vnhyipgroup Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 I am not the admin. "Motorboats-online" is an online investment company, which officially is owned by "Boatmasters Limited" and is a legally registered company with the Companies House UK. Our company started in 2009 and stakes out the market of trading the most popular marine transport – motor boats made in Holland (Netherlands). Why Holland? Because a huge amount of not expensive but qualitative boats and are run and sold in Holland. Almost all of them have been run with care on rivers and channels. Most were built in Holland itself famous for shipbuilding industry. Plans: 1% daily for 18 days, 1.2% daily for 28 days, 1.4% daily for 38 days, 1.7% daily for 48 days Minimum spend: $10 Accepts LR, PM 5% ref. bonus Link :
Guest Posted August 31, 2011 Posted August 31, 2011 the design of the program is good, but it would have been better, if they also add monitors to the program, well, the plan features are attractive, but not that interesting program, to risk $10 minimum, overall, I guess it can survive for few days due to low ROI of 1% offered.
umeghayu Posted September 13, 2011 Posted September 13, 2011 Announce From Only 2 days - 13th and 14th September! We are pleased to announce that today, exactly two weeks from the start of our program! Therefore, only 2 days - 13th and 14th September! When you open a deposit of $ 100 to $ 200 - bonus of 3%. When you open a deposit of 2 plan - bonus of 4%. When you open a deposit on 3 plan - bonus of 5%. When you open a deposit on 4 plan - 7% bonus! Also, investors who already have a deposit - bonus 1%!
Guest Posted September 13, 2011 Posted September 13, 2011 so the admin is giving a bonus to all investors of 1% on the occasion of two weeks completed successfully, well, depending on the plan we invest, the bonus offer up to 7% is quite good and attractive, let's hope this way the program gain funds that stabilize this one.
antthenait Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 Plans ware really so good and profitable for us, because we can get 1% daily profit and their requirements ware not so high only $10 min deposit amount with 18 days maturity. From them we should gain little best profit like 15%-20% total increment. But unfortunately this site is down for me now - probably they might lost their bandwidth or expired their domain or hopefully admin should upgrade their account. [Proof] Server not found
Guest Posted September 20, 2011 Posted September 20, 2011 this site is still unavailable and the problem loading the page still exists, though the ROI is low and sustainable in their plans, there seems the site is closed already, it can be considered as a fast scam type of program that not run for at least a month.
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