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Link : http://www.pruearn.com


Pru Earn is a private investment group whose activity is asset management and e-currency exchange. We work in several directions: forex, stock market and e-currency exchange. Buying our shares you will receive a part from profit.


We started our activity in Agustus 2009. Initially we were a small group of investors and began to cooperate with brokers in the stock market. Since 2011, we began working with the traders in the currency market Forex. But we decided on the bigger picture. And in 2012 we decided to create an online investment platform for raise additional funds to be direct to the development of other areas. One of the new areas is the exchange e-currencies, which we will develop. Planned opening of several online exchange points.


Our main goal is to become one of the leading investment companies in asset management. Give people the opportunity to become financially independent and realize their dreams. Be a reliable partner. .


Plan :


105% - 120% After 1 Day [instant Withdraw]

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $1 - $2,000 105.00

Plan 2 $2,001 - $10,000 120.00

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142% - 500% After 7 Days [instant Withdraw]

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $2,000 142.00

Plan 2 $2,001 - $10,000 500.00

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212% - 1000% After 14 Days [instant Withdraw]

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $100 - $2,000 212.00

Plan 2 $2,001 - $10,000 1000.00

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400% - 2200% After 30 Days [instant Withdraw]

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $200 - $2,000 400.00

Plan 2 $2,001 - $10,000 2200.00


Accept : LR, PM, AP


Link : http://wiseinvestment.biz


Hosting seo

Wypatrujesz prostego i opłacalnego sposobu, tak aby wzmóc zyski własnej firmy? Mam więc dla Ciebie błyskotliwe podejście. Reklama. Rozumiem, miało być bez zbytnich kosztów, wszak zapewniam Cię, że tak będzie. Najłatwiejszą i w najwyższym stopniu całościową, choć równolegle w największym stopniu prężną postacią reklamy jest strona internetowa. Teraz, pod warunkiem, że Twojej jednosteki nie ma w Internecie to możesz zapomnieć o znaczących zyskach. Każdy szuka uprzednio w sieci, wówczas w następnej kolejności możliwie sięga po ogłoszenia w gazecie, lub podpytuje przyjaciół. Spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy, witryna jest faktycznie potrzebna. Jeśli nie jesteś otrzaskany w sprawach domen i Internetu nie martw się. Nasza firma powstała więc wyjątkowo dla Ciebie. Zaświadczamy usługi z odcinka hosting od rozpoczęcia do mety. Nasi fachowcy odpowiedzą na Twoje wszelakie pytania i pomogą dopasować w największym stopniu optymalną propozycję dla Ciebie. Dzięki nam możesz zwiększyć profity swojej jednosteki przy w rzeczy samej nikłym nakładzie monetarnym. W jaki sposób? Za pomocą usługi hosting. Przedstawisz się tu z całą ofertą na hosting i wykryjesz dane do kontaktu z nami. Wypróbuj w jaki sposób Net zdoła Cię wesprzeć.

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The script and design of this site to me is okay even though is not that attractive.Moreso the ROI is a bit high but it should still be sustainable for a while.I just hope they would have a consistent paying status on monitors before investing here.


Well that's right,many short term sites are trusted only after seeing paying status consistently on monitors.PruEarn does not seem to advertising much from the beginning but later on this site can grow well.Anyway this site is having very low minimum spend so it will be tested by many investors asap.


afternoon I transfer My funds here amounting to one dollar but I transfer funds not appearing on My main account so I decided to contact the admin and tell the problems I face, but when I opened the site again, I get something like this, "Delete the install. php file for security reason please! " :(


afternoon I transfer My funds here amounting to one dollar but I transfer funds not appearing on My main account so I decided to contact the admin and tell the problems I face, but when I opened the site again, I get something like this, "Delete the install. php file for security reason please! " :(

Its really bad that admin is not giving you good support.It was a bad decision to invest even a single dollar here without knowing that the site is paying or not.The rating page clearly indicates that no monitors ever tried investing here.I must suggest you to invest only if you see paying status of site on Legit monitors.

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