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Link : https://www.reliable-invest.com


Among many investment opportunities investments in Forex markets take one of the leading places and it’s quite understandable because has obvious advantages such as high liquidity, profitability or high leverage. Forex market is the biggest financial market in the world, with a potential of fast and great gains and a sizable number of investors.


Hi, my name is Martin and since three years I am Forex trader together with two other colleagues; over time we have gained experience on Forex trading and at this moment we concluded that we can do more. This is why we started the project Reliable-Invest.com; project in which we put a lot of work and many hopes.


How we working? We started to transaction in the Forex market. And then pay part of the profit of the daily transactions to investors for investment into our system. We will pay every day except of Saturday and Sunday. The maturity period is variable (see investment plans) and once maturity period has past your principal will expire and you can withdraw or continue to reinvest it.


Your funds will bring you stable earnings every day!


Plan :

PLAN C - Long-haul 1.80% daily for 180 Days

PLAN B - Confident 1.40% daily for 100 Days

PLAN A - Enrollment 1.00% daily for 60 Days


Accept : LR, PM, AP

Min : 5$


Link : https://www.reliable-invest.com


well, this program looks worth giving a try, even the plan term do not exceed a six months, minimum of $5 is affordable, even the last plan that has the highest ROI in offer, which is 1.8% daily has minimum set at $25, not so high, but the principal will be locked for 180 days, so it is a long term plan.


But it was too long to wait to earn from this program, 60 days to be the least, well this kind of long term investment programs are those that I don't like too much because I need to wait long to enjoy the fruit of my investment.


It looks like Reliable-Invest is not reliable anymore since i am seeing Not Paid status on Hyipscope monitor however other monitors did not updated the status yet.I am just wondering how could this hyip gone so early.



yeah, I have noticed that too, monitor, HyipScope moved the status to NOT PAID, and the rest of all also have waiting status for it, but I think it is too fast to declare it scam, the reason for no payments can be that the site is not going to generate profits on non business days and there is some news on the site about ad banners on 27th December, so they are in a to promote their site now.

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