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Who we are

ESPN INVEST, is an offshore investment company established in 2001 by a group of well experienced foreign exchange brokers and analysts. Our investment strategy is based on proven methods with proper risk management. Our investment strategy is strictly based on principles of risk management, so we do not limit ourselves in areas of investment. We plan carefully to share our investment on different areas of financial market which allows our company to provide attractive & guaranteed profits to our clients worldwide. We are dedicated to provide professional & genuine investment service combining with our technical resources and human experience on Forex trading which results in benefit of our clients.




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Date:11/28/2011 17:15


From:U6717123 (ESPN Trade D...)

Amount:+ $2.50




first of all, your thread format in incorrect,

follow proper thread format before posting new threads,

and you have posted your payment proof in this section, which is violation of our forum rules, please post your payment proofs in concerned section,


this is Duplicate thread.

please do search before posting new threads.

follow the discussion for this program in here :


thread closed !

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