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Link : https://www.lucidnature.com


Nature is not only the environment in which we live, in the long run nature is this vital part of our existence that leads us to changing our way of life, and our attitude towards the world and its inhabitants. For hundreds of years, the western civilization has ignored the nature.s importance and did not pay any special consideration to it. We had always been looking upon it as a lifeless entity. Nowadays we see an uprising in the awareness towards Nature, and we see that mainly in the bio-organic industry.


Plan :

Our investments in organic gardening products include: soil, natural nutrien, fertilizers, stimulants, and additive mixtures. We trade those products with producers, distributors, and consumers.

Depending on the invested amount, the return on our plans range from 137.5% to 162.5% for each investment made.. During the investment period of 25 Business days, you receive daily profits ranging from 1.5% to 2.5% in your Cash balance, which you can withdraw at any time. After the investment period is over, you receive your principal in your Cash balance.


Profits reflect in your account 24 hours after the time you made your investment. Each investment receives interest separately only on Business days (5 days a week).


Example: You invested at 4pm on Monday 19th of December.

- Tuesday 20th at 4pm you get first ROI.

- Wednesday 21st at 4pm second.

- Thursday 22nd at 4pm third.

- Friday 23rd at 4pm fourth.

- Saturday 24th at 4pm fifth.

- Sunday 25th you won't get any because the 24th was a Saturday.

- Monday 26th you won't get any because the 25th was a Sunday


Ref : 5%

Accept : LR, PM, STP


Link : https://www.lucidnature.com


137.5% In 25 business days is not a bad investment plan and i feel this hyip will be getting investors soon but admin should understand that it is very important to configure Rating page,the blank page without any monitor will definitely turns off potential investors.


A single monitor has been added on the ratings page of this site for now, having paying status for it, I think soon there will be lot of monitors seen on this ratings page, this one is using SSL security that is good feature of this site, also reasonable plans will help to get more investors for the site.

  • 4 weeks later...

Lucid Nature has been reviewed by popular MNO, check out the latest news update from the program on this as on 20th January !


Jan-20-2012 03:31:26 PM

Moving Forward and MNO Review


We would like to welcome all new members who joined Lucid Nature in the past few days. You

are more than welcome to contact us with any inquiries you might have.


As we are approaching the first cycle of principal payments, in around 2 weeks from now, we

would like to announce that we have been reviewed by one of the well-known review sites in the

online investing industry – Money News Online. Please feel free to read the full review posted on

their site here:



We would like to thank Money News Online for making this review and including Lucid Nature in

their Premium list of investing programs.


Our Alexa rank is increasing significantly. We are experiencing an uptrend, and we are growing in

a steady manner.


We are moving forward with more than 400 members who already joined us since our opening.

We would like to thank you all for making this happen, by spreading the word about the Lucid

Nature project and by posting your feedback on public forums and ranking monitors. We reward

our active clients with a 5% commission for attracting potential investors.


At Lucid Nature we are working hard on increasing our investors’ base and sustaining the

program. We are looking forward to making the first principal payments and making our clients’

experience, a pleasing journey.


Best Regards

Lucid Nature staff


The MNO review for Lucid nature will surely help the site grow big time and i can already see its improvements,more and more members are joining and investing.I feel its wise to invest here before its too late.


I think this site looks promising due to the fact that they're offering a ROI that should be sustainable for a long time.moreso been reveiwed by MN0 makes it totally.I think i would invest here on seeing at least one or more monitors monitoring their program.


The admin in his recent update as on 22nd January that is yesterday shares some link to an article which is non related to investing !



Organic Gardening and more

Today I would like to focus your attention on something that is non-investing related, but it has an educational value for your spare time.


I would like to present you with an interesting article about organic gardening - titled .Don't have much space for organic garden? Grow up!. It was published by www.clarionledger.com on the 19th of January 2012, and it concentrates its attention on the gardening in urban areas. This is the direct link to it:




Promotional advertising banners have been added in this program from different sizes, check out the latest news from Lucid Nature as on 26th January !


Jan-26-2012 06:15:02 PM

Face-lift and New Banners


This is a short update to inform you that we have added more promotional banners from different sizes. You can find them under ‘Promotional Material’ from the member menu after you login to your account.


We did also a face-lift of our front end. Some minor additions were made in the header and footer, as well as on the main page.


We will be adding a splash page in the coming days, which will further ease the promotional efforts of our members.


Apart from all that, everything is looking good on our end and new members are joining us every day. We get a significant amount of attention and feedback on the monitors and blogs. We will make sure to maintain this momentum for as long as possible.


Don’t forget to join us on our facebook, twitter and google plus pages:





Thank you for your attention and have a nice day/night,

Lucid Nature team


The site is under DDOS attack and is inaccessible at the moment, here is the urgent mail update from the admin o the same issue as on 28th January !


Jan-28-2012 10:43:03 PM

Downtime and more


Dear members,


Yesterday we were hit by a series of big DDoS attacks. The people responsible do not like the fact we are listed on certain monitor and wanted us to pay them or remove the monitor from our site. We are not negotiating with intimidators or extortionists.


On another note, we are 1 month old since the start of operations. We will send a congratulating email tomorrow informing you with how we did during this month and what is to be expected from us in the many months ahead of us.





Lucidnature had a big ddos attack however admin and his team managed to survive the server.I can access the site completely but observed its taking a little more time than usual to connect.I hope this will be fixed and admin will be back in the improvement.


Lucid Nature has been interviewed by MNO, latest news from the program as they are more than one month online as on 3rd Feb 2012 !


Feb-3-2012 08:45:55 PM

Interview and principal payments


We are happy to inform you that payments of principals have already started. Members who joined us in the first days of Lucid Nature are already making profits.


We have been interviewed by the famous MNO blog. We thank MNO for doing that. You can find the interview here:



We just turned one month old a week ago. We are more than happy to congratulate all members with our 1st month anniversary. We are glad for all the efforts the members did in promoting Lucid Nature and making it a success.


This was surely a challenging month where we have tackled all the hurdles the industry unveiled us with. Our numbers increased to over 600 members in the past weeks. We are climbing the traffic ranks of the most popular monitors and we have never missed a payment for over 30 days.


Best Regards,

Lucid Nature team

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