hoanglong Posted November 8, 2011 Posted November 8, 2011 I am not admin! http://www.infinite-profit.com/ Infinite-profit.com is a team of financial experts who use money to invest in Forex trading.Infinite Profit is a long term High Yeld Investment Program, that gives You the chance to achieve finacial stability *This investment plan is for 15 WORKING days. Payments of interest are made daily to your Infinite Profit account. Compounding is available from 0% to 100% and Principal will be returned after plan completion (15 WORKING days). PLAN Accept: LR, PM http://www.infinite-profit.com/
Guest Posted November 8, 2011 Posted November 8, 2011 looks like this is a new program as this thread has been posted today for the first time, but this page is not opening from my end, there is problem with loading of this site, actually this domain is redirecting to some other domain and then unable to get connected to the site, I think this technical issue, if any, to be fixed soon. Unable to connectFirefox can't establish a connection to the server at infinite-profit.rmcv.pt.
hoanglong Posted November 13, 2011 Author Posted November 13, 2011 Infinite-profit.com - 13 November, 2011 =============================================== Dear users. Good weekend to all our investors... Please keep in mind, that during weekends, infinite-profit.com, although doesn't pay interest, DOES pay the withdrawals requests... Good investments, and thank you for invest with us... Infinite Profit ===============================================
Guest Posted November 13, 2011 Posted November 13, 2011 well, I can now get access to the site and also have noticed that this program has got PAYING status on monitors so far, for five days now, the last payment proof of 11th November can be found around, the minimum that is set at $3 is affordable for anyone, the ROI is also sustainable, but the site looks using cheap script.
hyipreal.com Posted November 14, 2011 Posted November 14, 2011 Date: 11/14/2011 2:00 PM Batch: 76437033 From Account: U9224929 (Infinite Profit) Amount: $0.15 Memo: Withdraw to Join Peter from infinite-profit Thank you for investing with infinite-profit
MBNMonitor Posted November 14, 2011 Posted November 14, 2011 Program looks good. If it works well, I think it will going to stay here for a good time. I just deposited USD100 here. get ready for my payment updates.
hoanglong Posted November 14, 2011 Author Posted November 14, 2011 Infinite-profit.com Daily news =========================================== Hello Hoang long Nha It's with great pleasure that we announce that we are going for 2nd week now, and we are making profit from your money... Profit from ALL you customers deposits is now close to $734... Also, we have great hope we'll have a boom in sign ups and deposits this week, so we can invest more money with more safety... And, as we want to be as serious as we can, we inform all investors, that if no one else made anymore deposits, we could pay everyone in the 15 working days... Thank you for investing with infinite-profit.com ===========================================
Guest Posted November 14, 2011 Posted November 14, 2011 well, that is good to know from the above mail update from the admin of the program that they are doing well, making better profits with the investors' money, the admin ensures us that every investor will be paid in the fifteen days plan, the ROI is low and reasonable so there is chances for this program to stay active for few rounds.
hyipreal.com Posted November 15, 2011 Posted November 15, 2011 Date: 11/15/2011 2:06 PM Batch: 76543062 From Account: U9224929 (Infinite Profit) Amount: $0.15 Memo: Withdraw to Join Peter from infinite-profit PAYING !!! I will Update proof a.s.a.p !
Guest Posted November 15, 2011 Posted November 15, 2011 this one has been paying for one week so far, I have noticed that this program has been popular in these days and has got a lot of investors so far, we can check out the paid out page on the site, but it is important that the program should stay active for at least 15 days so that the early investors can get their principal back !
hyipreal.com Posted November 16, 2011 Posted November 16, 2011 Date: 11/16/2011 2:48 PM Batch: 76650361 From Account: U9224929 (Infinite Profit) Amount: $0.15 Memo: Withdraw to Join Peter from infinite-profit Pay FAST !
hoanglong Posted November 16, 2011 Author Posted November 16, 2011 Infinite-profit.com Daily news ===================================== We at infinite-profit.com would like to advise that all members that are now registered for more than 5 working days and never made a deposit, are now being deleted from our database... Also, our LR acc. balance is in $1573.69, meaning we have MORE than enough to not only pay to all our customers, but also take a lot of new customers... Our profit in 14/11/11, came from investing in Portugal's PSI20, We are currently using GCI Financial Ltd. Thank you for investing with infinite-profit.com =====================================
Guest Posted November 16, 2011 Posted November 16, 2011 well, the program clears things to their clients their trading strategies as well as the profits earned through trading the investors' money, and in their news update, they also warned that they will be deleting inactive accounts from their database, I think it is right thing to do so.
hoanglong Posted November 19, 2011 Author Posted November 19, 2011 infinite-profit.com news =============================== Due to some LR issues we were late at some payments this friday... We are now taking control of everything and we're paying (worst case scenario) until 10pm Saturday... (GMT TIME). But efforts are being made, so we can make all payments this friday 10pm (GMT TIME). We're sorry about the inconvenience, and we also, want to guarantee our customers that compounding is assured for this weekend, since it was our fault, friday payments weren't made... Thank you for investing with us, Infinite-profit.com ===============================
budado Posted November 19, 2011 Posted November 19, 2011 Nice to see that theirs proof of payments. But when I do some research I found out this. Before theirs a site name infinite-profit also. but it does end to .net and not .com. Although they are totally different site but because of identical name. I'm wondering if its own by the same owner.
Guest Posted November 25, 2011 Posted November 25, 2011 though there is update from the admin, around a week ago, regarding the pending payments, I don't think that explanation or excuse asked is enough, the status is already NOT PAYING or PROBLEM, even the monitors that show paying status for it, have last payout information as 18th Nov, thus this one seems to have stopped to pay around a week ago.
budado Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Last payments as I check is november 17. So that means this site is not paying for ten days now. I guess its time to close this thread.Ten days is just too long to wait to get paid. Although in other hyip monitoring sites its status is still paying. But if you check they don't get paid for some time now. And beware. The site is still accessible. So don't be fooled and don't add or invest in here.
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