % daily, 150% after 7 days, 200% after 20 days


Your Profit Maker - your-profit-maker.org

Plans: 5% - 6% - 7% daily for 30 days, 0.6% hourly for 10 days, 25% daily for 5 days


King Profit - kingprofit.biz

Plans: 6% hourly for 18 hours, 7% hourly for 15 hours, 9% hourly for 12 hours


Wenston Alliance - wenstonalliance.com

Plans: 17.3% every 3 hours for 18 hours, 15.5% every 5 hours for 35 hours


Eubarter LTD - eubarterltd.com

Plans: 30% - 35% - 40% daily for 4 days


Plus Bonds - plusbonds.com

Plans: 110-112% after 1 day, 136%-142% after 3 days


Bound Less Profit - boundlessprofit.com

Plans: 107% - 130% After 1 Day, 128% - 240% After 3 Days, 192% - 630% After 7 Days


Top Investor - top-investor.com

Plans: 105% - 125% After 1 Day, 116% - 200% After 3 Days, 130% - 300% After 5 Days


Get Million Dollars Hourly - get-million-dollars-hourly.info

Plans: 102% - 110% - 125% - 135% - 150% after 1 hour


Macau Spend - macauspend.com

Plans: 2.5% - 3.8% daily for 7 days, 2.8% - 5.6% daily, 2.3% after 1 day


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



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Profits Co - profitsco.com

Plans: 2.2% - 2.6% daily for 70 days


Carbon Vault - carbonvault.biz

Plans: 17% - 25% Daily for 7 Days


Ambassador Capital - ambassadorcapital.biz

Plans: 3% Fixed Daily Profit For 30 Calendar Days


Voltic Investment - volticinvestment.com

Plans: 1.2% - 1.5% - 1.8% - 2% - 2.4% - 3.4% - 4% daily for 180 days


Cherry Funds - cherryfunds.com

Plans: 102% after 12 hours, 102% after 1 day, 120% after 3 days


Hourly Supply - hourlysupply.com

Plans: 9% hourly for 12 hours, 18% hourly for 6 hours, 36% hourly for 3 hours


Omn Yield - omnyield.com

Plans: 110% after 1 day, 122% after 2 days, 138% after 3 days


Daily Paying - dailypaying.com

Plans: 1.5% daily for 100 days, 103% after 1 day, 52% daily for 2 days


Black Gold Wealth - blackgoldwealth.com

Plans: 104% - 120% after 1 hour, 4%-10%- 100% for 10 days


Solid Bank - solidbank.biz

Plans: 105% - 130% After 1 Day, 116% - 220% After 3 Days, 142% - 600% After 7 Days


Cash Making - cash-making.com


Ideal Profit - ideal-profit.com

Plans: 104% - 120% After 1 day, 125% - 220% After 5 days, 160% - 500% After 10 days


Five Star Empire - fivestarempire.biz

Plans: 12% hourly For 12 hours, 105% - 125% after 1 day, 116% - 190% after 3 days


Casablanca Invest - casablanca-invest.net

Plans: 1.40%, 2.50%, 3.20% daily for 20 days


Solar Inv - solarinv.com

Plans: 105%-120% After 1 day, 111%-150% After 2 days, 117%-180% After 3 days


No Risk Capital - noriskcapital.com

Plans: 1% - 1.5% - 2% Daily for Lifetime


Star Funds - starfunds.biz

Plans: 103% - 110% after 1 hours, 76% hourly for 3 hours, 2% - 3.5% - 4% - 5.5% - 7.5% daily for 50 days


Roi Profits - roiprofits.com

Plans: 30% - 35% daily for 4 days, 150% after 4 days


E-Sports Inv - e-sportsinv.com

Plans: 26% - 27% - 28.5% - 30% daily for 5 days, 163.2% after 5 days


Mini Project - mini-project.com

Plans: 1.3% - 2.5% - 4% daily for 60 Days


Total Finance Wizard - totalfinancewizard.com

Plans: 5% - 6% - 8% - 10% - 12% Monthly


Dividend Union - dividendunion.com

Plans: 24% - 28% - 30% daily for 5 days


Genius Barter - geniusbarter.com

Plans: 30% - 35% daily for 5 days


Top Profit Share - topprofitshare.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 200% After 3 Days, 130% - 500% After 5 Days


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



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Delta Payment - delta-payment.com


APIS Fund - apisfund.com

Plans: 30% daily for 5 days, 165% After 5 days


CH Inv - chinv.us

Plans: 24% - 30% daily


Bitco Max - bitcomax.com

Plans: 1.2% Daily Forever, 10% Weekly Forever

- majorallianceinvest.com

Plans: 6% - 8% - 10% - 12% Monthly For 60 Months


Grand SQ - grandsq.com

Plans: 1.1% - 1.6% - 2.1% - 2.6% daily for 20 days, 1.3% - 1.8% - 2.3% - 2.8% daily for 25 days, 1.4% - 1.9% - 2.4% - 2.9% daily for 30 days


Midas Investment Centre - midasinvestmentcentre.com

Plans: 10% daily for 12 Days, 5 daily for 30 Days, 2% daily for 120 Days


Dubai Fx Trader - dubaifxtrader.com

Plans: 20% - 22% - 25% weekly for 7 weeks, 800% - 1000% after 58 days


Cash 2 Capital - cash2capital.com

Plans: 4% - 5% weekly for 13 weeks


Triple 7 Usd - triple7usd.com

Plans: 106% - 127% after 1 day, 113% - 157% after 2 days, 120% - 197% after 3 days


Pig Paid - pigpaid.com

Plans: 1.8% - 2% - 2.2% daily for 75 Days


FBs Plus - fbsplus.com

Plans: 108% after 1 day, 120% after 2 days, 132% after 3 days


Cash Flow Plaza - cashflowplaza.com

Plans: 105% - 130% After 1 Day, 116% - 230% After 3 Days, 127% - 330% After 5 Days


Max Inco - maxinco.biz

Plans: 7.5% - 8% - 8.5% - 9% - 9.5% - 10% - 12% Daily For 15 Business Days


bankof7.com - bankof7.com

Plans: 7% monthly


Bullish Trade - bullishtrade.com

Plans: 3% - 4% - 5% daily for 40 days


Kuraih - kuraih.com

Plans: 1% weekly, 110% monthly, 6% daily for 30 days


Premium Gains - premiumgains.com

Plans: 5% daily for 5 days, 1% daily for 30 days, 1.5% daily for 30 days


Pros Investment - prosinvestment.com

Plans: 105%-125% after 1 day, 116%-190% after 3 days, 164%-450% after 10 days


Global Oil Fund - globaloilfund.com

Plans: 55%-75% daily for 2 days, 105%-125% after 1 day, 130-270% after 5 days


Power Dollar - power-dollar.com


Forex Pip Group - forexpipgroup.com

Plans: 2.5 to 3% For 30 Day,3 to 3.5% For 90 Days, 4.5%VIP


Invest Corner - invest-corner.com

Plans: 1.53% - 2% Hourly for 72 Hours, 1% - 2% Hourly for 120 Hours, 4.3% - 5% Hourly for 24 Hours


Moon Profit - moonprofit.com

Plans: 108%-110% after 1 day, 115%-120%after 2 days, 125%-130% after 3days


geoxearn.com - geoxearn.com

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 114% - 180% after 3 days, 127% - 200% after 5 days


Slowly But Surely - slowlybutsurely.net/

PLans: 11% per day for 10 days


Mailer Fund - mailerfund.com

Plans: 26% - 30% daily for 5 days, 150% - 170% after 7 days, 200% - 250% after 10 days


Magic Spend - magicspend.com


Deposit Cash - depositcash.net

Plans: 105% - 110% - 115% - 120% - 125% after 1 hour, 9% - 10% hourly for 12 hours


Invest 4 Fx - invest4fx.com

Plans: 40% - 45% daily for 3 days, 125% - 140% after 3 days, 200% - 300% after 10 days


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



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Fxcm Invest - fxcminvest.com

Plans: 1.5% - 2.3% daily for 15 - 60 days


Double Profit - double-profit.biz


Premium Dollars - premium-dollars.com

Plans: 8% hourly for 13 hours, 106-116% after 1 day, 32-42% daily for 4 days and more


Enjoy Funds - enjoyfunds.com

Plans: 106% - 126% After 1 Day, 116% - 170% After 2 days, 160% - 300% After 5 days


Threex Speed - threexspeed.com

Plans: 3% daily for 50 days


LR Invest - lrinvest.net

PLans: 10% daily for 12 days, 110% after 12 days


Fix Gold - fixgold.ru

Plans: 0.8% - 1.3% - 2% per day, 1.1% - 1.7% - 2.4% daily for 7 days, 1.8% - 2.5% - 3% daily for 30 days, 2.6% - 3.6% - 4.6% daily for 365 days


Nile Trust - niletrust.com

Plans: 7% - 8% - 9% - 10% daily for 30 days, 120% - 130% after 5 days


Best Earns - best-earns.com

Plans: 5% daily lifetime, 180% after 50days, 240% after 70days


Immediate Earn - immediate-earn.com

Plans: 114% - 142% after 7 days, 103% - 112% after 2 days, 2% - 2.3% - 2.7% daily for 30 - 60 - 90 days


Icu Forex - icuforex.com

Plans: 103% - 125% After 1 Day, 118% - 216% After 5 Days, 2.1% - 4.3% Daily For 60 Days


Just Profit - just-profit.net

Plans: 8% hourly for 13 hours, 10.7% - 11% hourly for 10 hours, 16.7% - 17% hourly for 7 hours


1 Billion Fund - 1billionfund.org

Plans: 7% Daily for 30 Days, 106% - 125% after 1 day, 121% - 180% after 3 days


Oil Forex Profits - oilforexprofits.com

Plans; 101% - 110% after 1 day, 115% - 200% after 2 days, 170% - 300% after 3 days


Gold Roi - gold-roi.com

Plans: 5.2% - 6% hourly for 20 hours, 3% - 3.7% hourly for 36 hours, 4.5% - 6% daily for 5 days


Fund Milo - fundmilo.com

Plans: 105% - 120% - 150% - 180% - 200% after 7 days


Cash Growth - cashgrowth.net

Plans: 3% - 5% daily for 50 days


Perfect Profit - perfect-profit.biz

Plans: 6.25% - 8.33% hourlyr for 24 hours, 250% after 1 day


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



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Primex Alliance - primexalliance.com

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 118% - 185% after 3 days, 150% - 315% after 5 days


Fx Profitclub - fx-profitclub.com

Plans: 125% After 1 Day, 520% After 5 Days, 1050% After 10 Days


Razor Pay - razorpay.com

Plans: 7.5% daily for 20 days, 18% daily for 8 days


Cash On Day - cashonday.com

Plans: 106% - 124% after 1 day, 121% - 180% after 3 days, 145% - 235% after 7 days


Long Deposit - longdeposit.com

Plans: 0.1% - 0.12% daily for 1000 days


Comfort Finances - comfortfinances.com

Plans: 175% after 8 days, 250% after 6 days, 300% - 400% after 4 days


Natural Cash - natural-cash.com

Plans: 110% after 1 day, 135% after 3 days


Uni Trust Finance - unitrustfinance.com

Plans: 1.5% - 1.75% - 2.25% - 2.75% - 3.25% - 4% daily for 90 trading days


Money Standard - money-standard.com

Plans: 130% After 1 Day, 190% After 3 Days, 570% After 10 Days


Smarte X5 - smartex5.com

Plans: 3.2% daily for 50 days, 1% daily for 75 days


2 Day Fund - 2dayfund.com


Earn Profit 2 Day - earnprofit2day.com

Plans: 104% - 132% After 1 Day, 120% - 225% After 5 Days, 127% - 320% After 8 Days


Earn Radio - earnradio.com

Plans: 28-35% Daily For 5 Days,180-220% After 5 Days


Top Invest - topinvest.biz

Plans: Buy shares


200 Weekly - 200Weekly.com

Plans: 200% after 1 week


Regular Commercial - regularcommercial.com

Plans: 23-30% daily for 5 days


Cos Caves - coscaves.com

Plans: 111% after 1 day, 124% after 2 days, 138% after 3 days


Schengen Trading - schengentrading.com

Plans: 4% - 4.5% - 5% - 5.5% - 6% Daily For 30 days


Avron Trade - avrontrade.com

Plans: 21.5% - 28.5% Daily For 5 days, 110% - 150% After 5 days.


Sky Light Invest - skylight-invest.com


Gold Ryder 8 - goldryder8.com

Plans: 8% daily for 30 days, 140% after 8 days, 112% after 2 days, 2% daily for 365 days


Money Flow - moneyflow.biz

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 210% after 3 day, 130% - 330% after 5 day


Exceptional Investments - exceptionalinvestments.biz

Plans: 5.78% hourly for 18 hours, 4.42% hourly for 24 hours, 108% after 1 day, 33% daily for 4 days, 300% after 15 days


Mono Invest - monoinvest.net

Plans: 60% hourly for 2 hours, 12% hourly for 10 hours, 135% after 1 day


Forex Ians - forexians.biz


Hyip Deals - hyipdeals.com

Plans: 2.8% for 60 days


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



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WPS Invest - wpsinvest.com

Plans: 30% - 35% daily for 4 days, 25% Daily For 5 Days, 150% after 5 days


Eworld Traders - eworldtraders.biz

Plans: 5.7%-6% Hourly For 18 Hours, 105%-115% After 1 Day, 125%-165% After 3 Days


Dollars Inv - dollarsinv.biz

Plans: 17% - 20% hourly for 6 hours, 105% - 130% after 1 day, 117% - 150% after 3 days


Interest Area - interestarea.biz

Plans: 10% - 12% - 16% daily for 11 days


Kash Gol Ltd - kashgolltd.com

Plans: 2% - 3% - 4% daily for 60 days


Prs Investment - prsinvestment.biz

Plans: 1.8% - 2.2% - 3.3 Daily for 70 days


Swk Funds - swkfunds.com

Plans: 25% - 30% daily for 5 days, 165% After 5 Days


Star Earner - star-earner.com

Plans: 110% - 113% after 1 day, 124% - 128% after 2 days, 138% - 144% after 3 days


Western Inv - westerninv.com

Plans: 28% - 35% - 40% daily for 5 days


Mega Capital - mega-capital.net

Plans: 106% - 125% after 1 day, 123% - 170% after 3 days, 137% - 247% after 5 days


Welsh Fund - welshfund.com

Plans: 5% daily for 30 Calendar days,110% after a week


Oiland Gas Investment - oilandgasinvestment.org

Plans: 20% - 21% - 22% - 23% - 24% - 25% daily for 6 calendar days


Fx Easy Trade - fxeasytrade.com

Plans: 2% - 3% daily for 150 days, 11% - 22% weekly for 30 weeks, 62% - 90% monthly for5 months


Instant Dividend - instantdividend.com

Plans: 105% - 140% After 1 Day, 125% - 300% After 5 Days, 150% - 500% After 10 Days


Cash Contribute - cashcontribute.com

Plans: 105% After 1 Day, 2.5% Daily for 50 Days, 4% daily for 75 Days, 6% Daily for 35 Days


Royalty 8 - royalty8.com

Plans: 8% Daily For 20 Days


Liberty Reserve Rain - liberty-reserve-rain.com

Plans: 105% - 110% After 1 Day, 115% - 150% After 3 Days, 150% - 200% After 5 Days


Reality Benefit - realitybenefit.com

Plans: 105% - 125% After 1 Day, 111% - 155% After 2 Days, 118% - 210% After 3 Days


Trade World Line - tradeworldline.com

Plans: 7% - 8% - 9% - 10% daily for 20 days


Fxs Trading - fxstrading.com

Plans: 1% daily for 60 days, 1.5% daily for 150 days, 2% daily for 180 days


Profit 12 Fx - profit12fx.com

Plans: 12% daily for 12 business days


Venton Finance - ventonfinance.com

Plans: 21.6% - 23.6% - 25.6% - 27.6% daily for 5 days


Real Strategies - realstrategies.biz

Plans: 105% - 127% after 1 day, 117% - 177% after 3 days, 127% - 227% after 5 days


Premium Season - premiumseason.com

Plans: 4% - 7% - 10% monthly for 72 months


Best Earn - bestearn.in

Plans: 18% hourly for 6 hours, 125% after 1 day, 150% after 2 days


Fresht Capital Management - freshtcapitalmanagement.com

Plans: 1.2% - 2.2% - 3.2% for 100 days


Swiss Depositary - swissdepositary.com

Plans: 25% - 30% daily for 5 days


Biz Booster - biz-booster.biz

Plans: 7% hourly for 15 hours, 3.8% hourly for 30 hours, 2.6% hourly for 45 hours


Party Invest - partyinvest.net

Plans: 105% - 110% after 1 hour, 22.5% - 25% hourlyr for 5 hours, 130% - 135% after 1 day


Safe Money Union - safemoneyunion.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 200% After 3 Days, 130% - 300% After 5 Days


Afsa Investment - afsainvestment.com

Plans: 21% - 25% for 5 Days


Big Payment - big-payment.com


Fran Investment - raninvestment.com

Plans: 2% - 3% - 5% daily for 65 Days


Capital Turbo Ltd - capitalturboltd.com

Plans: 2.2% - 4.6% - 6.6% for 52 Days


Capital Boniad - capitalboniad.com

Plans: 25.5% - 27% - 33.55 daily for 4 days


Emy Investment - emyinvestment.com

Plans: 12% - 14% - 18% daily for 9 Days


Free Trades Inc - freetradesinc.com

Plans: 1.5% - 5.5% for 90 Days


Easy Revard - easyrevard.com

Plans: 1% daily for 7 days, 1.5% - 2% - 2.5% daily for 15 days


Top Investing - topinvesting.biz



Quick Hourly - quickhourly.biz

Plans: 120% after 1 hour, 200% after 2 hours, 1000% after 4 hours


U Money Hyip - umoneyhyip.com


Trade Fx 7 - tradefx7.com

Plans: 7% Daily for 30 Days


CMS Pool - cmspool.com

Plans: 24% - 26% - 28% - 30% daily for 5 days


Raid Invest - raidinvest.com

Plans: 1.2% - 1.4% - 1.6% - 1.8% - 2% - 2.4% - 2.8% daily for 90 days


The Golden Branch - thegoldenbranch.com

Plans: 5% - 30% after 1 day, 16% - 100% after 3 days, 27% - 160% after 5 days


Smile Hyip - smilehyip.com

Plans: 25% Daily For 6 Days, 20% Daily For 10 Days, 60% Daily For 3 Days


Invest Concept - investconcept.net

Plans: 1.5% - 1.8% - 2.3% - 3% daily for 24 - 23 - 22 - 21 business days, 10% for 15 days, 15% for 10 days


Luck Changers - luckchangers.com

Plans: 105%-135% after 1 day, 120%-235% after 3 days, 127%-535% after 5 days


Stock Money Market - stockmoneymarket.com

Plans: 10.5% Hourly For 10 Hours, 21% Hourly For 5 Hours, 105% after 1 Hour



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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



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Shock Plan - shockplan.net

Plans: 52% - 60% hourly for 2 hours, 106% - 120% - 135% after 1 hour


Paid Invest Cash - paidinvestcash.com

Plans: 2.4% daily for 1 year, 3.4% daily for 100 days, 150% after 30 days


Okjo Energy - okjoenergy.biz

Plans: 5% - 5.5% - 6% daily for 30 days


Raccon 4 Investment - raccon4investment.com


Monetary Tree - monetary-tree.com

Plans: 104%-130% after 1 day, 115%-230% after 3 days, 127%-350% after 5 days, VIP PLAN 7 hourly for 16 hours(6,5% - 7%)


Strategic Gain - strategicgain.net

Plans: 6% - 7% daily for 25 business days, 150% after 20 days


Freely Invest - freely-invest.com

Plans: 7% - 10% - 12% daily for 20 days, 1.6% - 1.8% - 2% - 2.2% daily for 30 days


Success Ful Dreams - successfuldreams.net

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 117% - 210% after 3 days, 130% - 300% after 5 days


10 Percent Invest - 10percent-invest.com

Plans: 25% daily for 5 days, 10% Daily for 20 days, 2.8% daily for 60 days, 5% daily for 40 Days


Elite Earn - eliteearn.com

Plans: 108% - 133% After 1 Day, 114% - 160% After 2 Days, 121% - 203% After 3 Days


Alamina Trust - alaminatrust.com

Plans: 1.1% daily for 30 days,1.3% daily for 60 days,1.6% daily for 120 days,1.9% daily for 180 days


Harrick Gold Invest - harrickgoldinvest.com

Plans: 1.5% - 2% - 2.8% daily for 30 days


Online Raise - onlineraise.net

Plans: 11% hourly for 11 hours, 35% hourly for 3 hours


Beta Investment - betainvestment.biz

Plans: 8% hourly for 13 hours, 34% - 40% hourly for 3 hours, 105% - 130% after 1 hours


Fresh Fund - freshfund.biz

Plans: 30% daily for 4 days, 150% after 7 days, 240% after 14 days, 240% after 14 days


Money Depositary - moneydepositary.com

Plans: 28% - 29.2% - 30.5% - 32% daily for 4 calendar days


Prime Finance - prime-finance.biz

Plans: 40% Daily For 3 days, 130% After 3 Days, 22% Daily For 7 Days, 200% After 7 Day


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



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Invest Return - investreturn.biz

Plans: 6.25% - 10% daily for 24 days, 3% - 6% daily for 50 days, 110% - 130% after 2 days


Windstar Invest - windstar-invest.com

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 118% - 185% after 3 days, 150% - 315% after 5 days


Profit Restore - profit-restore.com

Plans: 1.3% - 1.5% - 1.7% - 2.5% daily for 150 days


Funds Profit - funds-profit.com

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 350% - 370% after 3 days, 510% - 530% after 5 days


Smart Fundss - smartfundss.com

Plans: 4% - 5% - 6% - 7% daily for 30 days, 8% - 10% - 15% - 20% daily for 20 days, 110 after 1 days


Loyal Return - loyalreturn.com

Plans: 1.6% daily for 15 business days, 1.8% daily for 30 business days, 2.0% daily for 60 business days


Forex Key - forexkey.net

Plans: 1% - 2.5% Daily for 100 Trading Days


Green Home Dream - greenhomedream.com

Plans: 110%-112% after 1 day, 135%-138% after 3 days


Primex Earn - primexearn.com

Plans: 128% After 1 Day, 195% After 3 Days, 570% After 10 Days


Insured Earning - insuredearning.com

Plans: 10% daily for 20 Days, 12% daily for 25 Days, 15% daily for 27 Days, 20% daily for 30 Days


Plans: 128% After 1 Day, 195% After 3 Days, 570% After 10 Days


Safe Forex Market - safeforexmarket.com

Plans: 1.5% daily for 30 days, 1.8% daily for 45 days, 2% daily for 60 days, 115% after 7 days, 123% after 3 days


Waco Mark - wacomark.com

Plans: 10% daily for 20 days


Cash Daily Share - cashdailyshare.com

Plans: 3% daily, 90% monthly


New WF - new-wf.com

Plans: 1.2% - 1.6% - 2% daily for 70 days, 101% - 102% after 1 day, 110% - 122% after 2 week


Big Fund - bigfund.net

Plans: 9% hourly for 13 hours, 104% - 130% after 1 hour


EW Profit - ewprofit.net

Plans: 13% - 14% hourly for 8 hours, 35% - 36% hourly for 3 hours, 115% - 130% after 1 day


U Greater - u-greater.com

Plans: 25% Daily For 5 Days , 150% After 7 Days


Fac Inv - facinv.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day


Dii Wealth - diiwealth.com

Plans: 110% after 1 day, 124% after 2 days, 136% after 3 days


Fund Or Bits - fundorbits.com/

Plans: 2% daily for 90 business days


Glodrek - glodrek.com

Plans: 5% - 6% horly for 21 hours, 105.5% - 120% after 1 day, 118% - 200% After 3 Day


Top Most Gain - topmostgain.com

Plans: 10% hourly for 12 hours, 220% after 3 days, 600% after 7 days


Riden Earn - ridenearn.com

Plans: 110% - 115% after 7 days, 140% - 165% after 30 days


Contex Capital - contexcapital.com

Plans: 1.25% - 1.8% daily for 180 business days


My Easy Paid - myeasypaid.com

Plans: 4% daily for 50 days


Hy Earn - hyearn.com

Plans: 1% to 15% daily for 15 days


World Wide Earn - worldwide-earn.com

Plans: 1.2% - 2.5% daily for 80 days, 117% - 155% after 15 days, 160% - 210% after 30 days


Perfect Liberty Money - perfectlibertymoneycom

Plans: 1.2% daily for 90 days, 102% - 105% - 150% - 200% after 1 day


Profit Hall - profit-hall.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 143% - 300% after 7 days, 165% - 700% after 10 days


Money Everest - moneyeverest.biz

Plans: 15% - 40% daily for 8 days, 110%-120% after 3 days, 150%-200% after 7 days


Loan Trusted - loantrusted.com

PLans: 23% - 24% - 25% daily for 5 days


Giga Result - gigaresult.com

Plans: 110% - 112% after 1 day, 124% - 126% after 2 days, 138% - 142% after 3 days


Ecoladder - ecoladder.net

Plans: 25.5% - 31% - 37% daily for 5 days, 175% after 5 days


Money Expanded - moneyexpanded.com

Plans: 26-33% daily for 5 days


Dyn Trust - dyntrust.com

Plans: 1.2% daily for 50 days, 2.8% daily for 60 days


Online Spend - onlinespend.com

Plans: 8% daily for 30 business days, 14% daily for 10 business days


ROI Choice - roichoice.com

Plans: 10.6% daily for 10 days, 4.5% daily for 30 days, 1.8% daily for 60 days


Sevener Time - sevenertime.com

Plans: 105% after 1 day, 116% after 3 days, 138% after 7 days


Valid Profit - validprofit.com

Plans: 24% - 26% - 28% daily for 5 days


Bets Champion - betschampion.com

Plans: 105% - 115% After 1 Day, 111% - 131% After 2 Days, 128% - 178% After 5 Days


Esslegal - esslegal.com

Plans: 1.9% daily for 20 days, 2.2% - 2.5% - 2.8% daily for 40 days


Ability Plan - abilityPlan.com


Flitz Investments - flitzinvestments.com

Plans: 15% - 21% daily for 8 days, 160% - 210% after 11 days


Neo Profits - neoprofits.net

Plans: 125% After 1 day, 185% after 3 days, 315% after 7 days


Perfect Inv - perfectinv.biz

Plans: 105% - 131% after 1 days, 116% - 220% after 3 days, 127% - 300% after 5 days


Money Maker Group - money-maker-group.net

Plans: 1% Daily For 365 Days


Solid Earn - solid-earn.com

Plans: 108% - 125% After 1 Day, 135% - 200% After 3 Days, 450% - 640% After 7 Days


3 Plan Fund - 3planfund.com

Plans: 7% - 8% - 9% Daily For 20 Days


Biggest Hourly - biggesthourly.com

Plans: 6.75% Hourly For 16 Hours, 13.25% Hourly For 8 Hours, 26.25% Hourly For 4 Hours, 104% after 1 Hour


One Plan - one-plan.net

Plans: 5.2% hourly for 24 hours, 110% after 1 hour


Royal Income Eu - royalincomeeu.com

Plans: 105% after 2 days, 115% after 3 days, 120% after 4 days


Guru Bet On Markets - gurubetonmarkets.com

Plans: 20% - 30% weekly


Or Bits Pay - orbitspay.com

Plans: 10% daily for 20 days, 15% daily for 15 days


Morris Invest - morris-invest.com

Plans: 20% daily for 7 days, 200% after 7 days, 300% after 10 days


Income Africa - incomeafrica.com

Plans: 105% - 135% after 1 day, 117% - 200% after 3 days, 130% - 280% after 5 days


KBSO - kbso.com

Plans: 0.8% - 2.08% daily for 18 - 98 days


Capital Invest Group - capitalinvestgroup.net

Plans: 120% after 1 day, 170% after 3 days, 250% after 6 days


Dollar Zone - dollar-zone.com

Plans: 104% - 127% after 1 day, 112% - 180% after 2 days, 145% - 780% after 7 days


Plans: 104% - 120% after 1 day, 125% - 185% after 5 days, 25% - 40% daily for 5 days


High Deposit - high-deposit.com

Plans: 10.5% hourly for 10 hours, 27% - 35% hourly for 4 hours, 104% - 111% after 1 hour


Gold Pens Club - goldpensclub.com

Plans: Buy Insurance 10 - 15 days


Unbelievable Returns - unbelievable-returns.com


Western Capital Finance - westerncapitalfinance.com

Plans: 6% daily for 30 days, 104% after 1 day, 120% after 7 days


Invest 4 Real - invest4real.net

Plans: 5% daily for 30 days, 7% daily for 20 days, 10% daily for 15 days


Force Money - force-money.com

Plans: 27% - 35% daily for 4 days, 10% daily for 20 days, 1.2% daily for 365 days


Exclusive Gold - exclusivegold.net

Plans: 5% hourly for 24 hours, 3.125% hourly for 48 hours, 2.43% hourly for 72 hours


Rhodium Finance - rhodiumfinance.com

Plans: 107% - 110% after 1 day, 113% - 115% after 2 days, 25% daily for 7 days


Wine Fund - winefund.co

Plans: up to 10% daily for 25 days


Invy Our Dream - invyourdream.com

Plans: 105% After 1 day; 125% or 150% After 5 days


TB Found - tbfound.com

Plans: 110% after 5 days, 122% after 10 days, 146% after 20 days


Rye Treasure - ryetreasure.com

Plans: 7% - 17% daily for 17 trading days, 289% after 17 trading days


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  • 2 weeks later...


Add new program today:


World Class Traders - worldclass-traders.com

Plans: 7% hourly for 16 hours, 8% hourly for 13 hours, 12% hourly for 9 hours


Prima7 - prima7.com

Plans: 10% - 11% - 12% daily for 30 days, 25% daily for 6 days, 200% after 7 days


Profit Doubling - profitdoubling.com

Plans: 2% daily for 60 days, 3.5% daily for 50 days, 5.5% daily for 40 days


Stable Forex - stable-forex.com

Plans: 1% daily for 15 days, 1.4% daily for 30 days, 2% daily for 45 days, 2.8% daily for 60 days (Principal Returned)


Best Investment - bestinvestment.bz

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 170% after 3 days, 135% - 350% after 6 days


Yama Funds - yamafunds.com

Plans: 110%-114% after 1 day or 136%-148% after 3 days


Golden Assets - goldenassets.biz

Plans: 105% - 126% after 1 day, 115% - 155% After 2 days, 200% - 760% after 8 Days


Gold Resource - gold-resource.biz

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 130% - 250% after 5 days, 145% - 400% after 7 days


Perfect ROI - perfectroi.com

Plans: 105% - 128% After 1 Day, 117% - 235% After 3 Days, 140% - 630% After 7 Days


After 90 Days - after90days.org

Plan: 108% monthly

Forex Sky Scraper - forexskyscraper.com

Plans: 0.6% daily for 30 days, 0.8% daily for 60 days, 1% daily for 120 days, 1.2% daily for 180 days (Business Days)


Hourly Excellent - hourlyexcellent.com

Plans: 10.5% hourly for 10 hours, 15% hourly for 7 hours, 26.25% hourly for 4 hours, 105% after 1 hour


Green Raise - greenraise.net

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 200% after 3 days, 127% - 275% after 5 days


Excellent Profit - excellentprofit.biz

Plans: 4.5% - 5.5% - 6.7% daily for 50 days, 2.5% - 2.7% - 3% monthly for 100 days


Hourly Withdraw - hourly-withdraw.com

Plans: 1.5% hourly for 3 Days, 120% after 5 Days, 145% after 10 Days


Money Area - money-area.net



Supper Earnings - supperearnings.com

Plans: 111% after 1 day, 124% after 2 days, 138% after 3 days


Royal Profit - royalprofit.biz

Plans: 7% - 8% - 9% - 10% - 11% - 12% daily For 15 business days


2 Weeks In - 2-weeksin.com

Plans: 10% - 12% - 15% daily for 14 days


Fin Step - finstep.com

Plans: 115% after 1 day, 142% after 3 days, 194% after 5 days


Earn Max Income - earnmaxincome.com

Plans: 104% after 1 day, 114% after 3 days, 132% after 7 days


Nek Vendor - nek-vendor.com

Plans: 104% - 106% after 1 day, 115% - 117% after 3 days, 130% - 132% after 5 days


True Income - true-income.com


Proper Business - proper-business.com

Plans: 105% - 110% - 115% after 1 day, 150% after 3 days


Stable Growth - stable-growth.com

Plans: 1.5% Hourly for 12 Hours, 20% Daily for 5 Days


Cash Monarchy - cashmonarchy.com


Play Inv - playinv.com

Plans: 11% daily for 14 days, 180% after 14 days, 10% daily for 15 days


Invest Corporate - investcorporate.com

Plans: 6% - 8% - 10% daily for 30 days


Pay Fund - payfund.net

Plans: 7% hourly for 15 hours, 9% hourly for 12 hours, 12% hourly for 9 hours


Dual Profits - dual-Profits.com

Ppans: 7.5% - 8% - 10% - 12% for 20 days


I Can Invest - i-can-invest.com

Plans: 6% fixed daily for 30 days


Liars No More - liarsnomore.com

Plans: 7% daily for 21 days, 40% weekly for 4 weeks, 175% after 1 month


Hyip Turbo - hyipturbo.com

Plans: 105% - 110% after 1 day, 115% - 120% after 2 days


Amazon Inv - amazoninv.com

Plans: 25% - 33% daily for 5 days, 165% after 5 days


Brain Finance - brainfinance.com

Plans: 120% - 125% after 5 days, 23-25% daily for 5 days


Poia Corp - poiacorp.com

Plans: 110%-112% after 1 day, 136%-140% after 3 days


Business Guerdon - businessguerdon.com

Plans: 27% - 40% daily for 4 days, 110% - 165% after 4 days


Online Banker - onlinebanker.biz

Plans: 30% - 40% - 50% daily for 4 days, 160% after 4 days


Fx Billions - fx-billions.com

Plans: 105% - 132% after 1 day, 150% - 180% after 3 day, 275% - 400% after 7 days


Akvilin Invest - akviloninvest.com

Plans: 0.6% - 0.7% - 0.9% - 1.1% daily for 30 days, 1.1% - 1.2% - 1.3% daily for 90 days, 1.2% - 1.5% - 1.7% daily for 180 days


4x Millions - 4xmillions.biz

Plans: 105% - 132% after 1 day, 150% - 180% after 3 day, 275% - 400% after 7 days


Finance Yield - financeyield.com

Plans: 108% after 1 day, 120% after 4 days, 140% after 10 days


Pure Hyip - purehyip.com



Fund Available - fundavailable.net

Plans: 8.5% - 9% hourly for 13 hours, 26.5% - 27% hourly for 4 hours, 106% - 110% after 1 hour


Modern Earn - modernearn.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 245% after 3 days, 142% - 645% after 7 days


Naza Funds - nazafunds.com

Plans: 8% - 8.5% daily for 15 days


Commercial Reward - commercialreward.com

Plans: 16% - 17% - 18% daily for 7 days, 120% - 130% - 140% after 1 week


Star Invest - star-invest.net

Plans: 105% - 126% after 1 day, 118% - 210% after 3 days, 135% - 400% after 5 days


Invest Fobia - investfobia.com

Plans: 7% daily for 30 days, 5% daily for 50 days, 130% after 7 days


K2 Forex - k2forex.com

Plans: 1.43% - 1.67% - 2% - 2.5% - 3% daily for 7 - 15 - 30 2.5% daily for 180 days


Alethea Group - aletheagroup.org

Plans: 0.7% - 1% daily for 5 days


6 Hour Bank - 6hourbank.com

Plans: 17 % hourly for 6 hours, 7 % hourly for 15 hours, 4 % hourly for 30 hours


Granted Income - grantedincome.com

Plans: 11%-20% daily for 10 days, 220% after 8 days


Royalty 7 Hourly Profit - royalty7-hourly-profit.in


Ice Dollars - ice-dollars.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 117% - 210% after 3 days, 130% - 300% after 5 days


Great Deposit - great-deposit.net

Plans: 10% hourly for 12 hours, 20% hourly for 6 hours, 60% hourly for 2 hours


Stock Trading Copr - stocktradingcopr.com

Plans: 102.5% - 110% after 1 day, 109% - 135% after 3 days, 117% - 160% after 5 days


Summer Surprise - summer-surprise.com

Plans: 21% daily for 7 days, 10% daily for 20 days, 103% after 1 day


MFS Return - mfsreturn.com

Plans: 10% daily for 14 days, 160% after 14 days


Union Funds - union-funds.com

Plans: 25% daily for 6 days, 20% daily for 10 days, 300% after 12 days


Premium Earn - premiumearn.com


Profitable Invest - profitableinvest.biz

Plans: 120% after 7 days, 150% after 14 days, 400% after 30 days


Withdraw Deposit - withdrawdeposit.com

Plans: 120% - 130% - 145% after 1 day


Ambucks - ambucks.net

Plans: 30% daily for 5 days, 35% daily for 10 days, 45% daily for 20 days


Top EChoice - topechoice.net

Plans: 28 hourly for 4 hours, 60% hourly for 2 hours


Safe Deposite - safedeposite.com

Plans: 10% daily for 21 days, 117% after 7 days


Nature Incomem - nature-income.com

Plans: 12.5% hourly for 9 hours, 50% hourly for 3 hours, 130% after 1 hour


Just Income - just-income.net

Plans: 17% hourly for 7 hours, 40% hourly for 3 hours, 120% after 1 hour


Loyalty 7 - loyalty7.com

Plans: 7% hourly for 16 hours, 7% daily for 25 days, 155% after 7 days


Best Inv - best-inv.net

Plans: 101.4% after 10 days, 102.3% after 30 days, 103% after 40 days, 106% after 60 days


IFN Invest - ifninvest.com

Plans: 5% - 10% - 15% daily for 30 days


Legit Money - legit-money.com



LR Fond - lr-fond.com

Plans: 12% daily for 12 days


Orange Gains - orangegains.com

Plans: 8.8% hourly for 12 hours, 11.7% hourly for 9 hours, 17.5% hourly for 6 hours


Factorforia - factorforia.com

Plans: 110% after 1 hour, 6.25% - 8.33% hourly for 24 hours, 250% after 1 day


Primex ROI - primexroi.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 218% after 3 days, 145% - 601% after 8 days


Trust Wealth - trust-wealth.com

Plans: 110% - 114% after 1 day, 136% - 148% after 3 days


Vetor Inc - vetori.com

Plans: 7% weekly for 7 weeks, 10% weekly for 10 weeks, 13% weekly for 13 weeks


Diamond Empire - diamond-empire.net

Plans: 18% - 19% hourly for 6 hours, 36% - 39% hourly for 3 hours, 106% - 110% after 1 hour


Trading Coalition - tradingcoaliton.com


Money Grader - moneygrader.com

Plans: 22% - 30% daily for 5 days ,112% -180% after 5 days


Lite Asset - liteasset.com

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 130% - 200% after 3 days, 200% - 450% after 5 days


A Pro - a-pro.biz


Capital Business - capitalbusiness.eu

Plan: 10% monthly


Profit Solutions - profitsolutions.biz

Plans: 7.2% - 9% hourly for 15 hours, 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 200% after 3 days


Share Trade Income - sharetradeincome.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 55% - 75% daily for 2 days, 130% - 330% after 5 days


Crystal Alliance Inv - crystalallianceinv.com

Plans: 4.3% hourly 24 hours, 105% - 125% after 1 day, 118% - 185% after 3 days


Amanah - amanah.co

Plans: 6.5%-7.5% daily for 20 calendar days


Uniq Dollar - uniqdollar.com

Plans: 110% - 112% after 1 day, 124% - 128% after 2 days, 138% - 146% after 3 days


Victory Money - victory-money.com


Powerful Finance - powerfulfinance.com

Plans: 13% - 19% daily for 9 days, 125% - 210% daily after 9 days


Cear Income - clear-income.com

Plans: 105% - 111% after 1 day, 116% - 130% after 3 days, 128% - 150% after 5 days


Unlimited Earn - unlimited-earn.net

Plans: 35% - 39% hourly for 3 hours, 53% - 65% hourly for 2 hours, 110% - 120% after 1 hour


Earn Empire - earnempire.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 117% - 200% after 3 days, 130% - 500% after 5 days


Amazing Profit - amazing-profit.com

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 530% - 550% after 5 days, 1130% - 1150% after 10 days


Global Funds Group - globalfundsgroup.net

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 118% - 185% after 3 days, 150% - 315% after 5 days


Cash Pro Day - cashproday.com

Plans: 105.7% - 125% after 1 day, 116.7% - 179% after 3 day, 136% - 298% after 5 day


Solid Stocks - solid-stocks.com

Plans: 14% hourly for 8 hours, 22% - 30% hourly for 5 hours, 36% - 50% hourly for 3 hours


Summer Investment - summerinvestment.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 117% - 200% after 3 days, 136% - 500% after 5 days


Cash Instant - cash-instant.net

Plans: 22% - 24% hourly for 5 hours, 53% - 60% hourly for 2 hours, 105% - 112% after 1 hour


Trade Paypal - tradepaypal.com


Relax Commercial - relaxcommercial.com

Plans: 27% - 38% daily for 4 days, 3.2% - 3.4% daily for 100 days, 10% - 50% daily for 30 days


Freedom Earn - freedomearn.com

Plans: 25% - 30% daily for 5 days, 150% after 5 days


Winner Business - winnerbusiness.com

Plans: 111% after 1 day, 124% after 2 days, 138% after 3 days


Palm Garden - palmgarden.biz

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 111% - 180% after 2 days, 128% - 350% after 5 days


Invest Dreams - invest-dreams.org

Plans: 105% after 1 day, 110% after 3 days, 22% daily for 5 days


Human Pays - human-pays.com

Plans: 110% after a hour, 200% - 250% after 1 day


TFY Funds - tfyfunds.com

Plans: 25% - 32% daily for 5 days, 170% after 5 days


NBC Venture Fund - nbc-venturefund.com

Plans: 55% - 65% - 75% - 85% daily for 5 days


Inflex Capital - inflexcapital.com

Plans: 2% - 3% - 4% daily for 30 days (Principal Return)


Income Bro - incomebro.com

Plans: 104% - 128% after 1 day, 115% - 235% after 3 days, 142% - 600% after 7 days


Cost Control Invest - costcontrolinvest.com

Plans: 27% - 29.4% daily for 4 days, 101% - 120% after 1 day, 11% - 12% hourly for 12 hours


Global Fund 7 - globalfund7.com

Plans: 20% - 22% - 24% daily for 7 days


Hifi Club Online - hificlubonline.com

Plans: 110% - 112% after 1 day, 136% - 142% after 3 days


Bens Project - bensproject.com

Plans: 10%-12% daily for 12 days, 2.2% - 2.4% daily for 1 year, 150%-160% after 12 days


oi2u - oi2u.com

Plans: 112% after 1 day, 145% after 5 days, 160% after 10 Days


Trade Hourly - trade-hourly.com

Plans: 7% for 15 hours, 5% for 24 hours, 10% for 11 hours


Triple Investment - tripleinvestment.net

Plans: 150% - 300% after 15 Days, 7% - 15% daily for 20 days


Many Hyip - manyhyip.com


US Fx Bank - usfxbank.com

Plans: 105% - 129% after 1 day, 118% - 219% after 3 days, 132% - 370% after 5 days


Maxx Profit - maxx-profit.com

Plans: 105% - 115% after 1 day, 505% - 515% after 5 days, 1105% - 1115% after 10 days


FX Clusives - fxclusives.com

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day,115% - 200% after 3 days,140% - 550% after 7 days


On Sunrise - onsunrise.net

Plans: 12.5% - 13% hourly for 9 hours, 16.5% - 17% hourly for 7 hours, 39% - 40% hourly for 3 hours


Invest My Trust - investmytrust.com

Plans: 105% - 110% after 1 hour, 125% - 135% after 1 day, 155% - 175% after 2 days


Hourly Earn - hourlyearn.net

Plans: 27% - 40% hourly for 4 hours, 36% - 50% hourly for 3 hours, 53% - 80% hourly for 2 hours


Entro Fund - entrofund.com

Plans: 105% - 127% after 1 day, 145% - 270% after 5 days, 210% - 470% after 10 days


1 Million Dollar - 1million-dollar.com

Plans: 160 after 3 days, 345 after 6 days, 600 after 12 days


Forex 365 - forex365.net

Plans: 5% - 6% - 7% - 8% daily for 25 trading days


Green Flowers - green-flowers.net

Plan: 300% payment


Infinite Fund - infinite-fund.com

Plans: 31% - 40% daily for 4 days, 135% - 200% after 4 days, 22% - 30% daily for 7 days


UK Gold Funds - ukgoldfunds.tk



Fx Doubler - fx-doubler.com

Plans: 10% daily for 20 days


Triple In Sixty - tripleinsixty.com

Plans: 5% daily for 60 days


Royal Investment - royalinvestment.biz

Plans: 102% after 2 days, 107% after 7 days, 110% after 14 days


Long Term Profit - longtermprofit.biz

Plans: 2% - 5% daily forever


Luxurious Finance - luxuriousfinance.com

Plans: 4% - 6% daily for 30 days, 10% - 12% daily for 14 days, 20% - 24% daily for 6 days


Capital Return Plans - capitalreturnplans.com

Plans: 2% daily for 60 days, 2.5% daily for 75 days, 3% daily for 90 days


Imperial Financial - imperial-financial.net

Plans: 104% after 1 day, 114% - 120% after 3 days, 200% after 7 days


Top Big Profit - topbigprofit.com

Plans: 150% after 2 days, 200% after 3 days


Empfin Business Group - empfin-businessgroup.com

Plans: 27% - 33% daily for 4 days


Trex Finance - trexfinance.com

Plans: 7% daily for 21 days, 10% daily for 15 days, 18% daily for 8 days


Vertex Pay - vertexpay.com

Plans: 7% daily for 22 days, 12% daily for 12 days


Rea Capital - reacapital.net

Plans: 18.5% - 19% hourly for 6 hours, 38% - 40% hourly for 3 hours, 108% - 113% after 1 hour


Farming In Found - farminginfound.com

Plans: 0.7% - 1% daily for 30 days, 1% - 1.5% daily for 90 days, 1.5% - 1.8% daily for 180 days


E-Kapital Venue - e-kapitalvenue.com

Plans: 2.5% - 3% - 3.5% - 4% daily for 100 days


Safe XFinance - safexfinance.com

Plans: 0.5% - 0.6% - 0.7% daily for 3 days, 0.5% - 0.7% - 0.9% - 1.1% daily for 30 days


Thanks all for choose my service

Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new program today:


Online Traders Club - onlinetradersclub.com

Plans: 5% daily for 30 days, 105% - 125% after 1 day, 180% - 475% after 10 days


Globe Earnings - globeearnings.com

Plans: 1.2% - 1.5% - 1.8% - 2% daily for 30 days (Principal Return)


Fx Money Inc - fxmoneyinc.com

Plans: 105% - 128% after 1 day, 115% - 220% after 3 days, 300% - 670% after 7 days


Advertising Online - advertising-online.biz

Plans: 4.34% hourly for 24 hours, 105% after 1 day, 117% after 3 days


Lead Safe Fund - leadsafefund.com

Plans: 106% - 125% after 1 day, 124% - 200% after 3 days, 184% - 350% after 7 days


Win Profit - winprofit.biz

Plans: 52% - 65% hourly for 2 hours, 14% hourly for 8 hours, 104% - 110% after 1 hour


Elite Funds - elite-funds.com

Plans: 6% - 7% hourly for 17 hours, 130% - 140% after 48 hours


Today Funds - today-funds.com

Plans: 9.5% hourly for 12 hours, 18% hourly for 6 hours, 37% - 40% hourly for 3 hours


Cash Coming - cashcoming.com

Plans: 110% - 114% after 3 days, 136% - 142% after 3 days


True Earn - trueearn.net

Plans: 108% - 135% after 1 day, 125% - 210% after 3 days, 150% - 500% After 5 Days


Wealth Wine - wealthwine.biz

Plans: 105% - 120% after 1 day, 220% after 5 days, 400% - 930% after 35 days



Plans: 12% - 13% hourly for 10 hours, 28% - 29% hourly for 4 hours, 110% - 115% after 1 hour


Fino Pro - finopro.com

Plans: 10% daily for 15 days, 15% daily for 10 days, 14% daily for 15 days, 15% daily for 20 days


Iron Earn - ironearn.com

Plans: 10% daily for 20 days, 15% daily for 10 days, 17% daily for 8 days


Polished Future - polishedfuture.net

Plans: 130% after 5 days, 150% after 10 days, 160% after 15 days


Earn Plus - earnplus.us

Plans: 38% - 50% daily for 3 days, 20% - 37% daily for 7 days, 118% - 180% after 3 days


Summer Profit - summerprofit.com

Plans: 105% - 128% after 1 day, 116% - 210% after 3 days, 140% - 580% after 7 days


Income Hourly - income-hourly.info

Plans: 103% - 106% - 110% after 1 hour


Blue Chips Finance - bluechipsfinance.com

Plans: 107% - 180% after 1 day, 128% - 240% after 3 days, 138% - 360% after 5 days


Invest A Genius - investagenius.com

Plans: 2.75% daily for 71 days, 2% after 15 days


Earn Supreme - earnsupreme.com

Plans: 4% daily for 50 days, 7% daily for 30 days, 10% daily for 20 days


Hale Market - halemarket.com

Plans: 112% after 1 day, 126% after 2 days, 142% after 3 days


Golden Income - golden-income.net

Plans: 36% - 41% hourly for 3 hours, 55% - 65% hourly for 2 hours, 107% - 111% after 1 hour


Space Inv - spaceinv.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 125% - 190% after 3 days, 160% - 330% after 7 days


Asteral Fund - asteralfund.com

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 117% - 210% after 3 days, 144% - 620% after 7 days


Palm Eera - palmeera.com

Plans: 10.5% - 11.2% - 12% daily for 12 days


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



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Gold Asset Alliance - goldassetalliance.com

Plans: 4.3% hourly 24 hours, 2.25% hourly for 48 hours, 105% - 130% after 1 day


Nasbin - nasbin.com

Plans: 23% - 30% daily for 7 calendar days


O 88 Fund - o88fund.com

Plans: 35% daily for 5 days, 160% after 10 days, 225% after 16 days


Hourly Kingdom - hourlykingdom.com

Plans: 7.5% hourly for 14 hours, 15% hourly for 7 hours, 35% hourly for 3 hours


Beta Profit - beta-profit.com


Rico Union - ricounion.com

Plans: 110% after 1 day, 136% after 3 days, 184% after 6 days


Mall Invest - mallinvest.biz

Plans: 30% - 35% daily for 4 days, 150% after 4 days


John Funds - johnfunds.com

Plans: 26% - 31% daily for 5 days, 158% after 5 days


Bank Proceeds - bankproceeds.com

Plans: 105% - 120% after 1 day, 115% - 150% after 2 days, 200% - 300% after 3 days


Jewel Shine - jewel-shine.com

Plans: 125% after 1 day, 190% after 3 days, 365% after 7 days


Eco Invest Group - ecoinvestgroup.com

Plans: 105% - 128% after 1 day, 117% - 235% after 3 days, 140% - 630% after 7 days


Way 2 Dollars - way2dollars.biz

Plans: 10% daily for 20 days, 8% daily for 25 days


Fund To Forex - fundtoforex.com

Plans: 0.8% - 1% - 1.2% daily for 180 days, 1.2% - 1.4% - 1.6% daily for 360 days


Fx Millionaire - fx-millionaire.net

Plans: 120% - 130% after 1 day, 140% - 200% after 3 days


Fx Progress - fx-progress.com

Plans: 105% - 122% after 1 day, 128% - 215% after 5 days, 160% - 440% after 10 days


Big Return - bigreturn.biz

Plans: 104% - 128% after 1 day, 113% - 198% after 3 days, 124% - 298% after 5 days


Top Big Profit - topbigprofit.net

Plans: 150% after 2 days, 200% after 3 days


Mega Profits - megaprofits.biz

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 8% hourly for 13 hours, 13% hourly for 8 hours


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Add new programs today:


4 FXT - 4fxt.com

Plans: 11% - 12% - 13% - 14% - 15% daily for 10 days


Genius ROI - geniusroi.biz

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 200% after 3 days, 127% - 275% after 5 days


Nano Income - nanoincome.com

Plans: 108% after 1 day, 120% after 2 days, 132% after 3 days


Dividend Business - dividendbusiness.com

Plans: 114% - 118% after 1 day, 120% - 125% after 2 days, 134% - 140% after 4 days


Finance Century - finance-century.net

Plans: 13% - 15% hourly for 8 hours, 27% - 28% hourly for 4 hours, 108% - 115% after 1 hour


Earth Inv - earthinv.com

Plans: 8% daily for 30 days, 115% after 1 week, 175% after 28 days


Mega Profits - mega-profits.biz

Plans: 105% - 128% after 1 day, 120% - 235% after 3 days, 180% - 640% after 7 days


Expert Kapital - expertkapital.net

Plans: 7% daily for 22 days


5 Star Invest - 5starinvest.com

Plans: 125% after 1 day, 210% after 3 days, 350% after 5 days


Ultra Cash - ultracash.org

Plans: 16% - 20% daily for 10 days, 10% - 13% daily for 20 days, 9% - 12% daily for 30 days


Now Paying - now-paying.com

Plans: 14% hourly for 8 hours, 53% - 65% hourly for 2 hours, 105% - 130% after 1 hour


Cos Profits - cosprofits.com

Plans: 112% after 1 day, 126% - 132% after 2 days, 140% - 148% after 3 days


ROI Finance - roifinance.com

Plans: 105% - 110% after 1 day, 110% - 125% after 2 days, 118% - 200% after 5 days, 450% after 10 days


Profi Table Bank - profitablebank.net

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 117% - 200% after 3 days, 136% - 500% after 5 days


Techno Income - technoincome.com

Plans: 2% daily for 60 days, 115% after 7 days, 120% after for 10 Days


BBK Fund - bbkfund.com

Plans: 0.5% daily for 30 days, 1% daily for 60 days, 1.2% daily for 90 days


Events Dollar - eventsdollar.com

Plans: 106% - 125% after 1 day, 121% - 150% after 3 days, 156% - 275% after 7 days


My Adrenaline - my-adrenaline.com

Plans: 10% daily for 15 days, 21% daily for 7 days, 14% daily for 15 days, 1 hourly for 5 days


Burning Funds - burningfunds.com

Plans: 7% daily for 40 days, 8% daily for 50 days, 150% after 5 days


Nano Metall - nano-metall.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 200% after 3 days, 127% - 275% after 5 days


High Profit Day - highprofitday.com

Plans: 20% daily for 7 days, 150% after 7 days


Earn Total - earntotal.ru

Plans: 105% - 125% after 1 day, 130% - 195% after 4 days, 145% - 250% after 10 days


Harvest Abundant - harvest-abundant.com

Plans: 103% - 110% after 1 day, 115% - 140% after 3 days, 150% - 220% after 7 days


Best Deposit - best-deposit.net

Plans: 16% - 17% hourly for 7 hours, 37% - 40% hourly for 3 hours, 108% - 115% hourly after 1 hour


Alp Traders - alptraders.com

Plans: 115% after 3 days, 1.7% - 3.3% daily for 24 business days


Ture Profit - ture-profit.com

Plans: 53% - 65% hourly for 2 hours, 102% - 125% after 1 hour


Vivo Credit - vivocredit.com

Plans: 1% - 2% daily for 365 days, 3% daily for 300 days


Invest In Cars - investincars.com

Plans: 105% - 128% after 1 day, 128% - 188% after 3 days, 198% - 428% after 10 days


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new programs today:


Unlimited Fund - unlimitedfund.net

Plans: 2% daily for 90 days, 105% after 1 week, 130% after 1 month


Umi Forex - umiforex.com

Plans: 1.5% hourly for 72 hours, 4.4% - 5.5% hourly for 24 hours, 7% - 8.5% hourly for 15 hours


Bear Earn - bear-earn.com

Plans: 108% - 125% after 1 day, 1.8% - 3.2% daily for 200 days


Fly Pay - fly-pay.com

Plans: 110% after a hour, 200% - 250% after 1 day


Oil Global Fund - oil-globalfund.com

Plans: 119% - 125% after 1 day, 180% - 200% after 3 days, 410% - 450% after 7 days


Meta ROI - metaroi.net

Plans: 13.5% - 14% hourly for 8 hours, 27% - 29% hourly for 4 hours, 55% - 60% hourly for 2 hours


Aurum Finance - aurum-finance.com

Plans: 21% daily for 5 days, 120% after 10 days, 2% daily for 30 days, 2.2% - 2.5% - 5% daily for 45 days


Finvance - finvance.com

Plans: 8% daily for 28 business days


Inter Trust - intertrust.co

Plans: 4.35% hourly for 24 hours, 133.33% after 3 days, 555% after 5 days, 6% daily for 22 days


Dona Capital - donacapital.com


Rainbow Finance LTD - rainbowfinanceltd.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 220% after 3 days, 142% - 600% after 7 days


Grand Funds - grandfunds.net

Plans: 3% - 5% daily for 28 days, 7% daily for 45 days, 10% daily for 70 days


Top Oil Profits - topoilprofits.com

Plans: 1.5% - 3% daily for 300 days, 110% - 150% after 3 days, 150% - 200% after 5 days


S Forexs - sforexs.com

Plans: 1% weekly, 25% monthly, 100% after 3 months


Ferox Union - feroxunion.com

Plans: 3.28% - 5.14% - 6.74% daily for 180 days


Invest Style - invest-style.com

Plans: 104% - 125% after 1 day, 115% - 180% after 3 days, 130% - 255% after 5 days


My Money Worker - mymoneyworker.com

Plans: 4% daily for 30 days, 6% daily for 60 days, 2.3% daily for 90 days


Innovation Hourly - innovationhourly.com

Plans: 12.75% houlry for 8 hours, 8.67% hourly for 12 hours, 6.63% hourly for 16 hours


Invest 2 Cash - invest2cash.biz

Plans: 52% - 80% hourly for 2 hours, 101% - 200% after 1 hour


Jet Profit - jetprofit.net

Plans: 27% hourly for 4 hours, 52% - 70% hourly for 2 hours, 105% - 130% after 1 hour


Gains Key - gainskey.com

Plans: 8.75% hourly for 2 hours, 17.5% hourly for 6 hours, 105% after 1 hour


Fix Earn 7 - fixearn7.com

Plans: 15% daily for 7 days, 17% daily for 14 days, 20% daily for 21 days


Cool Man Son - coolmanson.com

Plans: 1.1% daily for for 10 days, 1.2% daily for 20 days, 1.3% daily for 30 days


Global Commerce - global-commerce.net

Plans: 26.8% - 28% - 30.5% - 32% daily for 4 days


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Prix Project - prixproject.com

Plans: 110% - 112% after 1 day, 124% - 128% after 2 days, 138% - 146% after 3 days


SL Financial - sl-financial.biz

Plans: 105% - 129% after 1 day, 116% - 279% after 3 days, 145% - 680% after 8 days


Premier Empire - premierempire.biz

Plans: 105% - 127% after 1 day, 116% - 177% after 3 days, 127% - 277% after 5 days


Fx 10 Pro - fx10pro.com

Plans: 200% after 1 day


Invest 7 Pro - invest7pro.com


Absolutiva - absolutiva.com


Silverstructure Hourly - silverstructure-hourly.info

Plans: 103% - 106% - 110% after 1 hour


Europe Inv - europeinv.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 118% - 210% after 3 days, 131% - 290% after 5 days


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new programs today:


Binary Wins - binarywins.com

Plans: 106% - 128% after 1 day, 140% - 200% after 3 days, 250% - 350% after 7 days


Dividend Bank - dividendbank.com

Plans: 3.5% daily for 60 days, 31% weekly for 70 days, 24% daily for 5 days


JSS Offer - jssoffer.com

Plans: 5% daily for 5 - 10 - 20 days, 10% daily for 10 days, 15% daily for 15 days (Princepal Back)


Ego Pay - egopay.com


Invest Privat - investprivat.com

Plans: 2.5% daily for 250 days, 2% daily for 200 days, 1.8% daily for 180 days, 1.5% daily for 150 days


Aim Spend - aimspend.com

Plans: 28% - 30% - 35% daily for 4 days, 120% - 125% - 150% after 4 days


Join 2 Cash - join2cash.com


Solid Pay - solidpay.biz

Plans: 22% hourly for 5 hours, 105% - 130% after 1 hour


Ideal Funds - ideal-funds.com

Plans: 111% after 1 day, 124% after 2 days, 138% after 3 days


MCC Funds - mccfunds.com

Plans: 30% - 35% daily for 4 days, 150% after 5 days, 25% daily for 5 days


Way 2 Success - way2-success.net

Plans: 30% hourly for 4 hours, 108% - 115% hourly after 1 hour


Live Profit - live-profit.com

Plans: 25% - 31% daily for 5 days, 160% -170% after 5 days,


Golden Scheme - goldenscheme.com

Plans: 5.5% - 6% - 6.5% - 7% daily for 30 trading days


Yacht Wealth Club- yachtwealthclub.com

Plans: 3 - 3.5% daily for 7 days, 4 - 5.0% daily for 10 days (Principal return)


Mining Finance - mining-finance.biz


Earn One Fifty - earnonefifty.com

Plans: 10% daily for 15 days


Jan Invest - janinvest.com


Blue Interest - blueinterest.com

Plans: 25% - 26% - 27% - 28% daily for 5 days


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new programs today:


Quick LR - quick-lr.com


Ewo Manager - ewomanager.com

Plans: 110% after 1 day, 124% after 2 days, 138% after 3 days


Earn Share - earn-share.com

Plans: 5% daily for 6 days (Principal return), 35% daily for 4 days


2 Inv - 2-inv.com

Plans: 27% hourly for 4 hours, 52% - 60% hourly for 2 hours, 104% - 120% after 1 hour


Will Invest - will-invest.net

Plans: 11% - 11.5% hourly for 10 hours, 27% hourly for 4 hours, 107% - 120% after 1 hour


Special ROI - specialroi.com

Plans: 5% daily for 10 days, 6% daily for 20 days, 8% daily for 30 days


Inferno Corp - infernocorp.com

Plans: 3% - 3.2% - 3.5% - 4% daily for 45 calendar days


Gen 2 - gen2.biz

Plans: 2 daily for 60 days, 10% daily after 5 days for 65 days, 50% after 20 days for 60 days


Donalds Group - donaldsgroup.com

Plans: 1.6% - 1.7% - 2% - 2.3% daily for 90 business days, 1.8% - 1.9% - 2% - 2.5% daily for 180 business days


Aurora Finace - aurorafinace.biz

Plans: 150% after 7 days, 10% daily for 35 days, 130% after 5 days


Eternal Profit - eternalprofit.com

Plans: 2% - 3% - 4% daily for 100 days


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Profit Time - profit-time.com

Plans: 105% - 150% after 1 day, 510% - 530% after 5 days, 1110% - 1130% after 10 days


FineX Income - finexincome.com

Plans: 30% daily for 4 days, 130% - 140% after 7 days, 240% after 14 days, 155% - 160% after 10 days


Gold Structure - gold-structure.com

Plans: 2.2% daily for 100 days, 2% daily for 1 year, 10% daily for 20 days


Zenith Fx - zenithfx.biz

Plans: 3% daily for 90 days, 5% daily for 30 days, 10% daily for 20 days


Genius Capital - geniuscapital.biz

Plans: 3.3% daily for 50 days (Principal Return, Compounding)


Wow money - wow-money.com


Venus Funds - venusfunds.com

Plans: 7% - 9% - 10% daily for 20 days, 11% - 12% - 13% daily for 10 days


Wealth Freedom Fund - wealthfreedomfund.com

Plans: 9% - 10% - 11% - 12% daily for 20 days


Cashrite Inv - cashrite-inv.com


Uni Forex Int - uniforexint.com


Gold Income - gold-income.net

Plans: 18.66% - 21% hourly for 6 hours, 40% hourly for 3 hours, 108% - 116% after 1 hour


Coffee Forest - coffee-forest.com

Plans: 10% daily for 20 days, 110 - 150% after 3 days, 130% - 300% after 7 days


Inv Cost - invcost.com

Plans: 4% daily for 50 days, 230% after 50 days


5 Risk - 5risk.com

Plans: 7% - 9% daily for 20 days


711 Finance - 711finance.com

Plans: 10% daily for 12 days


Samzu Invest - samzuinvest.com

Plans: 12% - 15% daily for 15 days


Superior Gains - superiorgains.com

Plans: 105% - 110% - 115% - 120% after 1 day


Genius Autopay - genius-autopay.net

Plans: 19% daily for 6 days, 140% after 7 days, 200% after 2 weeks


Business Inv - businessinv.com

Plans: 105% - 130% after 1 day, 116% - 210% after 3 days, 140% - 500% after 7 days


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new programs today:


Pearl Pay - pearlpay.com

Plans: 120% after 7 days, 3% daily for 65 days


Texas Invest - texasinvest.net

Plans: 2% daily for 7 days, 2.5% daily for 14 days, 3% daily for 21 days


Deposit Resourse - deposit-resourse.com

Plans: 105% - 126% after 1 day, 136% - 148% after 6 days, 178% - 1128% after 12 days


Wide Fortune - widefortune.com

Plans: 6% - 7% - 8% daily for 20 business days


High Roi Club - highroiclub.com

Plans: 4% daily for 60 days


Ang Club - angclub.com


Fast Money Maker Group - fastmoneymakergroup.com


Bam Paid - bampaid.com


Gold Riches - gold-riches.com


Art Forex - artforex.net


Bato Invest - batoinvest.com


Perfect Paid - perfectpaid.net


IE Invest - ieinvest.com


Trust Paid - trust-paid.com


Profinance World - profinanceworld.com


EU Paying - eupaying.net


Profit By Fund - profitbyfund.com


hy-ip - hy-ip.ru


Hourly Golden - hourlygolden.com


Mix Trade - mixtrade.org


Golden Returns - goldenreturns.biz


Gold Hourly Profit - goldhourlyprofit.com


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new programs today:


Hourly Golden.com - hourlygolden.com


Basic Alliance - basicalliance.com


Online Bank Of America - online-bankofamerica.com


Wealth Gain - wealthgain.net


Sila Program - silaprogram.com


Fire Income - fireincome.com


11 Daily Doubler - 11dailydoubler.com


Good Hope Inv - good-hope-inv.com


Fx Lions - fxlions.com


Fx Investment - fxinvestment.biz


Deposit Now - depositnow.net


Dollar Plaza - dollarplaza.biz


Good Fx - goodfx.net


Global Finax Trust - globalfinaxtrust.com


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new programs today:


Webs Finance - websfinance.com


Profit Profit - profit-profit.com


18 Ads For You - 18adsforyou.com


Win Profit - win-profit.net


IC Forex - ic-forex.com


Pro Traders Team - protradersteam.com


glinsec - glinsec.com


Bank Aria 7 - bankaria7.com


Good Fx - goodfx.net


5 Days Program - 5daysprogram.com


King Inv - kinginv.biz


Webs Finance - websfinance.com


Property Gain - propertygain.org


Lead Easy Fund - leadeasyfund.com


Hot Shares Invest - hotsharesinvest.com


Profit League - profitleague.net


Gold Em Power - goldempower.com


Receive Pay - receive-pay.com


Military Profits - military-profits.com


Safe Fx Fin - safefxfin.com


Cash Flow Bot - cashflowbot.com


Private Gold Empire - private-goldempire.com


Good Plan - good-plan.net


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new programs today:


Long Reserve - longreserve.com


Future Forex - futureforex.us


Koo Fund - koofund.com


Richer Progress - richerprogress.com


Fund Inv - fund-inv.com


Income Style - income-style.net


Agiveo Invest - agiveoinvest.com


stabledeposit - stabledeposit.com


Green1-apple - green1-apple.net


Money Crib - moneycrib.com


Cool Capital - cool-capital.com


Stock Funds - stockfunds.biz


Pick Profit - pickprofit.biz


BFG Investment - bfginvestment.com


Stock Market Investors - stockmarketinvestors.org


Forex Mineral - forex-mineral.com


Plaza Capital - plaza-capital.com


Ful Option - fuloption.com


3 Cents Riches - 3centsriches.com


Private Goldempire - private-goldempire.com


income-style - income-style.net


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new programs today:


Metal Pay - metal-pay.com


Global FinaX Trust - globalfinaxtrust.com


Focus Gain - focusgain.com


Safe Invest - safeinvest.tk


1 Dollar Investment - 1dollarinvestment.com


Origin Profit - origin-profit.com


Oil Trade Money - oiltrademoney.com


Amila Trade - amilatrade.com


Plaza Capital - plaza-capital.com


Ufo Invest - ufoinvest.tk


Football Money - football-money.com


Dreams Inv - dreamsinv.com


Work 4 LR - work4lr.com


Plaza Capital - plaza-capital.com


Sustainable Earnings - sustainable-earnings.com


Golden Fund - golden-fund.net


Modern Investment - modern-investment.com


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new programs today:


Funds Ahoy - fundsahoy.com


Get Rich Hyip - getrichhyip.com


West Finance Group - westfinancegroup.com


Money Factor - moneyfactor.biz


Mutual Assets - mutualassets.org


Kity Funds - kityfunds.com


Gulf Star Trader - gulfstartrader.com


Cash Flow Income - cashflowincome.biz


Aki Funds - akifunds.com


UB Funds - ubfunds.com


Acanac Funds - acanacfunds.com


Only 1 Hour - only1hour.biz


Fixed Earnings - fixed-earnings.net


Amazing Earnings - amazing-earnings.com


Beautiful Roi - beautifulroi.com


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Admin RecordsHYIP.com



Add new program today:


Every One Hour - everyonehour.com


Asia Global Bank - asiaglobalbank.com


Money Storm - money-storm.net


Dual Money - dualmoney.org


Flow Finance - flowfinance.net


Green Investors - greeninvestors.info


Perfect Roi - perfect-roi.com


Forex Investment Fund - forexinvestmentfund.com


MM Unit - mm-unit.com


Capital Boss - capitalboss.com


Growing Horizon - growinghorizon.com


Onis Business - onisbusiness.com


Warren Assurance Realty - warrenassurancerealty.com


Great Deposit - greatdeposit.com


Dual Profit - dualprofit.org


Invest Percent - investpercent.com


Gold Trade Funds - goldtradefunds.net


Extra Trading extratrading.net


2 Hours Profits - 2hoursprofits.com


Atlantics Energy - atlanticsenergy.com


First Invest Fund - firstinvestfund.com


Great Deposit - greatdeposit.net


Invest Rewards - investrewards.com


Eps Funds - epsfunds.com


Yalta Maker - yaltamaker.com


Hot Earning - hotearning.net


Greenf Inline - greenfinline.com


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