hoanglong Posted August 24, 2011 Posted August 24, 2011 I am not Admin! http://www.offshoreprivateplacement.com/ Offshore Private Placment is a business that invest in actual companys. Our website enables investors to find, buy or sell, and manage a potentially profitable enterprise. By simplifying the ability to invest online, we also balance the benefits and liabilities of each business, while empowering people to make money in a suitable placement. We look for companys that require extra capital to expand. We also invest in real estate. When investing in realestate we look for sites that make money and break the profit into units that allows small investor to get there foot in the door. Plan A Minimum: $10.00 ROI: 105% After 30 Days Maximum: 9998.00 Plan B Minimum: $10.00 ROI: 120% After 90 Days Maximum: 10000.00 Plan C Minimum: $10.00 ROI: 150% After 180 Days Maximum: 10000.00 Plan D Minimum: $100.00 ROI: 210% After 365 Days Maximum: 10000.00 http://www.offshoreprivateplacement.com/
Guest Posted August 24, 2011 Posted August 24, 2011 that is too low ROI to pay just 5% for a whole month, this will be definitely slow profit program, it can take ever to reach BEP like 20 months, that is around a year, there is currently no monitors listing this one.
subhadipsaha2011 Posted September 12, 2011 Posted September 12, 2011 This site has currently no monitors listing this one. The ROI is too low to pay just 5%for a 30 days. Also this site has no monitor listing and payment processor that i think.
Guest Posted September 12, 2011 Posted September 12, 2011 well, there is no long period of principal locking, it's just one month that we can also withdraw the principal along with the profit for the month, as there is a note with every plan information, like that we can invest $100 and withdraw $105 after 30 days !
antthenait Posted September 25, 2011 Posted September 25, 2011 Looking very bright site that has direct registration page that mean they need direct involvements of some traffic. Hopefully they should pay us, I like their designing front look. Plans are really so good that 5% benefit will be made after 30 days. Though their plans are really so tiny but I like it because small legit is better than any big scam.
Guest Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 the monitors have changed the current status of this program to WAITING for now, it's look like more than a month old, or around 45 days so far, but yet there is no update on their payment system, since the minimum term of the plans is 30 days, I think the status must have been updated by now.
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