mixpepper22 Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 I'm not admin. New Hyip: Strong Dollars Welcome to StrongDollars. StrongDollars is an investment program, designed mainly for people who wish to make money online in the most secure way. Our program is mainly involved in forex trading, stock trading, real estate business, and oil trading. Besides these, we are involved in many offline profit generating activities to keep the smooth flow of the program. Our program is controlled by a group of specialists who are experts in the areas we have mentioned above. They know the best tactics to generate profits with the least risk, and with the least amount of money. Our expertise helps us to generate profits of millions of dollars, just with the usage of a few thousand dollars. Started Jan 4, 2012 Investments Plans 130% After 1 Day Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) SD1 $10 - $500 105.00 SD2 $501 - $1,000 106.00 SD3 $1,001 - $3,000 107.00 SD4 $3,001 - $5,000 108.00 SD5 $5,001 - $10,000 118.00 SD6 $10,001 - $50,000 130.00 245% After 3 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) SD7 $10 - $500 117.00 SD8 $501 - $1,000 120.00 SD9 $1,001 - $3,000 125.00 SD10 $3,001 - $5,000 150.00 SD11 $5,001 - $10,000 175.00 SD12 $10,001 - $50,000 245.00 645% After 7 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) SD13 $10 - $500 142.00 SD14 $501 - $1,000 150.00 SD15 $1,001 - $3,000 158.00 SD16 $3,001 - $5,000 250.00 SD17 $5,001 - $10,000 370.00 SD18 $10,001 - $50,000 645.00 1100% After 15 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) SD19 $10 - $500 200.00 SD20 $501 - $1,000 215.00 SD21 $1,001 - $3,000 237.00 SD22 $3,001 - $5,000 300.00 SD23 $5,001 - $10,000 735.00 SD24 $10,001 - $50,000 1100.00 2650% After 31 Days Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Special 1 $500 - $1,001 360.00 Special 2 $1,001 - $3,000 420.00 Special 3 $3,001 - $5,000 550.00 Special 4 $5,001 - $10,000 1001.00 Special 5 $10,001 - $50,000 2650.00 -We accept: Liberty Reserve / Perfect Money -Dedicated DDoS protected Server -SSL Secured - COMODO Group, Inc. -Referral commission: 5% - 3% - 1% Check GoldCoders' HYIP Manager Licensestrongdollars.com - Licensed CLICK HERE TO JOIN==>>> Im in Date : 2012-05-01 16:12:59 From/To Account : U2592206 (StrongDollars) Amount : -10.00 Currency : LRUSD Batch : 80967546 Memo : Deposit to StrongDollars - True Investments User richinvestmonitor
Beattykep Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Google Adwords owo doskonaly sposób na forma zycia efemeryczny przyplyw odwiedzajacych witryne. Wewnatrz 10 minut utworzenia nowej kampanii, mozna miec "gotowy do zakupu" gosci przybywajacych az do witryny internetowej. Caly Google Adwords technika jest skonfigurowany w istocie, ze czytelnicy sa ukierunkowane potencjalnych klientów oraz swoje wrazenia nie sa marnowane na niezainteresowanych internauci, jesli wiesz, co realizujemy. Adwords to równiez swietna przesiewowych gwoli systemu reklamowego. Wewnatrz jednego albo dubel chlosta szczególnosci, mozna powiedziec, bez wzgledu na to, azali proces promowania dziala czy nie poprzez sledzenie konwersji natomiast skladek przychodów. Mozesz dostosowac naglówek a odcienie, izby zobaczyc, dodatkowe skuteczne, przez inwestycja go w drodze Adwords w srodku wyniki chwili. Mimo owo skuteczne pozycjonowanie stron internetowych zajmuje troche czasu, izby nauczyc Adwords. Jesli jestes poczatkujacy, polecam srodowiska nizsze z dnia na dzien finansów. Adwords stroma krzywa nauki, i jesli nie jestes ostrozny, mozesz rzucic mnóstwo pieniedzy. Kup nawet na najlepsze przewodniki Adwords na przemysl, oraz badac je. Rozwaz notatek lacznie droga i zastosowac porady w kampanii. Nie chce po prostu podjac wszelkie kursy gdy inwestuja dolarów dla kazdego oraz kazde klikniecie, która jest produkowana. Odwazyc Adwords z innych metod marketingowych w częstochowa pozycjonowanie stron oraz zobaczyc kiedy owo pasuje w A radze zadnych marketingu online korzysta z programu AdWords w jakis sposób, mimo to tego stopnia, ze ??uzywasz go bedzie opierac sie na swoje doswiadczenie natomiast wyniki koncowe z poprzednio. Niektóre nisze sa duzo konkurentów w AdWords iz tego powodu moze nie byc idealne.
macky110 Posted January 5, 2012 Posted January 5, 2012 Among the latest short term hyips launched recently i think strong dollars looks promising.It has SSL encryption and DDOS protection which we do not see in all short term hyip sites,its new so we still have a chance to make 3-4 rounds here.
Syrine22 Posted January 6, 2012 Posted January 6, 2012 The most encouraging about this site is that it has a COMODO SSL script and also protection from DDOS which gives a total protection to our accounts but still yet the ROI is high and wouldnt be sustainable so going a round or two before opting out would be adviceable.
Guest Posted January 15, 2012 Posted January 15, 2012 This short term program has been much profitable for early investors so far for ten days now, it's still continues to be active, there is good number of monitors listing this site, all famous ones, that can be the reason for the popularity of this program, but it's using untrusted connection, which is risky to venture with.
kivanger Posted January 15, 2012 Posted January 15, 2012 I saw this site quickly get ranked on alexa but to invest, I would not do it right away even though I like the offerings that they provide. and if in say honestly, this site has a nice feature not foreve. I purpose in maintaining this site
BlackJack Posted January 15, 2012 Posted January 15, 2012 This short term program has been much profitable for early investors so far for ten days now, it's still continues to be active, there is good number of monitors listing this site, all famous ones, that can be the reason for the popularity of this program, but it's using untrusted connection, which is risky to venture with. Hmm, the admin run this program seriously. We can see it from the feature of this program's site. I am sure the admin spent a lot of money to buy SSL encryption and DDOS protection and also to buy the script of the site. He don't want to waste his money by making his investors disappointed so this program can survive until now.
Guest Posted January 17, 2012 Posted January 17, 2012 Hmm, the admin run this program seriously. We can see it from the feature of this program's site. I am sure the admin spent a lot of money to buy SSL encryption and DDOS protection and also to buy the script of the site. He don't want to waste his money by making his investors disappointed so this program can survive until now. well, I am not sure about SSL, since I couldn't access this site using https, or without https, every time there is untrusted connection error, and the message says the site is using invalid security certificate, but I can see monitors given active status for it for twelve days now.
Guest Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 Latest news letter update from the program that they are now officially opened on FaceBook ! check out their second news letter as on 17th January ! Jan-17-2012 06:42:10 PMStrongDollars News #2 I am proud to say that StrongDollars easily crossed first week online and became really hot program with a huge amount of members in short period of time. We paid already more than $74,000 and I think its shows that we have serious intentions to provide huge income to every our member. We would like to say thank you for introducing StrongDollars to your friends, family and other people. With your help we become bigger day by day and I am sure we will continue this fantastic growth. To continue with the good news, I would like to announce that StrongDollars is now officially on Facebook! I am sure most of you know that nowadays social networks became really important part of any business so if you happy with our service we ask you to became a fan of our Facebook page. You can find our page here: http://facebook.com/strongdollars I am sure that with your faith in our project, StrongDollars will become a very big program in 2012. Sure, there is still a plenty of work to do before we achieve this but we are ready for this challenge and we will make this happen. Best regards, David StrongDollars.com Admin
budado Posted January 22, 2012 Posted January 22, 2012 For me theirs only one question that I ask my self before I invest in a hyip site. First is that look for the longest plan a site have. Right now strongdollars has 2650% After 31 Days plan. Now do you think if you invest 500 dollars in here you can earn that much interest in 31 days? if yes then invest if not then don't. simple as that.
dewek15 Posted January 22, 2012 Posted January 22, 2012 I don't know what to say about this program. I believe they've got indeed agenda that's what with the facebook. To attract lots of innocent newbie that will jump to the idea of big return at the end of the month or what ever plan they chooses.
macky110 Posted January 22, 2012 Posted January 22, 2012 Yes thats right facebook is a good tool to attract new investors,we already know the power of facebook.Strongdollars has started getting good status and so far i could not see any complain regarding payments or any other issue so i feel its safe to invest for few days.
antthenait Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 First of all I can see their ssl activation but yet not sure about their lisence because site lock won't found. But I like their designing quality, expect that some traffic should bring after watching their smart looks and good scrolling feature. But I think that they have little bit error in scaling of design script or page design - need to solve as soon as possible. Plans are good that we can use this service for just $10 then our daily profit will be 5%. Only a pointed matter is their perfect connectivity of hyip proof forum. We can get daily update from those forums. Plans are good that we can get start with them for $10 only and here also our daily profit will be 5%. I like their multi-level ref. scheme; by which we should earn more profit on chain network, using down and down promo. Hopwfully we should get pay for a while.
rexway Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 As for me strongdollars or no strong dollars All is a Good program nice plan and Return,but i have already given my decision to Ev busines...thank you for leting us know this strong dollars of a thing
rexway Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 I don't know what to say about this program. I believe they've got indeed agenda that's what with the facebook.To attract lots of innocent newbie that will jump to the idea of big return at the end of the month or what ever plan they chooses. yes@dewek i agree with your reply but this shouldnt sound as a conclusion,because i have seen some payment proof here and with regard to Hyip no body can determin their staying or when to vanish,its all games...goodluck
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