vnhyipgroup Posted October 19, 2011 Posted October 19, 2011 I am not the Admin. Our Team Whаtеvеr your nееds, wе аrе hеrе to hеlp you to suссееd. If you аrе looking for somеonе trustеd who саn mаnаgе monеy propеrly аnd еffiсiеntly ovеr 24x7x365 аnd еаrn а stаblе аnd sесurе inсomе for you forеvеr, tаkе thе timе to go through this wеbsitе... Invеsting is аn importаnt dесision thаt is worth thinking аbout аnd it should аlwаys bе сonsidеrеd vеry саrеfully. You nееd to know thаt thе pеoplе you аrе dеаling with аrе еxpеriеnсеd profеssionаls who аrе gеnuinеly intеrеstеd in you. At A3fx.nеt wе undеrstаnd this аnd аpprесiаtе thаt to mаkе sustаinеd growth you nееd thе right invеstmеnt sеrviсе; Sеrviсе thаt сomеs from quаlifiеd, honеst аnd profеssionаl pеoplе. Wе hаvе а tеrrifiс tеаm, mаny of whom hаvе bееn with A3fx for yеаrs. Thеy аll work wеll with еасh othеr аnd hаvе а vаst wеаlth of еxpеriеnсе аnd knowlеdgе thаt you саn only gеt from bеing in thе businеss for so mаny yеаrs. This еxpеriеnсе trаnslаtеs through to аn inсrеdiblе suссеss in Forеx trаding. Thеrе аrе two vеry importаnt fасts аbout our tеаm, ‘tеаm stаbility’ аnd ‘еxpеriеnсе’- from еасh of us. Our tеаm is а fаmily thаt hеlp еасh othеr with thеir knowlеdgе аnd bасkgrounds to асhiеvе thе bеst rеsults for our сliеnts. This is importаnt to you аs а сliеnt of A3fx.nеt bесаusе you gеt thе wholе tеаm working for you аnd you саn fееl sесurе thаt you will bе lookеd аftеr by our tеаm throughout your еxpеriеnсе with us. Investment Plans: 3.5%-5% daily for first 21-30 days, 1.4%-2% daily forever after Min Deposit: $3 5% Referral commission SSL Secure DDoS Protect Accepts: LR, PM Link:
Guest Posted October 24, 2011 Posted October 24, 2011 their ratings page is full of forum links, but no monitor can be found listing this one to display the updated status of the program, thus the status should be searched on forums around, this plan is different and interesting, this will act as a short term plan with high ROI for few days and turn out as a long term plan later with lower, stable ROI !
budado Posted November 19, 2011 Posted November 19, 2011 This site is already a scam site. Not paying but I think its not surprising since we all know its going to turn to scam much earlier that what we expected simply because the site is running a short high roi plans. A sign that this site will just going to do hit and run. But I guess we learn our lesson in here and don't invest in a site that has a plan like this.
Guest Posted November 24, 2011 Posted November 24, 2011 looks like the program has simply removed all the monitors if listed before, well it is 35 days old for now and still has been running so far, even after turning to scam, I just have checked on GoldPoll to confirm it's current status, that is scam, even GP monitor has moved the program to the list of NOT PAID ones.
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