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Welcome to Soaret Investment!


Our company is a result of successful work of 40 people who started to work on the forex market seven years ago. We have linked our endeavour so we could trade on Forex more productively. Our main goal is to raise our trading budget for obtaining more profit for us and our investors with as little risk involved as possible, This program is a real investment, which returns are all generated from real-life investments.


Our investment strategies are built on solid, proven to work forex trading techniques developed by an elite reputable group of fund management professionals. Soaret Investment is looking forward to providing its investors very attractive returns, while covering the risks during down markets and amplifying the earnings during consistently strong markets.


Security of funds is ensured by the largest retail forex dealer in the world, FXCM. The company boasts over 30 000 clients who collectively place over $10 billion in trades per month. Working with the leading FX broker allows us to push our trading potential to its limits.


Our team entirely consists of experienced and qualified professionals with broad of many years experience of investing in the capital market. We are constantly developing new, effective investment products and strategies for our existing and future clients and investors.


Risk and reward, careful research, prudent management of resources and sensible asset allocation. All these remain important tools that investors need to put to good use.


Plans: 5% daily forever




Cashout Term: Every Day of the Week

Payment Term: Manually Processed within 5min - 48Hours

Investment Duration: Lifetime of Program



Accepts LR, PM, AP


5% ref. bonus


Link: http://soaret.com/


well, this one has been officially opened on 28th September, that is a week old by now,

the design of the program is so nice and attractive, but I have noticed few of the monitors in the ratings page have not yet updated the status of the program, and still show waiting status for it, and the rest of the monitors with paying status claim to have been paid on 2nd October, the last from this one.


Soaret Investment Weekend Update: The program has been reviewed by MNO which proof proved that it's stable and paying, at least for now, follow the link to the review for more information :)

Hello Everyone,


Today marks the beginning of a weekend and we hope you are going to take out time for your family and friends and enjoy together, to those in India who just concluded their festival we hope you had nice time. We care beyond your investment with us, we want to build a good rapport with all our partners.


For today update, I am pleased to inform you that the Admin of Money-News-Online one of our monitoring blog has reviewed Soaret Investment and here is what he said: http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/10/06/06102011-soaretinvestment-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/ read on people. Well we are the major team and we continue to stress that we are sticking to our plan, it’s going to be profitable to our members we can assure you that with at least 90% confidence.


For now, withdrawal request has been processed and we hope every one of you have a wonderful weekend.




well, most of the monitors now have updated the last paid information of this program as on 7th October, 2011, that is just few hours ago,

thus this one has been an active program with life time of eight days and also having DDOS protection as well, there is enough monitors listing this one.


Soaret.com - Investment Update

Admin's News Letter Update October 13, 2011 11:56 AM GMT + 8 (Thursday)


Hello Today,


We welcome all our new members on board. At Soaret Investment Our primary business is in the Global Financial Market in the majority of European and America territory.


There has been an amazing amount of response and our member base has been growing with every passing day. We want to thank all our members for this support and for trusting us. All your promotion on forums and sites has helped to make this online project a success. We want to assure you that all your trust, efforts will be rewarded.


Just to remind all our new members there is 5% referral commission and this means that earning opportunities is limitless. We provide investment opportunity to investors in any country in the world instantly with the utilization of Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, SolidTrustPay and AlertPay as financial facilitators of your funds.


Soaret Investment holds a strong paying status, we pay all members and we are happy to process more withdrawal request within minimum time frame.


Best regards,



Soaret Investment



do you want the admin add a new plan to the program, you can suggest the admin, directly from the site, there is a poll, added to the site, here is the latest news update from this program !


It is without doubt that we inform you that Soaret has become one of the most stable online programs today, although we know as experts we do not envisage anything less but still we couldn’t have achieved this without your support hence we are using this means to say thanks to “You”.


A poll was added on our homepage whether or not you want a new plan for Soaret Investment, we want your honest vote and we hope to implement based on the result and decision of our management team. We remain a paying program and we have waxed so strong since our official launch. Over the weekend we had interview with the Admin of MoneyNewsOnline and you can read about it here: http://money-news-online.com/blog/20...retinvestment/ , Also Soaret Investment was reviewed by hyipnewsreview, you can read by clicking on: http://www.hyipnewsreviews.com/2011/...om-review.html .


We give you our word, we are not going to operate below success and we hope to satisfy our members in every way we can, withdrawal request are been processed in minutes and everything is working just perfect for us.


Once again, Thanks for your wonderful support.


Sincerely yours,

Josh Wills.


This program is going all the way now fullfilling all the requirements needed for an investment program plus having a review by a famous hyip blogger

this is a good opportunity to enter early.


this program has been active so far for exactly twenty three days so far, well, it's good to have a reliable program like this, but the minimum is set at $50 which can be unaffordable by many of us, but still this is just the beginning stage of it so I think this one is worth a minimum of $50 to invest in and enjoy the future profits from them.

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