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perfectpaid - perfectpaid.com

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Perfectpaid is a financial investment company. We understand what our investors want today and needs tomorrow. After serious analyzes of investment markets, we decided to make a special program. We decided to start investing money in IT industry, which is fast-growing and high-profitable, so it is impossible for us, to be a bankrupt. We didn't invent something completely new on market, we are just using current market situation.

We are not a ponzi scheme, because we don't rely on new investors to pay our members. Also, and though we offer a few consistent investment plans, we are constantly changing and looking for the best possible scenario, always with our members' interests in mind.

Perfectpaid is focused on quality investments and emphasizes risk management and diversification through asset allocation. Our portfolio managers are aggressive, well trained and consist of a global network trading in various time zones for maximum efficiency.


2 year 2.00% daily

Plan-----------------------------Spent Amount ($)-----Daily Profit (%)

Investment Plan 1 : Starter----------$5 - $100-----------1.00

Investment Plan 2 : Basic------------$101 - $500--------1.30

Investment Plan 3 : Advanced--------$501 - $1,000------1.60

Investment Plan 4 : Professional------$1,001 and more----2.00



*Accepts LR and AP




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I Am Not Admin


Perfectpaid is a financial investment company. We understand what our investors want today and needs tomorrow. After serious analyzes of investment markets, we decided to make a special program. We decided to start investing money in IT industry, which is fast-growing and high-profitable, so it is impossible for us, to be a bankrupt. We didn't invent something completely new on market, we are just using current market situation.


We are not a ponzi scheme, because we don't rely on new investors to pay our members. Also, and though we offer a few consistent investment plans, we are constantly changing and looking for the best possible scenario, always with our members' interests in mind.


Perfectpaid is focused on quality investments and emphasizes risk management and diversification through asset allocation. Our portfolio managers are aggressive, well trained and consist of a global network trading in various time zones for maximum efficiency.


Make a Deposit:


2 year 2.00% daily

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

Investment Plan 1 : Starter $5 - $100 1.00

Investment Plan 2 : Basic $101 - $500 1.30

Investment Plan 3 : Advanced $501 - $1,000 1.60

Investment Plan 4 : Professional $1,001 and more 2.00

Calculate your profit >>



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i don't see that they listed in the other HYIP monitors, for me the script is not good since i can see many script like this used in many HYIP, but the profit is good, it is sustainable and will maintain the site longer, the other things i notice here that they don't have SSL and DDOS

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Very awesome plans that we can get pay for just $5 of minimum invest and our daily profit will be casual 1% per day. Only a problem is we've to leave our fund for next 2 year - which is too long to quit the game. But we should expect good daily return. I can't find any strong proof by which we can realize that they are paying now. Also their forum connectivity won't for as wrong codes have been putted. I think this is a very doubtful site - so make sure about their stability before make any invest.

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My major concern of this HYIP is the long investment duration days in which by then the program might have turned scam but still yet the ROI to me is okay and since the minimum is set at just $5 then it wouldn't be bad investing inhere since it would only take like 100 days to get to BEP leaving over 300 days to sweep in profits.

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