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Worldptcbux pays you to view advertisements provided by our sponsors.


We strive to connect advertisers with potential customers. This way, both parties benefit from our services. Our innovative features for members give them flexibility and more earning potential. We are always ready to take any advice into consideration.


We offer you detailed statistics of your earnings through your own clicks and your referrals.


standard members can earn upto 0.01$ per click and 0.001$ per refferal click


maximum ads =6


We offer you detailed statistics of your earnings through your own clicks and your referrals. Earn up to $0.03 per click and $0.03 for every referral click.


payment processors: alertpay


minimum payout=3$


join here:




The minimum payout will be $5.00 for the first cashout, $7.00 for the second, $9.00 for the third and $10.00 for every one after that. There are 15 ads currently available where in standards will have 6 at $0.01 each.


They offer member earn up to $0.03 per click and $0.03 for every referral click.Before the rates is $0.01 per own click and referral click,may be they change the rates already.I don't see any payment make by admin or user posting payment post on the site,may be the reason is it's just a new site.

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