Shared 2 Earn
Users can preview and select articles to share via Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.
For each friend that reads each article you earn $0.06.
The articles that you share have adverts which creates the websites revenue,
which they in turn share with you.
The program will track the length of time an article is interacted with,
so immediate closing of an article and/or repeat viewings do not earn you funds.
Minimum withdrawel is $2, and paid via PayPal, Payza, or Webmoney.
Invite Friends to Shared 2 Earn and earn a bonus 30% on top of their earnings.
Referrals run 5 levels deep.
Views in US, Britain, Australia, Canada, and most european countries pay at $0.06
per view whilst others pay reduced rates.
Link with referral - Shared 2 Earn