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I'm not the admin of https://www.hyperion-trade.com


Hyperion Trade Inc. is an officially registered company in San Jose, Republic of Costa Rica. Hyperion Trade Inc. Company is duly organized and validly existing under the laws of Republic of Costa Rica. Investors capital is managed by financial analysts of Hyperion Trade Inc.. We conduct our business on forex trading, stock trading, real estate business, and oil trading. Also we have subdivisions dealing with investments in Internet advertising and gambling business sectors.


Investment plans:


Silver - 6% hourly for 24 hourse, Principal Included

10$ - 100$ 4.25% Total profit: 102%

101$ - 500$ 4.5% Total profit: 108%

501$ - 1000$ 4.75% Total profit: 114%

1001$ - 3000$ 5% Total profit: 120%

3001$ - 5000$ 5.25% Total profit: 126%

5001$ - 10000$ 5.75% Total profit: 138%

10001$ - 50000$ 6% Total profit: 144%


Gold - 245% after 2 days, Principal Return

10$ - 500$ 117%

501$ - 1000$ 120%

1001$ - 3000$ 125%

3001$ - 5000$ 150%

5001$ - 10000$ 175%

10001$ - 50000$ 245%


Platinum - 645% after 7 days, Principal Return

10$ - 500$ 142%

501$ - 1000$ 150%

1001$ - 3000$ 158%

3001$ - 5000$ 250%

5001$ - 10000$ 370%

10001$ - 50000$ 645%


* Accept Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money

* Referral program 4%

* SSL and DDoS protection

* Unique Server

* Unique Script

* Unique Design



Link to view and register ==>>



My deposit:


The amount of 50 USD has been withdrawn from your Perfect Money account. Date: 09:13 28.01.12. Batch: 7250199


The ROI inhere is varying because while some are high,some are moderate and reasonable.but since the program is still fresh going a round would be much more okay before opting out would be okay.


Minimum of $10 can be considered quite high for this hourly plan program, it should be something around $5 so that one can be able to afford to give it a try, it seems the ROI offered in here is not so high that a total of 2% in 24 hours for amounts up to $100 maximum is reasonable.

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